Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trump trails top five 2020 Democrats in national poll

Trump trails top five 2020 Democrats in national poll
President Trump trails all five Democrats who have consistently ranked in top spots in surveys of the 2020 Democratic presidential race, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.
The newest survey shows Trump falling behind former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), each by double digits.

Trump: "let's nuke a hurricane" 
All rational people: "wtf?" 
Trump: "I never said to nuke a hurricane" 
New York Times: "President's Bold Climate Solution A Challenge For Democratic Candidates"- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So Kim Jong Un is well on his way to have submarine based nuclear capabilities. Good thing he writes beautiful letters - or else we should probably be worried. - Sabrina McDaniel

Trump Must Be So Jealous That He Can't Shut Down Congress
The Queen has approved the order to suspend Parliament, a formal but necessary step of Boris Johnson's plan....According to a statement from the Privy Council, the Queen has approved the suspension of Parliament "no earlier than Monday 9th September and no later than Thursday 12th September" until October 14.

Upbeat Boris Johnson Says He Is On Track To Destroy UK Ahead of Schedule - Andy Borowitz

G7 Leaders Turn Down Trump’s Invitation To His Miami Resort After Reading Yelp Reviews -  Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Don't blame Trump. American banks wouldn't lend to him because of his multiple bankruptcies. He was forced to have Russian oligarchs co-sign his loan! Forced, I say!

Pardons! Pardons! Step Right Up and Get Your Pardons!
President Trump has privately suggested that he would pardon officials who carry out orders connected to construction of a wall at the southern border that could be illegal, The Washington Post is reporting.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” Trump has told officials when discussing the wall, according to the Post.

Trump is announcing a partnership with Bed Bug and Beyond. - Jesse Lifson


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BREAKING: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is being guarded by U.S. Marshals after she received a suspicious package containing a science textbook. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump Loves To Kick People When They're Down
As a tropical storm bore down on Puerto Rico Wednesday, President Trump reignited his ongoing feud with San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, calling her “incompetent.” But his specific complaint had to do with what he considers her ingratitude for the help the island received after the devastating Hurricane Maria two years ago.

Is this Bernie's "Michael Dukakis in a tank" moment?


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Sean Spicer joining Dancing with the Stars is proof that America loves giving people second and third chances… if they’re white. - Chelsea Handler

Business/Tech News

I hereby order Trump to look in the mirror and scream “everything I sell with my name on it is made in China.” - John Fugelsang

The police should question Don Jr and Eric. They love to kill animals
Officials in California are trying to find out who’s been shooting and killing wild burros in the desert––and are offering a $10,000 reward for answers.
Since May, 42 burro carcasses have been found with gunshot wounds along Interstate 15 in California’s Mojave Desert, according to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Dear Hurricane Dorian, 
Mar a Lago location:26.6771° N80.0370° W - Allen Marshall



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
One of the most famous hoodoos at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, Thor’s Hammer stands over 10 stories high.  Photo by Keith Moore, National Park Service.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trump says 'no bedbugs' at resort he offered for next G7 summit

Trump says 'no bedbugs' at resort he offered for next G7 summit
President Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at "false and nasty" rumors that the Trump golf resort he offered for the next G7 summit is infested with bedbugs.
"No bedbugs at Doral," Trump huffed in a tweet...Fueling the buzz was a Miami Herald story from January 30, 2017 that Trump's attorneys had reached a settlement with a Doral guest who had complained of being attacked by bedbugs.

Trump Doral. Come for the emoluments, stay for the bedbugs. - Jennifer Taub

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

I'd like to see a day when there was no news. None. Zilch. Zip. I'd turn on CNN and Brooke Baldwin would say, "Nothing happened today, so we're going to show a bunch of rock videos." - Stephen King

I’ll let the Amazon burn because Macron insulted me
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says Brazil will only accept an offer of international aid to fight Amazon fires if French leader Emmanuel Macron retracts comments that he finds offensive.

I am thinking about starting an Antifa-like movement in the US where we dress up in all green and start planting trees everywhere, without government permission, and refuse to stop.

I would call it Antreefa.

What do you think? - Sergio tweet

Republican Shenanigans

In 30 years, I'm going to be the old guy that spits on the ground every time someone mentions Trump. - Red T. Racoon tweet

China Says Trump Never Called Them
One day later, China is still insisting no phone calls took place over the weekend that President Donald Trump claimed showed its willingness to talk again.
“I have not heard of this situation regarding the two calls that the U.S. mentioned in the weekend,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at press conference on Tuesday. 

