Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I wonder if Sarah Sanders will be subpoenaed

Sarah Sanders: Corruption in Trump’s inauguration has ‘nothing to do with the White House’
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday said that any corrupt activities surrounding President Donald Trump’s inauguration had “nothing to do with the Trump White House.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Proofreads State Of The Union One Last Time To Remove Any Remaining Facts - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump said Mexico is “worse than Afghanistan” but I don’t think anyone is getting drunk on a beach in Afghanistan…So, there's that. - Chelsea Handler

Barbarians At The U.S. Gate
Saudi Arabia and its coalition gave al Qaeda, Salafi militias and other factions in Yemen weapons that were produced by the United States, CNN reported Monday.
The weapons have also reportedly been captured by Iranian-backed rebels groups fighting the coalition in Yemen, meaning they may be reverse-engineered for intelligence.

When Trump said "Nancy Pelosi is bad for the country," the country he was referring to was Russia. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

When is the STFU address? - Tim Hanlon

Eric Trump On PR Tour For Ivanka
President Trump's son Eric Trump on Tuesday said his sister Ivanka Trump "has done more for women than probably anyone in Washington, D.C."

Pelosi should just slip on her sunglasses halfway through the speech. - Schooley


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Every politician who’s ever worn blackface needs to resign.  
Also every politician who’s ever defended white supremacist monuments and flags.   
Oh also every politician or broadcaster who ever questioned the 1st black president’s citizenship.   

Am I right #maga ? - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

#RalphNortham should resign for that God awful press conference alone.

Sadism Is The New Empathy!
"These are children who were ripped from their parents arms...and now the government is saying, 'well, maybe the children don't  really want to see the parents anymore'... It's a stunning argument," Lee Gelernt, of ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project, says

1984 was supposed to be a futuristic novel. Turns out it was the year bunch of politicians did stupid sh*t that would cost them their job 35 years later. - Tim Hanlon


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American women today are 50% more likely to die in childbirth than their own mothers. Let's not mince words. The loss of reproductive freedom means more dead women. - Hillary Clinton

Business/Tech News

FUN FACT:  If it has Trump's name on it and it's not already bankrupt, it's under criminal investigation. - Tea Pain tweet

I Blame Russia
The north magnetic pole has been drifting so fast that it could be a problem for smartphone maps and navigation systems

Why does Trump spray-tan?
Because he doesn’t get enough sunlight standing in Obama’s shadow.

Proofreader needed on Aisle 4!


My transparent roof is coming to fruition.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
What a beautiful family. I love the puppies' ears!


Monday, February 4, 2019

Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, donned blackface and moonwalked

Virginia Legislators Open Session Amid Calls For Governor To Resign
The Virginia House of Delegates opened its session Monday amid mounting pressure for Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam to resign. Rachel Martin speaks with ...

Kudos to the yearbook staff for accurately depicting Ralph Northam.

Northam Asks People of Virginia For Patience While He Comes Up With Better Story - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms of the poor by the well housed, well warmed, and well fed. - Herman Melville

Let's be perfectly clear...Trump kidnapped these children to dissuade those seeking asylum
US wants to avoid pulling what may be thousands of migrant children from 'sponsor' homes to rejoin parents, saying it "could be traumatic to the children."

Hillary Clinton loses emails and Republicans chant “Lock her up”.
Donald Trump loses children and Republicans chant “Four More Years”.
If you still don’t think that this is some sort of sick, twisted cult, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your priorities as Americans. - Ed Krassenstein

Republican Shenanigans

Am I the only one relieved that Trump does nothing all day? - Renee Libby

White House Says Trump's Tan Is Just 'Good Genes' 
President Trump's persistently mysterious, winter-defying tan is the result of “good genes,” according to the White House's official line on his complexion.

White women who support Donald Trump ignore the sexism so they can enjoy the racism. - Middle Age Riot tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Next time a fundamentalist tries to smear an undocumented worker by saying "Jesus says to follow the laws" remind them that Roe v. Wade is the law. - John Fugelsang

I Wonder If Hillary Holds The Record For Fake News Spread About Her?
Howard Dean, the former Democratic National Committee chairman, on Sunday accused reporters of spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton during her 2016 bid for the White House.

