Wednesday, January 29, 2020

White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book

White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book
The White House has issued a formal threat to former national security adviser John Bolton to keep him from publishing his book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kushner Diplomacy
White House senior adviser and President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner took shots at Palestine in rare television appearances this week to defend his long-awaited Middle East peace proposal.
Kushner appeared on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning and argued in favor of the deal, which was negotiated with Israel and has already been rejected by Palestine.

Ed. note: I saw Kushner interviewed by Christiane Amanpour on her show yesterday. What a smug botoxed wisp of a man.

Republican Shenanigans

You might be a Republican if the thing you're most afraid of is a fair trial. - Middle Age Riot

Trump's War on the Media Is Going Swimmingly
President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his testy confrontation with an NPR journalist last week, saying Pompeo "did a good job on her."
The remark — which drew raucous laughter in the East Room — came after Trump offered appreciation for Pompeo at the rollout of the White House's Middle East peace plan.

The only thing more satisfying than watching Kamala Harris make Brett Kavanaugh cry on national television would be watching Kamala Harris make Donald Trump cry on national television. - OhNoSheTwint


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Alan Dershowitz ate alone at the lunch break. - Joe Lockhart

Rock The Voter News

Let’s not forget that Trump now wants to screen out immigrants so that we only get the ones with money. I just don’t want that to get lost amid all the positive news constantly coming out of this administration. - Bette Midler

A #POTUS whose name alone creates division and anger. Whose words inspire dissension and hatred  can't possibly "Make America Great Again" - Kobe Bryant, 2017 tweet


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Business/Tech News

Can’t wait for Trump to use his presidential power to demand that all women get boob jobs because it is good for the American economy. - Liddle' Savage tweet

So Now Trump Is Mad At Russia?
The Trump administration on Wednesday announced new sanctions related to Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
The Treasury Department designated eight individuals in Ukraine in response to Russian aggression in the region, seven of whom are acting as government officials in Crimea with Russia's backing and without authorization from Ukraine and who were also designated by the European Union on Tuesday.


We are in the midst of a battle for the soul of our nation right now. 
How are you holding up?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I don't know if this is photoshopped or not but I would love to cross country ski there.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

She's Just Biden Her Time

Graham: if Bolton called, ‘There will be 51 Republican votes’ to call the Bidens 
Sen. Lindsey Graham said if Democrats are going to try to bring John Bolton as a witness at the Senate impeachment trial then Democrats should be prepared to see former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and other key Democrats hauled in as well.

Has Hunter Biden been impeached yet? - Ming Solenya Nethery

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Ken Starr pushed so rabidly for the impeachment of Pres. Clinton that his ethics adviser resigned, telling Starr, `You have violated your obligations under the independent counsel statute and have unlawfully intruded on the power of impeachment.” - Paul Begala

One Of Trump's Burned Bridges Believes Bolton
President Donald Trump is denying that he told former National Security Adviser John Bolton he wanted to withhold military aid from Ukraine until the country launched investigations into Joe Biden and his son, allegations that Bolton levies in his new book, according to news reports.
But one of Trump’s former top aides told a Sarasota crowd Monday evening that if the reporting on what Bolton wrote is accurate, he believes Bolton.
“If John Bolton says that in the book I believe John Bolton,” said retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff for 18 months.

I can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to see Trump’s stupid name or his stupid smirk or his stupid tweets or his stupid goons. A whole Trump-free day, then week, then year. It will be beautiful. - Bryce Tache

Republican Shenanigans

It’s mind blowing the White House had a copy of the Bolton book and nobody thought to call Mitch McConnell about it. It’s like drilling with your cavalry for months only to send them into actual battle without mentioning the horses spook at gunfire. - Kasie Hunt, NBC

Who Leaked Bolton's Book?
The White House and John Bolton’s team agree on this much, at least: It wasn’t us.
As the explosive news of the former national security adviser’s forthcoming book ricochets across Washington — it reportedly accuses the president of tying military aid to Ukraine to investigations of Democrats — each side in the emerging dispute is begging off responsibility for leaking to the New York Times.

2014: Joe Biden is the Vice President.
2014: Hunter Biden joins the board of Burisma.
2014: GOP win control of Senate and House.
They had such a problem with it, such a concern, you know what they did?
They waited...
<checks notes> 
6 years to investigate it. - YS tweet

After a certain threshold of lies, politicians should have to wear a portable polygraph at all times.
Like an ankle bracelet for unrepentant liars. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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Dear Melania,
Michelle Obama just won a Grammy.
Pretty much the definition of"Be Best."
- Lane tweet

Rock The Voter News

Joe Biden is one of those white people black people like. He’s Irish, stays out of the way and doesn’t want a cookie for things he did in 1962. - Jason Elias

Prince Pompeo Is Pissed. No Rapture For NPR!
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s quarrel with NPR escalated on Monday after one of the radio network’s reporters was barred from flying on the secretary’s plane during an upcoming trip to Ukraine.
Michele Kelemen, a veteran reporter for the network, was removed from the list of reporters allowed to fly with Pompeo on a trip to Eastern Europe, only days after the secretary reportedly exploded at another NPR reporter for asking questions about Ukraine. The State Department Correspondents’ Association swiftly condemned the move in a statement on Monday.

