Wednesday, July 31, 2019

CNN roasted over debate production, format: 'A disservice to serious people'

CNN roasted over debate production, format: 'A disservice to serious people'
CNN faced backlash for its first primary debate of the 2020 campaign season, with members of the media comparing its production to a sporting event or movie trailer and others lamenting the time spent to kick off the event.

"I don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for President of the United States just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for.” - Elizabeth Warren at last night's debate

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The First Amendment is dying while the Second Amendment is killing us. - Middle Age Riot

Barron Trump's Getting A Pony!
Mongolian President Battulga Khaltmaa will visit the White House on Wednesday, seeking help from President Donald Trump on trade and military deals - and possibly a name for the horse his government has symbolically gifted to Trump’s 13-year-old son, Barron.

The only biblical example today's Evangelicals follow is the part where they forsook Jesus, crucified him, and parted his possessions among themselves. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

"I don't have a racist bone in my body."
"I'm the least racist person in the world."
You know who says these things?

-Tea Pain

As Trump tweets attacks at Don Lemon and CNN, remember that explosive devices were mailed to CNN just last year by a man who attorneys say grew paranoid, anxious and isolated, latching onto Trump in the months before he sent the bombs.- Kyle Griffin, MSNBC

The National Cathedral Shames Trump. The National Cathedral!
The escalation of racialized rhetoric from the President of the United States has evoked responses from all sides of the political spectrum. On one side, African American leaders have led the way in rightfully expressing outrage. On the other, those aligned with the President seek to downplay the racial overtones of his attacks, or remain silent.
As faith leaders who serve at Washington National Cathedral ¬– the sacred space where America gathers at moments of national significance – we feel compelled to ask: After two years of President Trump’s words and actions, when will Americans have enough?

Mitch McConnell doesn’t like the moniker #MoscowMitch or being called a #RussianAsset.  Well, Mitch, if the shoe fits, wear it!  Or pass some legislation that will make our elections SAFE from foreign interference. It’s a no-brainer!  Unless you’re afraid it’ll touch your MONEY! - Bette Midler

Today would be a good day for Mitch McConnell to allow the Senate to vote on any of the bipartisan bills we’ve passed in the House. Election security, protecting people w/pre-existing conditions, gun violence prevention, climate action, LGBTQ equality, etc. Any of them. - Rep. Mike Levin


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Rock The Voter News

Trump: I’m going to attack a different black person every day.
Press: Do you think Elijah Cummings is racist?

- Adam Parkhomenko

Ronald Reagan's Racist Tapes Revealed
Then-California governor Ronald Reagan made racist remarks about Africans, calling them "monkeys" in a newly-discovered taped conversation with US president Richard Nixon...Reagan continued: "To see those, those monkeys from those African countries -- damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!"
Nixon responds with a huge guffaw and went on to gleefully repeat Reagan's remarks in other taped conversations with his advisers.

CNN Headline, Nov. 4th, 2020:

“Donald: You’re Fired.”

- Rob Anderson


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Business/Tech News

We can put people in space but can’t create a pain medication that isn’t addictive.

While I applaud the effort, it still doesn’t actually fix the problem. Big pharma needs their greed placed in check.
The Trump administration said Wednesday it will create a pathway allowing Americans to legally and safely import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada for the first time, reversing years of opposition from federal health authorities amid a public outcry over high prices for life-sustaining medications.

Pinocchio Hair

I would rather vote for Democrats who will disappoint me than Republicans who will meet my expectations. - Middle Age Riot


Please CNN pay me, I desperately need the money!
Pretty Please! $5 or a $1?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A crow hitching a ride on an eagle. They must be friends.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trump Snaps at Reporter: ‘I Think the Washington Post is a Russian Asset’

Trump Snaps at Reporter: ‘I Think the Washington Post is a Russian Asset’
President Donald Trump called Washington Post a “Russian asset” on Tuesday when asked about the GOP’s inaction on protecting the U.S. electoral processes from foreign interference.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been slammed by critics recently for killing multiple proposed bills to bolster election security systems.

Trump said that he has stopped receiving intelligence briefings at the White House, arguing, “I can do my job without any intelligence whatsoever.” - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

TRUMP: If you criticize America you should leave forever GOP: yeah don’t you dare criticize America! TRUMP: anyway here’s a list of US cities that are garbage. - Jacob Maccoby

China Blames U.S. For Hong Kong Protests
China said recent violence in Hong Kong protests was the “creation of the U.S.,” for the first time laying direct blame on Washington as their dispute over the unrest escalates.

America, where a uterus is more heavily regulated than an AK-47. - Andrea Junker

Republican Shenanigans

Putin Denies McConnell Is Russian Asset: ‘He Has Never Been An Asset To Any Country’ - Andy Borowitz

Trump to reporters this AM: “I’m the least racist person there is anywhere in the world.” - Jim Acosta, CNN

Trump Receives Imaginary Phone Calls
President Donald Trump repeatedly claimed to be the best president ever for black Americans, and said that the “African American community” has called the White House to express their gratitude for, among other things, his series of racist attacks on Baltimore.

