Wednesday, September 11, 2019

18 years ago today

Trump again said he helped at ground zero immediately following the 9/11 attacks
President Donald Trump honored thousands that died as a result of the Sept. 11 terror attacks during remarks at the Pentagon Wednesday.
But the president also didn't miss a chance to again claim he helped in the aftermath of the terror attacks at ground zero.

The most difficult moment for Trump is a moment of silence. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Today marks the 18 year anniversary of Donald Trump boasting on tape that he now had the tallest building in lower Manhattan.  - John Fugelsang

PHONY POLLS Says the Trump
President Trump on Wednesday lashed out at a new Washington Post–ABC News poll showing him trailing five Democratic presidential candidates, dismissing it as a "phony suppression poll."

Trump Defends Choice of Ted Nugent To Replace John Bolton. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

9/11 thoughts.

Bush: "Today, our nation saw the very worst of human nature -- and we responded with the best of America."

Obama: "Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost.” 

Trump: "Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas...Fake Polls! - Tea Pain

Fake Christianity Update
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. told Hill.TV on Tuesday that he has begun sharing information with the FBI in what he alleged was a criminal conspiracy against him by former board members at the school.

Bahamian Refugees Advised To Pretend They Are From Alabama . - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Whoever wins the election should have Obama as the Attorney General so he can personally charge Trump with high crimes and misdemeanors. - irishygirl tweet

It's OK When Republicans Cheat
In a surprise move Wednesday morning, the N.C. House of Representatives voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the state budget with just over half of the 120 members present to vote.
Democrats in the chamber objected to the bill being brought up, saying they were told there would be no votes during the 8:30 a.m. session...

Trump lashed out at numerals, saying that they were “invented by Arabs.” - Andy Borowitz

Kids shouldn't be learning to duck and cover in school. They should learn that we, the adults responsible for protecting them, will act to keep them safe. - Hillary Clinton


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Maybe if we call assault rifles “Blood Vapes” we can get them banned. - Crutnacker

Business/Tech News

Rex Tillerson: I hope Trump finds out he's been impeached on Twitter. - Andy Borowitz

Tracking the Mentally Ill? Lordy, Lordy, That's Most of Alabama!
The Trump administration is considering a proposal to combat mass shootings which suggests phones and smartwatches may be used to track people with mental health problems.

The Onion is my thought bubble. - Elon Musk tweet



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Elephant Rock in New Zealand. A bit of humor from Mother Nature.


Thursday, September 5, 2019


Meteorologists call out Trump after altered Alabama hurricane map
President Trump is getting heat from meteorologists over his assertion that Alabama was at risk of being hit by Hurricane Dorian.
Trump displayed a map at the White House that included a half circle, possibly made with a black Sharpie marker, that showed the hurricane possibly moving into Alabama. This followed Trump's assertion over the weekend that Alabama was in the path of the hurricane, which the National Weather Service said was not the case.

Anybody else starting to find Trump's hurricane cone reminiscent of Captain Queeg's strawberries? - Richard Tofel


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Hey guys call me crazy but I'm pretty sure that President Email Lady wouldn't be arguing with a map. - Jeff Tiedrich

Trump attacks meteorologists, who's next, sportscasters? - Tea Pain

"Just because you slept with someone named Stormy, it does not make you a weatherman."- Joy Behar


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Right now Donald Trump is watching cable news, seeing his terrible poll numbers, crossing them out with a Sharpie, and writing his own imaginary poll numbers on his TV screen. - Palmer Report

Can we Sharpie through the rest of the calendar days between now and Election Day 2020? - Crutnacker tweet


Hey Guys and Gals,

Short edition today.

I'm taking a birthday week off. Friends and family are rolling in starting tomorrow. Party on Sunday and birthday is on Tuesday. I will return the following day on the dreaded anniversary of 9-11.

Thank you for stopping by! I love you all!


Where's the fire extinguisher?!?