People are pointing out the obvious irony/hypocrisy of Starr decrying the normalization of impeachment, but the deeper message here is pretty clear, though not quite stated: We're absolutely going to impeach the next Democratic president. - Chris Hayes, MSNBC


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Paul Manafort is still in jail. 

Mike Flynn is going to jail.

Geriatric Trump Ur-lackey Roger Stone has been destroyed.

Trump hasn’t lifted a finger to help single one of them. He screws everyone. 

how the hell are elected Republican officials missing this fundamental point? - Rick Wilson

Business/Tech News

A Reminder That Puerto Rico Hasn't Recovered From Hurricane Maria And Now This
Puerto Rico opened just 20 percent of its public schools Tuesday after delaying opening nearly three weeks amid ongoing earthquakes that have rocked the island.

Study Finds Being Comatose Or Dead Is Best Way To Deal With Current Political Climate. - tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I saw this delightful creation on Facebook. I received a chainsaw for my birthday last year. Hmmm.


Monday, January 27, 2020

Beyonce Set To Perform At Trump's Impeachment Halftime Show

Ken Starr Decries ‘An Age Of Impeachment,’ Democrats Find His Comments ‘Surreal’
President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team turned over its presentation on Monday to former independent counsel Ken Starr, who in an ironic turn argued that Congress tries to impeach presidents too often.

As you look at Ken Starr, always remember that he was complicit in covering up multiple sexual assaults at Baylor, and ousted as president, was complicit in giving Jeffrey Epstein an illicit free hand to molest more young girls. He is simply a despicable human being. - Norm Ornstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Guess what? You can believe John Bolton’s account of Trump’s crimes AND still think he’s a piece of shit who cares more about selling his book than saving his country. It’s easy. I’m doing it right now. - OhNoSheTwint

Bolton Drops Bombshell
Former National Security Advisor John Bolton reportedly undercuts President Donald Trump’s primary legal defense against impeachment in his forthcoming book–a manuscript that is said to confirm that the hold on aid to Ukraine was ordered directly by the president and that the release of that aid was entirely dependent on investigations of the Bidens. Now lawyers are raising questions about what the president’s lawyers knew about this and if they could be liable for making false statements to the Senate.

You might be a Republican if the thing you're most afraid of is a fair trial. - Middle Age Riot

Republican Shenanigans

Trump was worried about Obama bugging Trump Tower with sophisticated CIA techniques, but he's able to get recorded by small-time crooks at dinner for 85 minutes totally undetected.
Imagine what Russia has on him. - Leslie tweet

Elmer Gantry Is Paula White In Drag
President Donald Trump's spiritual adviser Paula White defended herself on Sunday against criticism over a prayer she made earlier this month in which she asked for "all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now," saying her words were taken "out of context for political gain."

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” — William Shakespeare

GOP senators: "I refuse to look at any of your stupid evidence"also GOP senators: "I WAS BLINDSIDED TO LEARN OF THIS EVIDENCE" - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

What an ironic twist of fate that Ken Starr is now in front of the Senate basically giving Trump a bj. - Nick Jack Pappas

When Your Wife Is More Important Than The Impeachment Trial
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said on Sunday that he would miss part of the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump to be with his wife, Joyce Miller, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
“On Monday, I will be in New York with her to meet with doctors, determine a path forward, and begin her treatment,” Nadler said in a statement. “I am sorry to miss some of the Senate Impeachment Trial, which is of critical importance to our democracy. I plan to return to Washington late Monday and appreciate the support of my colleagues and staff as I take this time to be with my wife and begin the long fight against her cancer.”

Bolton Pledges To Donate All Proceeds From Book Towards Killing Iranians. - The Onion


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CDC Urges Americans To Just Say No If Friend Offers Them Coronavirus. - The Onion

Business/Tech News

LA County Sheriff rightly slams TMZ for breaking the Kobe news before his family could be informed. They are a despicable organization. - Scott Fineberg

Could The Coronavirus Come To A Town Near You?
More than 100 people in 26 states are being monitored for the new coronavirus that has killed 81 people in China, a U.S. health official said Monday.
Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said 110 people are "under investigation" for the virus but added that human-to-human transmission of the virus has not been documented in the U.S.

Boarding a flight in Costa Rica. A little boy in front of me was holding his phone then turned to the adult male he was with and said “TMZ said Kobe died!!” Every passenger reached for their phones and some starting crying. His impact was global. My heart breaks for his family. - Jamal Spencer



Seems legit.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lake Baikal, Russia. A reminder that not everything in Russia is ugly.
