Friday, March 29, 2019

Rand Paul: 'Time for Congress to investigate' Obama

Rand Paul: 'Time for Congress to investigate' Obama
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that lawmakers should investigate former President Obama, suggesting that he could have played a role in the years-long Russia investigation that concluded over the weekend.

 Rand Rubles Paul wants to investigate Obama and Obama will tell you that in 2016 your very own GOP Senate leader was against Obama informing Americans that Russia was interfering in the election.

Lindsey Graham says: “President Trump has been good to me in the sense that he's allowed me in his world." Is he kidding? I’d call him Little Mermaid, but Mermaids have spines! - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump tells the Hannity show that wind power doesn't work because "it only blows sometimes" 
Unlike, say, the Hannity show. - John Fugelsang

Mitch McConnell Dislikes Puerto Rico As Much As Trump
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday took procedural steps to block further amendments to a massive disaster aid bill, a move sure to anger Democrats.
Senate Democrats are threatening to oppose the $13 billion dollar disaster aid bill unless it includes more money for Puerto Rico, even as President Donald Trump complains that Congress is providing too much money to the island.

Trump mocks asylum seekers, mimicking them saying, "I am very afraid for my life, I’m afraid for my life." Then he says, "it’s a big fat con job." - Colby Itkowitz tweet, Washington Post

Republican Shenanigans

The GOP is terrified of Adam Schiff because they can’t block him from being briefed on classified information. 
That’s all this is. They don’t want someone as tenacious as Schiff to get that full briefing on the Mueller report. - Angry Staffer

Aw, Sibling Rivalry, How Cute.
First daughter Ivanka Trump was reportedly in a “tussle” of sorts with her older brother, Donald Trump Jr., over who would potentially follow in the footsteps of their father and run for president. She even “has a hissy fit” when Trump Jr. gets good press, said the author of a new book.

I agree with Trump that Adam Schiff does not belong in Congress. He should be President. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

“Those who read ‘Moby-Dick’ looking for whales will be sorely disappointed,” Barr wrote. “There are no whales here.” - Andy Borowitz

No One Wants To Be A Border Agent. Wonder Why?
Border Patrol struggling to hire, keep agents, but may never get 5,000 Trump ordered.
When U.S. Border Patrol agents called on the patrol's air unit to provide overhead coverage for operations, about four out of five requests were rejected over three recent years.
The reason? A lack of pilots.
And the staffing crisis at Border Patrol doesn't end with pilots.

Betsy DeVos woke up on her yacht and thought “what disadvantaged group can I take federal funding away from today?” Don’t judge Betsy DeVos until you sail a mile in her yacht. - Chelsea Handler


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Business/Tech News

If you think fertilized eggs are people but women who've walked their kids 2,000 miles aren't, stop pretending your concerns are religious. - LOLGOP

You must pray the gay away.
Mike Pence Is Gonna Be Pissed
Google is pulling a gay conversion therapy app that was banned by Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft months ago. Despite pressure from LGBTQ rights groups, Google had refused to ban the app from Living Hope Ministries, saying it didn’t clearly violate its Play Store terms of service. A Google spokesperson said: “After consulting with outside advocacy groups, reviewing our policies, and making sure we had a thorough understanding of the app and its relation to conversion therapy, we’ve decided to remove it from the Play Store, consistent with other app stores.”

Trump says the GOP is the “Party of HealthCare”, meanin’ they’ll have it and you won’t. - Tea Pain



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wonder what that jaguar is looking at -- dinner?


Thursday, March 28, 2019

HUD Charges Facebook With Housing Discrimination Over Targeted Advertising

HUD Charges Facebook With Housing Discrimination Over Targeted Advertising
The Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] has alleged that Facebook’s targeted advertising practices violate the Fair Housing Act by “encouraging, enabling, and causing” unlawful discrimination. The HUD says Facebook breaks the law by allowing users to restrict who can view housing ads.

If Twitter is trying to censor conservative voices, it is doing a very bad job. - Stephen Colbert

Facebook censored one of Clay Bennett's cartoons today. 
Clay Bennett!
This cartoon (posted 3/20/2019) was just removed by Facebook for "violating community standards."
So, tell me Facebook- how am I supposed to depict a presidency that "violates community standards" without doing so myself? - Clay Bennett 3/28/2019 tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The prime minister of Israel is defending Hitler to further demonize Islam. I’m familiar with “Jews for Jesus” but “Jews for Hitler” is a new one on me. - OhNoSheTwint

Chairman Schiff stared them down, and listed off all the indisputable evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Watch it, then watch it again.

Disney just announced they won’t be releasing Star Wars Episode IX as we’d been promised - but instead, Attorney General William Barr will provide the world with a comprehensive 4-page plot summary. - John Fugelsang

Trump Puts More FBI Agents In Danger
Donald Trump accused former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of committing treason when they took steps to investigate his possible ties to Russia. “They wanted to do a subversion,” the president told Sean Hannity in rambling, 45-minute interview on Fox News on Wednesday night. “It was treason. It was really treason.” He also claimed he plans to release the classified documents the FBI used to launch a probe of Russian interference in his election. 

Republican Shenanigans

Trump & his Peeps seem to have Premature Exoneration Syndrome At 72 he’s lucky to get an election. - Mayday Mindy tweet

Gasp! President Donald Trump Jr.?
In a terrifying glimpse into the future, Donald Trump Jr. has revealed that he’s considering running for office one day, just like his dad. Speaking on Bloomberg Radio on Wednesday evening, Donald Trump’s oldest son said he was focused on getting “the country back on track” by promoting his father’s policies.

