Monday, June 17, 2019

Trump interview goes off the rails after his chief of staff coughs

Trump interview goes off the rails after his chief of staff coughs
"He's coughing in the middle of my answer. I don't like that, you know. I don't like that. If you're going to cough, please leave the room. You just can't, you just can't cough."

When Trump declares himself Emperor, all forms of respiratory distress will be illegal. Throat clearing will be a misdemeanor. Coughing will be a felony. Sneezing will result in immediate deportation.  
Sniffing, however, will be allowed. - Stonekettle tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

All we can learn from history is that people don’t learn from it. - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh  Trump Must Be Jealous
Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to North Korea on Thursday for a two-day visit, state media report. Mr Xi will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to discuss the problems facing the Korean peninsula.

You know what’s more unpatriotic than burning the American flag? Flying the confederate one. - OhNoSheTwint

Republican Shenanigans

Kellyanne Conway Decides To Lay Low Until Rule Of Law Dies Down - The Onion

Ralph Reed Is One Of The Creepiest Christian Right Leaders
Ralph Reed, head of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, promised the “most ambitious and far-reaching voter mobilization effort” in the evangelical community’s history as it rallies in support of President Trump’s reelection campaign, 

Ivanka is the only one smiling in the photo. What the hell kind of a dress is that? Are those drapes?

Replacement for Sarah Sanders disqualified after telling the truth on job application. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

On the one hand, the president makes nonstop outlandish claims in his recent @ABC interview about my campaign and Russia. On the other hand: Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and the entire Mueller report. - Hillary Clinton tweet

Kellyanne Is Getting Kicked Around Inside & Outside the White House
Trump fires the polling firm Kellyanne Conway built over leak of polls he said didn’t exist.
“They’re giving out phony polls."


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Business/Tech News

Let’s all take a moment to be happy OJ Simpson joined Twitter and not Trump’s cabinet. It’s the little things these days. - Chelsea Handler

Manafort Is Manaf*cked
The Supreme Court declined on Monday to change the longstanding rule that says putting someone on trial more than once for the same crime does not violate the Constitution's protection against double jeopardy — a case that drew attention because of its possible implications for President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

Breaking: This year’s Nobel Peace Prize will go to the leader who killed the least people. - Conan O'Brien


Is anybody out there?


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A Costa Rica sunset and surfer, a twofer.


Friday, June 14, 2019

President Trump likens Melania Trump to 'Jackie O'

Trump compares Melania to Jackie Kennedy: 'We have our own Jackie O'
President Trump on Friday compared first lady Melania Trump to former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, saying, “we have our own Jackie O today, it’s called Melania.”
Trump made the comparison between his wife and the iconic first lady when defending his decision to paint the new Air Force One red, white and blue, replacing the baby blue color scheme picked by Kennedy Onassis in the 1960s.

Please stop comparing Melania to Jackie O.  

Jacqueline Kennedy was the First Lady, not the Third Lady. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump says he has been unfairly treated by people who wrote the Constitution. - Andy Borowitz

And Trump Is Giving These Barbarians Nuclear Technology
The sister of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will face trial in Paris next month after she allegedly ordered her bodyguard to attack a craftsman....

When Assange was warned that publishing the names of Afghans who had cooperated with US forces might put *THEIR* lives at risk, he replied: "Well, they're informants. So, if they get killed, they've got it coming to them. They deserve it." - David Frum

Republican Shenanigans

I'm really glad i've never seen the classy Jackie O's boob. 
Unfortunately, I have seen trashy Melania's boob. Her husband. - Countess of Nambia tweet

Hannity & Ingraham Want To Sub For Sarah Sanders
With White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders now due to step down at the end of the month, Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham have started tossing around the idea of serving as the president’s press secretaries for a week.

There's something quite beautiful about Trump bidding farewell to Sarah Sanders with a false statement about her length of service. - David Frum

Yeah, sorry @CNN. When the media try to glamorize or humanize FLOTUS, I'm with those who are gonna call it out. Birther, grifter, bought bride, plagiarist, hypocrite, tone deaf, heartless and very likely... stupid. - Randi Mayem Singer tweet


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BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free. - goldengateblond tweet

Rock The Voter News

Just imagine what Trump says when the cameras AREN’T on him. - Roland Scahill

Democrats Have Way Too Many Qualified Candidates. Let The Debates Begin!
DNC announces first debate lineups. The field of 20 candidates has been randomly split into two groups of 10 debaters on back-to-back nights later this month.

