President Trump spent part of the Christmas holiday attacking California Democrats over the homelessness crisis in their state, adding another volley of tweets to his long-running criticism of one of the state’s most pressing issues.
"Folks, can you imagine what Putin is saying to himself today? “I can’t believe my luck! I not only got Trump to parrot my conspiracy theories, I got his whole party to do it! And for free! Who ever thought Americans would so easily sell out their own Constitution for one man?" - Bette Midler
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Trump warns Syria, Russia and Iran against killing 'innocent civilians' in Idlib province
- China, Iran and Russia will hold a naval exercise together amid heightened tension in the region between Iran and the U.S.
- Vladimir Putin: Russia has edge in new weapons
- Christmas Day passes with no sign of North Korea 'gift' to US
- Netanyahu rushed off stage as Israel intercepts rocket
- Hong Kong clashes continue in shopping centers, streets
- 'Censorship': Fox & Friends Calls Out Canadian Broadcaster For Removing Trump From Home Alone
Let's keep reminding America--
-- after Trump worked with Russia to rig the 2016 election--
he has been impeached for:
working with Russia to force Ukraine into helping in an attempt to rig the 2020 election. - DC Petterson
The Internet Has Nicknamed Rudy Giuliani, Rudy Jewliani
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani claimed that he is “more of a Jew” than George Soros, a Jewish billionaire and Holocaust survivor, in comments reported Monday.
Remember when we could enjoy the holidays without a senile criminal president trying to make the whole country as miserable as he is? Adam Parkhomenko
Republican Shenanigans
- GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski: I'm 'Disturbed' by McConnell Vowing 'Total' Impeachment Coordination With White House
- GOP predicts bipartisan acquittal at Trump impeachment trial
- Trump Blasts 'Crazy Nancy Pelosi,' 'Scam Impeachment' Following Christmas Call for Unity
- GOP Congressman Celebrates Christmas With Video of Hillary Clinton Getting Struck By a Heavy Light Fixture
- Ex-Trump staffer suing over pregnancy discrimination
- Ivanka Trump announced as keynote speaker at CES in Las Vegas
- Trump Campaign Launches Guide to Help Supporters Win Holiday Arguments With Relatives
Lisa Murkowski is 'disturbed' with a corrupt Senate trashing the Constitution by rigging an impeachment to protect a corrupt president — almost to the point of doing something, y’all! - Mrs. Betty Bowers
Class warfare at its ugliest:
Boeing’s former CEO gets up to $58.5 million after 346 passengers died on his watch.
Bloomberg - worth $54 billion - used prison labor on his campaign.
The Walton family – worth over $200 billion - denied holiday pay to its $11 an hour workers. - Warren Gunnels
The House Should Impeach Trump As Many Times As He Deserves
House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again.
The comment came in a filing with federal court that argues Democrats still need testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn.
Keep Christ in Christmas? Can we get Him back in Christianity first? - John Fugelsang
How do you get Trump to change a light bulb?
Tell him Obama put it there. - Travis Allen
Rock The Voter News
- Public support for Trump conviction at all-time high, poll finds
- Fresh Evidence in Hand, Schumer Demands More Emails and Documents
- ‘We’ve never seen spending like this’: Bloomberg, Steyer saturate airwaves
- Gov. Lamont plans to campaign for Joe Biden in New Hampshire
Mitch McConnell has already signaled he has no interest in a fair trial.
He’s preventing witnesses from testifying and all but announced a verdict. This isn’t a trial—it’s a cover-up. - Sen. Kamala Harris
Christian Post Editor Quits. Brave.
A former editor for The Christian Post said Thursday he had "no other choice" but to resign from his job after the Christian news website issued a strong editorial supporting President Donald Trump.
"When I was told this would be the position of the paper, of the news site, I said that's not something I can support," Napp Nazworth, who announced on Monday that he had resigned from The Christian Post, told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day."
Business/Tech News
- Online sales hit record high during holiday shopping season: report
- China's imports of US soybeans surges following trade deal
- ToTok removed from app stores amid NY Times report labeling it a UAE spy tool
- Boeing CEO resigning amid 737 Max issues
- Listeria concerns prompt massive recall of egg products sold at Trader Joe's, Walmart and other major grocery chains
America: where we fight harder for cage free chickens than we do for children in cages. - irishrygirl

Oh Great, Something Else To Worry About
Deciding whether to pack an umbrella for a weekend away is going to get a lot more difficult in the near future. Next-generation “5G” wireless signals — promising faster, stronger cellphone service — are going to disrupt weather satellite forecasts, according to warnings by meteorologists, lawmakers, and federal science agencies.
Last-Ditch Climate Change Report Provides Locations Of Weapons, Current Whereabouts Of Oil Executives. - The Onion
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