Look, I’m not perfect but at least my obituary won’t say, “and in 2019, he defunded the Special Olympics.” - Conan O'Brien


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I wonder which college basketball team will get to watch Trump eat 300 room temperature cheeseburgers. - Stephen Colbert

Rock The Voter News

"I'm so proud of the work of Chairman Adam Schiff...I think they're just scaredy-cats. They just don't know what to do." - Speaker Pelosi says after GOP members of House Intel Committee call for his resignation.

When the ranking member of the House Intel Committee demands that Chairman Schiff resign, we know we’re in an out and out war for the soul of Democracy. The GOP cult will do anything to protect the Corrupt Autocrat. Don’t let down. Dig in. Long fight ahead. - Rob Reiner

White-Supremacists In Action
Federal authorities in Alaska have charged six members of the 1488 white-supremacist prison gang with the beating death of gang member Michael Staton, according to ABC News 13. “The defendants allegedly participated in the heinous murder of Michael Staton, with the goal of impressing their vile and racist gang,” Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski said in a statement late Wednesday.

Reporter: "Do you think that you'll see a female President in your lifetime?"

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: "I f*cking better. Yeah"

The Special Olympics needs a new event, throwin' javelins at anyone who wants to cut funding to the Special Olympics. - George Wallace


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Business/Tech News

Great Britain is like a dad who asks for a divorce, then refuses to move out of the house and kind of hopes you’ll forget he’s living in the basement. - Conan O'Brien

Twitter Comes Up With Penalty For Politicians 
A Twitter executive on Wednesday said the company is considering a new feature that will label tweets from politicians, including President Trump, when they violate Twitter rules.

The rise of flat-Earthers in the United States is evidence of two things: 1) the protection of speech, and 2) the failure of our educational system. - Neil deGrasse Tyson



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love this photo, it reminds me of all the times I enjoyed Florida's turquoise waters.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Barbara Bush blamed Trump for 'heart attack': book

Barbara Bush blamed Trump for 'heart attack': book
Barbara Bush blamed President Trump for what she called her “heart attack” in 2016, according to an excerpt from an upcoming book on the former first lady, "The Matriarch."

Guess who George H. W. Bush, his wife, Attorney General William Barr and Trump admired? Nixon. They all thought he got screwed. Forget the ghost of Barbara Bush seeking revenge on Trump, it's Nixon's ghost who is still haunting us all with his revenge. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Stand proud, America, because if Trump *didn't* collude, that means that Putin was able to manipulate the gullible fucking moron into doing his bidding just by appealing to his bottomless vanity, and don't think that Kim, Bibi and Bone Saw Arabia weren't watching and taking notes. - Jeff Tiedrich

The Latest Episode Of Kellyanne & George!
George Conway, a lawyer married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, argued Tuesday that special counsel Robert Mueller's report must have "something pretty damning in it" if it could not exonerate President Trump on the question of obstruction of justice.

Shocked Vladimir Putin Slowly Realizing He Didn’t Conspire With Trump Campaign - The Onion

The Barr Report? That's like putting your husband's mistress in charge of your divorce settlement. - Joy Behar

Republican Shenanigans

Betsy DeVos donating a portion of her salary to the Special Olympics only to turn around and decimate the entirety of its funding is a special kind of plutocrat savior ableist bullsh*t. - Liz Plank


Trump Continues To Kick Puerto Rico When They're Down
President Donald Trump, in a closed door meeting Tuesday with Senate Republicans, again took a swipe at Puerto Rico's fiscal management and the size of its disaster relief in the wake of damaging storms last week -- and he brought a visual aid to try and back up his point, according to senators in the room.

There's no dispute that Russia influenced an election where the biggest popular vote loser in 140 years won. There's no dispute that Trump lied about his and campaign's dealings with the Russians as this was happening. The only dispute is whether they should get away with it. - LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

“Losing my health insurance seems too good to be true,” a jubilant Trump supporter said. - Andy Borowitz

It's Harder and Harder To Know What or Who To Believe Anymore
Attorneys for Jussie Smollett said Tuesday that all criminal charges against the "Empire" actor and singer have been dropped. Smollett had been charged with falsifying a police report by claiming he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack.
The judge also granted a motion to seal the record in the case, Patricia Brown Holmes, a Smollett lawyer, told reporters inside the Leighton Criminal Court Building in Chicago. She also said the actor voluntarily agreed to forfeit his $10,000 bond to the city of Chicago.

I walked off the House floor in protest during today’s prayer led by a GOP member. This fire and brimstone Evangelical prayer was before the swearing in of the PA House’s first ever Muslim woman. It epitomizes religious intolerance.  - Rep. Kevin J. Boyle


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Canada Banned These Jets From Flying In Their Airspace, Not The USA, So...
A Boeing 737 MAX aircraft operated by Southwest Airlines made an emergency landing Tuesday after experiencing an engine problem as it was being ferried from Florida to California, the US Federal Aviation Agency said.

Business/Tech News

Everything is so ugly now, here is a heartwarming picture.

I Hope This Doesn't Affect Me In Costa Rica. 😉
Europe has approved new copyright laws that will change the internet. The problem is that nobody knows exactly how.
The European Parliament on Tuesday approved an overhaul of the bloc's copyright laws that makes platforms like Google's YouTube responsible for infringements committed by their users.

Love is everything it's cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. - Erica Jong



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The first space 'selfie' . Buzz Aldrin took the photo during the Gemini 12 mission in November 1966.
