Monday, October 28, 2019

Trump Boos Reached “Almost 100 Decibels” at Nats Game

Trump Boos Reached “Almost 100 Decibels” at Nats Game
Donald Trump has rarely returned to New York City since becoming president, likely because, despite the fact that he calls the city home, most people who live there can’t stand him. Yet there may be a place that hates him even more, and that’s Washington, DC, where he received a humiliating 4% of the vote in 2016.

Back off, haters!  Yes, Trump was booed at the World Series but only because Crooked Hillary filled the stadium with the 3 million paid illegal immigrants that registered & voted against him 2016.

And the poor guy just realized that Matt Gaetz isn't Barron.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Dear Donnie,I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to a Nationals game!  The crowd has taken your slogan and used it against you!! Of all the nerve.  I hope your feeling isn't hurt.  
Have a hamberder. It will help. - Bette Midler

Oh Great. The US Army Is Going To Release a Snuff Film
Asked at a press briefing if the US military has video or photos of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's final moments, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, "We do have videos, photos."
"We're not prepared to release those...they're going through a declassification process," Milley said.
He added that the photos and videos would be released by the military in the coming days.

Trump Claims Baghdadi’s Last Words Were, “No One Can Impeach The Great Donald Trump Now” - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Ya know, Trump’s eventual departure from office is going to trigger a liberal baby boom. - The Hoarse Whisperer tweet

Dems Threaten Contempt. JUST DO IT!
House Democrats are threatening to charge a key witness in their impeachment investigation with contempt after he defied a subpoena and failed to show up at the Capitol Monday morning.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the lawsuit filed by Charles Kupperman, a deputy to former national security adviser John Bolton, questioning his obligation to appear before Congress "has no basis in law" since Kupperman is now a private citizen. 

There’s nothing like a father bringing a son to a baseball game.
You’re the President. You have a 13 year old boy. You have a box at the World Series.
So you bring...Matt Gaetz? - Bryan Behar

Rudy Giuliani Has a Butt?
Rudy Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens.
“The problem is we need some money,” Giuliani says to an unidentified man during an accidental call to NBC News writer.


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Rock The Voter News

A Congresswoman is resigning because of revenge porn. Meanwhile, the president continues to get a pass. - Joyce Alene

Trump Tells Russia About the Raid but Not Pelosi
President Donald Trump did not give House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or other key members of Congress advance notice of the Saturday night raid that ended in the death of terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Among major differences between the World Series chants and the ones at a Trump rally, they didn't need a guy with a microphone up on stage whipping them up.
It was organic.  - Fred Harding


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Business/Tech News

Donald J Trump, the J stands for genius. - irishrygirl

Zuckerberg is a Creep
Hundreds of Facebook employees are raising sharp concerns over the company's policy allowing misinformation in political ads, raising the stakes as the company simultaneously faces a firestorm of criticism from policymakers and 2020 Democrats externally.

Going as Former Gifted Child for Halloween and the whole costume is just gonna be people asking “What are you supposed to be?” And me saying “I was supposed to be a lot of things.” - leah tweet


Hi folks. Can you please kick in a dollar or two?

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

To everything there is a season. - Pete Seeger


Friday, October 25, 2019

Russian woman who admitted being secret agent out of prison

Russian woman who admitted being secret agent out of prison
A Russian gun rights activist who admitted being a secret agent for the Kremlin and trying to infiltrate conservative U.S. political groups while Donald Trump rose to power was released from federal prison on Friday, officials said.

Putin has no plans to meet Maria Butina who is set to come back to Moscow tomorrow. "Why on earth would he meet her?" Kremlin spokesman said. - Mary Ilyushina, CNN

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Kurds say they didn’t sacrifice 11,000 men and women fighting ISIS with US special forces to become guards for remote Syrian oil fields. - Richard Engel, NBC

This So-called Christian Wants to Hunt Down Democrats. Jesus Weeps.
President Donald Trump's supporters will "hunt down" Democrats and bring "violence to America" once the president leaves office, according to right-wing Christian pastor and conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles.
On his apocalyptic TruNews programme, captured by Right Wing Watch, Mr Wiles said the president's impeachment or "however he leaves" office will inspire "veterans, cowboys, mountain men" and "guys that know how to fight" to bring "violence to America" by hunting down Mr Trump's political enemies.
Co-host Edward Szall said "once the blood starts flowing, it's near impossible to stop".

Kanye West says Jesus is King and Trump said he’s King Of The Jews and Joel Osteen has 27 Yachts. This is all too confusing. - Jesse Lifson

Republican Shenanigans

Seth Meyers Dismantles 'Flailing' GOP: 'There Was a Quid, and There Was a Quo, But We’re Definitely Not Pros'

The Deeper They Dig, The More They'll Find About Trump, Not Democrats
The Justice Department has shifted its review of the Russia probe to a criminal investigation, a person familiar with the matter said Thursday, a move that is likely to raise concerns that President Donald Trump and his allies may be using the powers of the government to go after their opponents.