Whomever dresses Ivanka doesn't seem to like her very much 


Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral is a Gothic cathedral, and French national monument, located in the town of Clermont-Ferrand. It began construction in the 13th century, built entirely of black lava stone. And, no Trump did not sharpie this in.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Trump says 'I don't know' how map was altered to show Alabama in Hurricane Dorian's path

Trump says 'I don't know' how map was altered to show Alabama in Hurricane Dorian's path
During a briefing on Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office Wednesday, President Trump showed reporters an enlarged map displaying what he said was the initial forecasted path of the storm.
The map, which was displayed on a posterboard, appeared to have been altered with a marker, extending the storm’s path to include Alabama.

They should have called this hurricane "Donald" instead of "Dorian" because it's slow, it has no direction, and it destroys everything it touches. - Alex Cole

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Imagine not believing in climate change but believing that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. - OhNoSheTwint

Brexit Laxer
The sight of hardline Brexit backer Jacob Rees-Mogg stretching out across the front bench of Britain's parliament during a particularly heated debate has become an instant meme, causing anger among government opponents.

Republican Shenanigans

Pence Defends Decision To Wear Ivanka Trump Heels - Andy Borowitz

Trump Pisses Off Secret Service Again
Trump resorts aren't easier to defend, Secret Service vets grumble.
The Trump administration used a variation of the now-familiar argument after Vice President Mike Pence stayed at Trump’s property in Doonbeg, Ireland.

According to the Republican Party, gun violence is caused by mental illness, video games, rap lyrics, unarmed teachers, Ilhan Omar, the war against Christmas, gay marriage, teenage activists, the separation of church and state, unicorn farts, and literally anything else but guns. - Middle Age Riot tweet

Melania Is As Bad A Liar As Trump
The official bio of Melania Trump now suggests that she did not complete a college degree in Slovenia, as she previously claimed on her own website.
The future first lady's bio on President-elect Donald Trump's government website says that she "paused her studies to advance her modeling career in Milan and Paris." It does not say whether she resumed or completed the degree.

That whole buying Greenland thing feels like a lifetime ago. - Roland Scahill


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Subject: Not about politics

Hi Lisa,

Love your political site but I am very angry about that dive boat fire off the California coast and had to write to somebody about it.

I've never been on that boat. BUT I did work as a deckhand on several yachts in Cali when I was young and fit. Whomever was on watch that night failed "bigly." That fire to spread so quickly as the captain and crew said, there had to be an accelerant. I am not saying there was but I'd bet that the watchman was either asleep or not performing his duty. That is a small boat and by design of the boat a fire in the galley would have been noticed in minutes either by the watchman or the smoke detectors would go off in seconds and start the sprinkler system with alarms sounding. There should be fire extinguishers throughout the boat. Were there?

The captain and crew abandoned the boat and let those people burn. They have to live with that.

Something is very wrong and I hope the investigation will answer questions.

Thanks for letting me blow off steam.

Lars in Laguna

Thank you for writing Lars. You are always welcome to rant to me.  I am also upset. I wondered about the night watchman too, unless he was the one crew member who perished in the fire because he was below deck checking on things.

What bothers me is that the sleeping quarters held 30 people in triple bunk beds in a tiny area with only one exit and no portholes. Is that even legal, Lars? The aroma must not have been pleasant with so many people crammed in.

Regardless, hopefully the investigation will yield some answers for the families of those poor souls.

Take care.


Rock The Voter News

lotta people are mad about walmart deciding to stop selling some ammo and banning open carry in their stores which means walmart is gonna see a huge decline in sales of white sheets. - mith tweet

Ay Yi Yi Yi
Marianne Williamson, the New Age author and Democratic presidential candidate, posted, and then quickly deleted, a tweet suggesting that it was “not a wacky idea” to collectively visualize Hurricane Dorian turning away from land.
“The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas ... may all be in our prayers now,” Williamson wrote Wednesday morning. “Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.”


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Business/Tech News

Walmart Bans Mitch McConnell From Stores - Andy Borowitz

Imprison Mark Zuckerberg?
Mark Zuckerberg has "repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) said in a recent interview with the Willamette Week, a Portland alternative weekly newspaper. "I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to—and let me underline this—the possibility of a prison term."
Zuckerberg, Wyden said, has "hurt a lot of people."

Dear Donnie,Boy, that was some Twitterstorm you provided us with this weekend!  A regular Category 5!!  But you’re not looking good.  Don’t forget, you’re not supposed to snort anything white after Labor Day! - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Quick, Robin, to the bat tree!
