Monday, December 30, 2019

Obama, Trump tied for most admired man

Obama, Trump tied for most admired man: Gallup
Barack Obama and Donald Trump are tied this year as the most admired man. It is Obama's 12th time in the top spot versus the first for Trump. Michelle Obama is the most admired woman for the second year in a row.

It would be nice to have a president who wanted to protect our planet, who wanted to protect us from Russia and North Korea. Someone who is good to our allies and fortified our relationships with them, instead of destroying all of the above. Here’s to 2020. Don’t lose hope. - Chelsea Handler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

People who use the Bible to justify their support of Donald Trump are descendants of people who used the Bible to justify slavery, so it's a family tradition. - Middle Age Riot

Ivanka Is As Heartless As Her Father
President Donald Trump's daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump skirted questions on her father's immigration record in an interview this month, saying his notorious "family separation" policy was not part of her "portfolio."
In a pre-taped interview that aired on Face The Nation Sunday, CBS' Margaret Brennan pressed Ivanka on her father's immigration record, pointing out that hundreds of immigrant children still had yet to be reunited with their parents after being separated under Trump's "zero tolerance" family separation policy.

‘New York Times’ Offers To Disclose Whistleblower Identity To Readers Who Subscribe In Next 24 Hours. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

GOP Lawmakers Watch Silently As Trump Strangles Each Of Their Loved Ones In Turn. - The Onion

Pompeo Is Pulling a Rudy Giuliani. He's Going To Ukraine!
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit Ukraine this week, making his first trip to the country at the heart of President Donald Trump’s impeachment.
As the Senate weighs options for a trial, Pompeo will depart Thursday on a five-nation tour of Europe and Central Asia. Ukraine will be the first stop on the trip, the State Department said Monday.

Gaslighting is telling the world that the First Lady speaks six languages fluently when no one has heard her speak even one intelligibly. - Fred Harding


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Rock The Voter News

71% of Americans, including 64% of Republicans, want Trump’s aides to testify in the Senate impeachment trial. I might be high, but that looks like a majority to me. - Chelsea Handler

Oh Mayor Pete, Bush Lied & Flew Our 9-11 Grief Into Iraq
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Sunday hit frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden for his role in backing the Iraq war, which the South Bend, Ind., mayor deemed the nation’s “worst foreign policy decision” of his lifetime. 

2012 Twitter: what idiot called it iced coffee & not cool beans lol

2019 Twitter: I have an open wound but don’t have health insurance until next month, anyone know if saran wrap will work. - SortaBad tweet


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Business/Tech News

I love how red states express their hatred of blue states with no awareness that they are subsidized by them. - Bradley Whitford

Good For Seattle. They Have No Patience for Anti-Vaxxers.
Students in Seattle Public Schools will not be allowed to return to the classroom until they provide proof that they have been vaccinated against measles. ... Students who are not vaccinated by the deadline will be barred until they provide the required documentation, and their absences will be recorded as unexcused.

“If only these pancakes were more stressful to eat” -the Inventor of Waffles - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This sloth looks as though he's contemplating how to spend New Year's Eve.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Trump Retweets Article Which Names Alleged Whistleblower

Trump Retweets Article Which Names Alleged Whistleblower
President Donald Trump retweeted an article, Thursday night, which contained the name of a person alleged to be the whistleblower who filed a complaint relating to the commander-in-chief’s dealings with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. It is the first time Trump has promoted the name in any manner.

Does anyone know if Trump will be tried as an adult? - John Lundin

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump Honors Brave Heroes Who Slept With Wives Of Deployed Soldiers - The Onion

Two Alabama National Guards Removed For Ties To White Supremacists. Only Two?
Two men have been removed from the Army National Guard after activists revealed that they are members of a religious group with ties to white supremacy.
An Alabama National Guard spokesperson confirmed to The Hill that they are currently investigating Brandon Trent East, but that it could not comment on ongoing investigations.

I'm all for a Space Force if we use it to launch every f*cking member of this criminal administration straight the f*ck into the sun. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Jesus wants to write an editorial condemning Trump, but he’s afraid he’ll lose the support of evangelicals. - TheTweetOfGod

It Wouldn't Surprise Me If Jeffrey Epstein Is Alive
The FBI is investigating British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and several other people linked to U.S. financier Jeffrey Epstein, who killed himself while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, according to two law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation.