I will miss seeing Sarah Huckabee Sanders all glammed up for her press briefings. It was like watching a pageant mom do a sobriety test every day for the last 2 years. - Chelsea Handler


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Business/Tech News

Amazing how we have stopped talking about Trump's fake Mexico deal...- Roland Scahill

Facebook & Cryptocurrency. Oh My!
Facebook has secured backing from more than a dozen big companies as it prepares to launch a new cryptocurrency, according to the Wall Street Journal ...

America never lost a NBA Championship under Obama. - Mike Taddow tweet


Raise the Roof

Thank you for visiting.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
This is a 1967 Corvette Stingray converted to a jet boat. I love this as I'd never get splashed. I wonder if it has a/c.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump just shot someone on 5th Ave!

Trump rushes into damage control after saying he’d accept foreign help in 2020
The president, who said he talks to foreign leaders every day, turned to his familiar tactic of blaming the media.

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you fail to impeach and/or prosecute a president for conspiring with a foreign power, NOW HE IS LITERALLY ANNOUNCING IN ADVANCE THAT HE WILL DO IT AGAIN, THIS TIME OUT IN THE OPEN and holy f*cking sh*t my goddamn forehead is flat from all the headdesking. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Oakland's City Council voted unanimously to decriminalize the use of magic mushrooms. That’s how crazy things are right now. You can hallucinate on mushrooms and it’s still not as scary as real life. - Chelsea Handler

Trump Is Getting Cockier and Cockier
After admitting he probably wouldn’t call the FBI if a foreign entity offered him dirt on a political opponent in 2020, President Trump still doesn’t see what the big deal is.
During a particularly frenzied morning on Twitter, President Trump sarcastically questioned whether he needed to starting calling the FBI every time he met with the Queen of England and other world leaders, a requirement for his job as the leader of the free world.

It's like President Trump is testing how craven his GOP enablers are... Cuddle up to a murderous dictator? Crickets. Welcome election "help" from a hostile foreign power? Nothing to see here. On and on! Oh how I wish this was Candid Camera and not the state of the Republic. - Dan Rather

Republican Shenanigans

“Once James Comey was fired, we no longer continued to get Gang of 8 briefings on this constellation of counterintelligence investigations and we not have had one since, which is a real problem.” - Rep. Adam Schiff

When Can We See A Public Hearing? Huh, When?
The House Intelligence Committee has issued subpoenas for documents and testimony from former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign aide Richard Gates.

After careful consideration, I believe President Donald Trump should be impeached for... **waves arms wildly in various directions** ...ALL OF THIS!! - Rex Huppke


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"Yesterday, the president gave us once again evidence that he does not know right from wrong. It's a very sad thing." - Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Rock The Voter News

Pence Visits Conversion Therapist For Routine Gay-Preventative Checkup - The Onion

According to Snopes, Kellyanne Conway's integrity is an urban legend
The independent federal agency that oversees compliance with the Hatch Act has recommended that President Donald Trump's top aide Kellyanne Conway be removed from her job after she repeatedly used her office for political purposes.

I can’t wait for George Conway’s pithy tweets about Hatch Act violations ! - Roland Scahill

Pro tip for anti-gay pastors: Stop saying you don't want homosexuality "rammed down your throats." It makes people giggle. - George Takei


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Business/Tech News

Kellyanne Conway To Leave White House Immediately And Begin New Job At Kremlin - Andy Borowitz

What A Mess Trump's Deals Have Made Across the Board
In May, prices for imported fuels and lubricants declined 1.0% after rising 1.7% percent in the prior month. Imported food prices dropped 0.8% last month after surging 2.7% in April. Excluding fuels and food, import prices slipped 0.2% in May after falling 0.3% in the prior month.

I'm not going to believe that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving as White House press secretary until she denies it herself. - James Poniewozik


I Wish I Had A Money Tree So I Don't Have To Ask For Donations


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Notice how everyone is leaning to the left descending the stairs at Machu Picchu, Peru. I'd wear a parachute just to be safe.