Trump considering pulling out of the US Constitution. - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Just had a bit of a Freudian slip in this Starbucks as I heard myself order a Venti Good-God-Please-Don't-Let-Schultz-Run-For-President. - Conan O'Brien

This Is A Great Article By "The Onion" . Oh, Wait....
Expensive yachts that double as floating art galleries can lead to unexpected and costly mishaps.
Priceless paintings and sculptures kept on the vessels face damage not only from storms and storing conditions, but also from random threats including breakfast cereal splashed by the owner’s kids and the yacht’s crew popping champagne on board.

I'd like to see Andrew Jackson give up his seat on the $20 bill for Rosa Parks. - John Fugelsang


More materials have landed.

Thank you. 💓


I'm thinking of doing a youtube video on How To Repair A Broken Laptop Hinge in 5 Minutes. What do you think? Below are the before and after pix.


LOL. If I wasn't building a house I'd buy myself a new laptop
as this poor old thing is literally falling apart. Thank God for duct tape!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Street art in Guarda, Portugal. I wonder who that guy is waving.


Friday, February 1, 2019

There are no bricks for his wall, so he's gonna...

Trump: 'Good chance' I will declare emergency to build wall
President Trump said Friday there is a “good chance” he will declare a national emergency to circumvent Congress and build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
“I think there’s a good chance we’ll have to do that,” Trump told reporters

The polar vortex has already killed more people than immigrants but I don't hear anyone declaring a national emergency to build the homeless some walls and roof. - mith tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The last time I remember a president that ignored Intel, 9-11 happened

Just a friendly reminder that we have an acting defense secretary, acting attorney general, acting White House chief of staff, and acting interior secretary.

This Is Apparently Just For Show --  See, We're Tuff On Them Russians
Trump makes it official: U.S. to quit missile treaty with Russia
The decision to halt the U.S. role in the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty has raised concerns about a renewed arms race with Moscow.

Pence: “I Believe God Wanted Trump To Be President So I Could Be President. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's idea of "good news" is your wife catchin' you callin' your drug dealer instead of your mistress. - Tea Pain

Jared Kushner Security Clearance Chaos Update
President Donald Trump on Thursday denied intervening to overrule White House staff who had sought to deny Jared Kushner a security clearance.

Trump says he was disappointed to see the FBI's raid on #RogerStone "go down that way." It's okay, putz...You'll have many more opportunities to see other raids go down. Maybe even one up super-close! - Bette Midler


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NY should rename 5th Ave "Barack Obama Ave" so that Trump Tower will have to use that as its address forever. - Josh Goodman

Rock The Voter News

GOP Caucus Threatens To Ht Democrats With A Wet Noodle
The House Freedom Caucus was created to make life hell for the majority. Now, it’s the Democrats’ turn to suffer.
After last fall’s 40-seat electoral disaster, the conservative hard-liners have agreed to a cease-fire with their long-suffering GOP leadership as they work together to try to crush Democrats at the polls next year.

CNN: Happy Black History Month!
NBC: Happy Black History Month!
Fox News: At this station we say Merry Christmas. - OhNoSheTwint

I was wondering earlier what the ranking of babies named Donald was and I found this...

What is so frightening is America's appetite for drugs. We indirectly created cartels causing chaos throughout Central and South America and we reject people fleeing from the violence.
The answer isn't a wall.


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Business/Tech News

Trump said that El Chapo’s "tremendous success in the private sector” showed that he has what it takes to “shake things up” at the D.E.A. - Andy Borowitz

The Family That Scams Together, Stays Together In Cellblock #1
President Donald Trump’s three eldest children were deeply involved in a scam promoted on “The Apprentice” reality TV show, according to a lawsuit filed by four former clients

As we celebrate Black History Month and Jackie Robinson’s 100th birthday, we celebrate the life of all whose courage opened the gates for everybody, and in the process, made America better. - Barack Obama



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Should I do it? It's so obvious -- Hark! A bee-hind.