Frustrated Subway Marketers Scrap $150 Million Jeffrey Epstein Ad Campaign - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

If they think Trump getting cut out of Home Alone 2 is an outrage, wait until they see what happens to his role in history. - Schooley

Each time Trump yelled at Hillary this year, she put a new ornament on the tree. - Jesse Lifson

I'm Glad Someone Is Fighting Russia
Military cyber officials are developing information warfare tactics that could be deployed against Russian oligarchs and officials if the country attempts to interfere in the 2020 US presidential election, current and former US officials told The Washington Post. The officials told The Post that one option being looked at by US Cyber Command would target senior Russian leadership and elites in an effort to show that their personal data could be hit if election interference did not stop. 

If Trump is claiming that he wasn’t impeached since the articles haven’t been sent to the Senate, can we claim that since he lost the popular vote he isn’t actually President ? - Roland Scahill


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Business/Tech News


What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You. Right?
A federal database tracking pollution in the United States was retired earlier this month, drawing criticism from environmental advocates.
TOXMAP, an interactive map hosted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and accessible to the public, allowed users to track pollution-producing factories and other environmental concerns such as superfund cleanup sites.

School Administration Reminds Female Students Bulletproof Vests Must Cover Midriff  - The Onion


Happy Holidays. Happy Hanukkah. 
Happy Kwanzaa. 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A bookmobile in 1949. Is that a converted hearse?


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Trump sends Christmas tweet attacking California governor over homelessness crisis
President Trump spent part of the Christmas holiday attacking California Democrats over the homelessness crisis in their state, adding another volley of tweets to his long-running criticism of one of the state’s most pressing issues.

"Folks, can you imagine what Putin is saying to himself today? “I can’t believe my luck! I not only got Trump to parrot my conspiracy theories, I got his whole party to do it! And for free! Who ever thought Americans would so easily sell out their own Constitution for one man?" - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let's keep reminding America--
-- after Trump worked with Russia to rig the 2016 election--
he has been impeached for:
working with Russia to force Ukraine into helping in an attempt to rig the 2020 election. - DC Petterson

The Internet Has Nicknamed Rudy Giuliani, Rudy Jewliani
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani claimed that he is “more of a Jew” than George Soros, a Jewish billionaire and Holocaust survivor, in comments reported Monday.

Remember when we could enjoy the holidays without a senile criminal president trying to make the whole country as miserable as he is? Adam Parkhomenko 

Republican Shenanigans

Lisa Murkowski is 'disturbed' with a corrupt Senate trashing the Constitution by rigging an impeachment to protect a corrupt president — almost to the point of doing something, y’all! - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Class warfare at its ugliest:

Boeing’s former CEO gets up to $58.5 million after 346 passengers died on his watch.

Bloomberg - worth $54 billion - used prison labor on his campaign.

The Walton family – worth over $200 billion - denied holiday pay to its $11 an hour workers. - Warren Gunnels

The House Should Impeach Trump As Many Times As He Deserves
House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again.
The comment came in a filing with federal court that argues Democrats still need testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.

Keep Christ in Christmas?  Can we get Him back in Christianity first? - John Fugelsang


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How do you get Trump to change a light bulb?
Tell him Obama put it there. - Travis Allen

Rock The Voter News

Mitch McConnell has already signaled he has no interest in a fair trial. 
He’s preventing witnesses from testifying and all but announced a verdict. This isn’t a trial—it’s a cover-up. - Sen. Kamala Harris

Christian Post Editor Quits. Brave.
A former editor for The Christian Post said Thursday he had "no other choice" but to resign from his job after the Christian news website issued a strong editorial supporting President Donald Trump.
"When I was told this would be the position of the paper, of the news site, I said that's not something I can support," Napp Nazworth, who announced on Monday that he had resigned from The Christian Post, told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day."


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Business/Tech News

America: where we fight harder for cage free chickens than we do for children in cages. - irishrygirl

Oh Great, Something Else To Worry About
Deciding whether to pack an umbrella for a weekend away is going to get a lot more difficult in the near future. Next-generation “5G” wireless signals — promising faster, stronger cellphone service — are going to disrupt weather satellite forecasts, according to warnings by meteorologists, lawmakers, and federal science agencies.

Last-Ditch Climate Change Report Provides Locations Of Weapons, Current Whereabouts Of Oil Executives. - The Onion



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sequoias in Kings Canyon National Park in California.