In response to Dems threats to begin impeachment proceedings, Trump says, “These people are clowns.” That’s rich coming from someone who clearly gets hair & makeup tips from Pennywise. - Bette Midler


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Trump said “The ‘Squad’ is "a very racist group of troublemakers who are young, inexperienced, & not very smart.” You know he always accuses people of things he’s guilty of. The only one of these things he hasn’t been guilty of recently is being young. - Bette Midler

Never In The History of the USA Has A President Deserved Impeachment More Than Trump. Schumer & Pelosi Don't Agree.
Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Tuesday said he supports Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) decision to hold back on a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump, despite growing support from members of his leadership team for impeachment proceedings.

The Mueller Report is like the Bible:
Republicans have never read it, but still pretend to know what it says. 
- Middle Age Riot


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Business/Tech News

Ideally, you want the President of the United States and the Grand Imperial Wizard of the KKK to be two separate people. - Jeff Tiedrich

Wow. Ethiopia Takes Going Green To A Whole New Level
About 350m trees have been planted in a single day in Ethiopia, according to a government minister.
The planting is part of a national “green legacy” initiative to grow 4bn trees in the country this summer by encouraging every citizen to plant at least 40 seedlings. Public offices have reportedly been shut down in order for civil servants to take part.

On a flight back to Baltimore.
Flight attendant welcomes passengers flying to the “spectacular, beautiful, amazing city.”
Passengers cheer. - Annie Karni, NYT




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Siberian Bear Hunting Protection Suit. Circa 1800. I'd hurt myself putting that thing on.


Monday, July 29, 2019

The KKK has turned into the RRR: Russian Racist Republicans

Trump says he'll meet with 'inner city pastors' amid racial controversies
President Trump said Monday he will meet with a group of “Inner City Pastors” amid a series of racial controversies he has stoked with his attacks on black lawmakers.
Trump tweeted the meeting, which was not previously on his schedule, will take place at 2 p.m.

Cabinet Unanimously Votes That Trump Is Not Racist. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Nothing says "My race is supreme" quite like shooting children. - TheTweetOfGod

Call The Saudis What They Are: Barbarians
The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi was no aberration. A Vanity Fair investigation reveals how Saudi Arabia attempts to abduct, repatriate—and sometimes murder—citizens it regards as enemies of the state.

Gilroy police said they engaged the shooter within one minute. In that time, he shot 16 people, killing a 6-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl. That's the power of automatic weapons. There is NO scenario where a troubled 19-yr-old should be able to buy a weapon of war. - Jennifer Hayden tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Trump says I’m a troublemaker & con man. I do make trouble for bigots. If he really thought I was a con man he would want me in his cabinet. - Rev. Al Sharpton

Trump on cities

Atlanta: "falling apart"

Baltimore: "a filthy place"

Chicago: "totally out of control"

Philadelphia: "struggling"

San Francisco: "disgusting," "not even recognizable"

Moscow, Russia: "a great city" and "an amazing place"

Perhaps he should move. - Brandon Friedman

Republicans Running For Away From Office
GOP Rep. Rob Bishop (Utah) on Monday confirmed that he will not seek another term in the House, the Deseret News reported.
Bishop, who serves as the top Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee, was first elected to the lower chamber in 2002.

Robert Mueller has done a service to our country by shedding light on Trump’s criminality. 
I don’t ever want to hear about optics again. 
And I really wish, rather than one more word from Trump, we’d only hear the clang of a jail cell. - Stephen Beschloss 


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Rock The Voter News

The President and Senate Majority Leader are willing to spend $2.5 billion to build a wall to keep Latin American asylum seekers from “invading” our country, but NOT $1  to keep Russian cyber terrorists from invading our elections!THAT’S EITHER INSANE OR IT’S TREASON. - Ken Olin

The Baltimore Sun Eviscerates Trump 
In case anyone missed it, the president of the United States had some choice words to describe Maryland’s 7th congressional district on Saturday morning. Here are the key phrases: “no human being would want to live there,” it is a “very dangerous & filthy place,” “Worst in the USA” and, our personal favorite: It is a “rat and rodent infested mess.” 

Hillary was wrong to call Trump's supporters a basket of deplorables. she should have called them a f*cktangle of hateful racist sh*tweasels. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Russia went bankrupt because of the  arms race. Now they don’t have to engage in an arms race. Buying politicians and subverting elections is much cheaper. Open at least one of your eyes and see the connections these politicians have to Russian oligarchs. #MoscowMitch - Steve Redmond

Corporate Greed, Brazilian Style
Armed miners have reportedly invaded a village in a remote part of Brazil and killed a tribal leader.
Villagers fled but were planning to return, sparking fears of a "bloodbath," according to local reports.

Happy National Chicken Wing Day!


Thank you so much!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
“I made my way about a mile or so into Badwater Basin around 7:00 p.m., looking for these interesting salt polygons. The temperatures were still well over 100 degrees and the winds were blowing like crazy. Clouds had been hanging around Death Valley all day so I knew there was a good chance for a nice sunset, but I wasn’t expecting anything like this. As the sun started to set behind the distant mountains the sky exploded with colors I’ve never seen at sunset. I was so beautiful that I was having a hard time even taking pictures. Eventually I just had to stop, smile and take it all in.” Photo courtesy of Brandon Moore.