Of the 30 Republican lawmakers who crashed the impeachment hearing, 12 were on the list that permitted them to attend. That's like picking a fight with the bouncer after he let you in. - John Leguizamo 


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Bill Clinton doesn't have the old pipes, but he still knows the tune. Barack, of course, remains the whole damn symphony. Please use these voices elsewhere than funerals these days. - Charles P. Pierce tweet on their tributes to Elijah Cummings' tributes

Rock The Voter News

Like that Old Testament prophet, Elijah Cummings stood against corrupt leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. - Hillary Clinton, Queen of  Throwing Shade

Serious question: when did the Dark Web and the normal one switch places? - Conan O'Brien

The Washington Nationals are Pretty Good at Throwing Shade, Too!
The Washington Nationals on Friday announced that local chef and vocal President Trump critic José Andrés will throw out the first pitch if there is a Game 5 of the World Series.
The president could be in attendance to see Andrés throw the first pitch. Trump told reporters Thursday that he plans to attend Game 5 if it is needed

Reminder: Bernie wanted Obama to be primaried in 2012. - Matt Murphy

Guess who that sweet baby girl is.
Craig Malcolm Robinson, Fraser C. Robinson III, Marian Shields Robinson, 
and Michelle Obama.

Nearly 1/4 of mothers go back to work within 2 weeks of giving birth. In 26 states it’s illegal to separate puppies from their mother before they are 8 weeks. Women have less legal protection than dogs. - irishrygirl


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Business/Tech News

Bill Clinton at Cummings funeral: “You can’t run a free society if you have to hate everybody you disagree with.”

Will Bolton Torch Trump?
Lawyers for former national security advisor John Bolton have been in touch with officials working on the House committees conducting an impeachment probe into President Donald Trump, a person close to Bolton told NBC News on Friday.
The news comes more than a week after the White House’s former top Europe expert, Fiona Hill, testified to Congress that Bolton has been so disturbed by efforts to get Ukraine to investigate Trump’s political opponents that he called it a “drug deal.”

You should all lower your expectations.  
Bolton is above all A HARDCORE FAR RIGHT WARMONGER who puts ideology above country every single goddamned time. 
He HATES Democrats. HATES them. He'll protect Trump not for Trump but because f-ck you. 
Bet on it. - Jim Wright, former Naval Intelligence

Proposed new rule: if you can't properly identify all 50 states on a map, you can't be president of any of them. - Middle Age Riot



Almost to the thousand dollar mark!
Thank you!


Odd News

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People riding the Rotor (aka The Devil's Hole) in Coney Island in the 1950s. These folks were being spun around in a giant upright barrel at the speed of two rotations per second. Yeah, thanks but no thanks.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Trump's lawyers argue he can't be charged while in office — even if he shoots someone

Trump's lawyers argue he can't be charged while in office — even if he shoots someone
"That's your position?" federal appeals court Judge Denny Chin asked. "That is correct," the president's lawyer responded.

Impeachment may be the first thing Donald Trump has actually earned in his life. - Travis Allen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I’m trying to understand Republican Congressmen. If they truly believe Donald Trump is innocent why are they behaving like a bunch of crazy people? When Hillary Clinton was being investigated for months & months, Dems didn’t storm the building. Why? Because they believed in her. - Ken Olin

Geez Louise. 2/3 of Americans Expect Civil War.
The average American voter believes the U.S. is two-thirds of the way to the “edge of a civil war,” according to a new Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service poll released Wednesday.

In light of what Matt Gaetz and House Republicans did today, Trump’s comments take on added irony... A buncha conservative white men disrupting due process... That’s whatcha call a lynch mob... - Cyrus McQueen

Republican Shenanigans

Kellyanne Conway's credibility is more damaged than her hair. - Marie Connor

The House Crashers Wanted to get Arrested
Some of the House Republicans who crashed the secure impeachment hearing Wednesday were apparently looking to get arrested.
According to Chad Pergram of Fox News, the Republicans who entered the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Wednesday — where Democrats were holding a hearing with Pentagon staffer Laura Cooper on matters related to Ukraine — asked to be arrested. According to Pergram, those Republicans were hoping to use the visual of being taken away to paint Democrats as abusing the process.

Right about now, Mike Pence must be wishing he was back in Indiana keeping gay couples from buying wedding cakes. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

Trump has decided not to go to Elijah Cummings lying in state today. Forgetting yet again the role of the President. - Victoria Brownworth

More Laws Against Abortion
Republicans in South Carolina have voted to proceed on a measure that would strip abortion exemptions in cases of rape or incest, and criminalise the procedure almost entirely as soon as a foetal heartbeat is detected.
The proposed bill is the latest attack on abortion rights throughout the United States, in an effort by conservatives keen on bringing the issue before the Supreme Court. 

On July 4, 1776, the United States declared its independence from Great Britain.

On November 3, 2020, let's declare our independence from Russia. - Middle Age Riot


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When republicans talk about religious freedom, I reach for the whiskey. - Stonekettle

Business/Tech News

Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook to creep on and rate the women on Harvard’s campus and I don’t think we should forget that ever. - Micah

I just asked WH trade advisor Peter Navarro half a dozen times if Trump would press China to investigate Biden as part of trade talks and he refused to answer citing “confidentiality”. - Jim Sciutto, CNN

Killing the Messenger Softly
The White House is urging federal agencies not to renew their subscriptions to The New York Times and the Washington Post after President Trump said earlier in the week he didn't want either newspaper in the White House.

If you're just tuning in-

-House Republicans storm SCIF to stop an obstruction of justice investigation by obstructing justice.

-bc they're afraid of being called Human Scum by the host of Celebrity Apprentice

-and this is why the aliens won't come & give us warp drive. - John Fugelsang


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Fall Fundraiser?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lake Namtso in Tibet. Now that's what I call an expansive view.