I’m not surprised Sarah Huckabee Sanders is joining Fox News, but I will be surprised to see what she looks like as a blonde. - Chelsea Handler


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Donald Trump's spirit animal is a bed bug. - Middle Age Riot

Rock The Voter News

The last president to balance the budget was a Democrat

Better start your Christmas shopping soon!  Like right now!  You never know what insanity this guy is going to unleash on us next!!! - Bette Midler

Down & Down He Goes, Round & Round He Goes...
President Donald Trump is struggling in states that matter most to his re-election chances, according to a new tracking poll by the Morning Consult.
The president has sustained double-digit declines in net approval rate in nearly every state that could be considered a tossup, and more voters disapprove than approve of him in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Ohio that Trump won in 2016. 

BREAKING: Trump to send Stephen Miller to his Doral resort in Florida to eat all the bed bugs  - Rex Huppke


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Business/Tech News

So just to be absolutely clear, Bret Stephens threw a truly embarrassing tantrum because someone called him a name online and he got a new speaking engagement out of it. white men cannot help but fail upward. - Molly tweet

A shipment of jalapenos from Mexico to the US had 4 tons of marijuana hidden in the cargo. In completely unrelated news, my weed line comes out this fall. - Chelsea Handler

Navy Seals On Jet Skis
U.S. special operations forces have embraced civilian vehicles, from trucks to ATVs, to get around quickly and quietly on the modern battlefield. At sea this practical attitude means that Navy SEALs operate their own jet skis, allowing naval special warfare operators the ability to move quickly from sea to shore in very small numbers. But SEALs aren’t the only ones zipping around on personal watercraft—Iran’s Revolutionary Guards also use them.

Five words I never expected to hear as an American: “We really pissed off Denmark.” - Conan O'Brien

This is why you shouldn't wait until retirement to travel



For all the grammar nazis out there

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cape Cod Morning, a bright and sunshiny painting by Edward Hopper done in 1950. I love this quote by Hopper: If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Official on Trump's hurricane nuking idea: 'His objective is not bad'

Official on Trump's hurricane nuking idea: 'His objective is not bad'
A senior Trump administration official told Axios that the president's suggestion to drop nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from hitting the United States was well-intentioned.
"His goal — to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland — is not bad," the official, who had been briefed on the suggestion, told the outlet. "His objective is not bad."

We should not nuke hurricanes. - Hillary Clinton

I never thought we'd have such a low IQ President who would even suggest such a thing.
Sorry, Hillary, that you had to tweet this.- Angela Belcamino

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trudeau Tricks Trump Into Buying Imaginary Canadian Island Called Blueland - Andy Borowitz

Trump Pushes His Miami Country Club for Next G7 Meeting. Miami in August? Ugh.
President Trump said Monday that next year’s Group of Seven (G-7) summit will likely be held in Miami, and that his Doral golf resort is a contender to host the annual meeting.

Trump Accuses Other G-7 Leaders of Speaking In Foreign Languages To Keep Secrets From Him - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The Earth is getting hotter.   So Trump says it’s a hoax and enables more pollution. 

Mass shootings on the rise.  So Trump calls for more guns. 

It’s awkward to realize that you care about Trump’s kids & grandchildren more than Trump ever will. - John Fugelsang

I'm So Old I Remember When George W. Bush Tortured People
A federal appeals court has cleared the way for a trial in a decade-old lawsuit accusing a military contractor of responsibility for torture of prisoners at the notorious, U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, but one judge assigned to the case warned the ruling could have “dangerous” results.

Ideally, you want the President of the United States, the Mayor of Crazytown and the village idiot to be three different people. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Rock The Voter News

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has beaten cancer three times, and Trump used bone spurs as an excuse. - John Fugelsang

I’m no fan of Biden, but a dude who wants to nuke hurricanes, rake forest fires, buy Greenland, who stared at a solar eclipse, and thinks windmills cause cancer, doesn’t get to call anyone else “Crazy” Joe. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

David Koch’s Will Leaves Over One Hundred Republican Congressmen To His Brother - Andy Borowitz

The U.S. debt to China is $1.12 trillion so Trump threatens U.S. Companies. Insanity at a level never before seen
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow asserted President Trump’s threat to block trade between private American businesses and China, saying he has “emergency economic power authority” to do so.

The hurricanes hate us for our freedoms. - Jeff Tiedrich



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Happy International Dog Day. Luna sends her love from Costa Rica.
