The Virginia House of Delegates opened its session Monday amid mounting pressure for Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam to resign. Rachel Martin speaks with ...
Kudos to the yearbook staff for accurately depicting Ralph Northam.
Northam Asks People of Virginia For Patience While He Comes Up With Better Story - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- 'He’s unbriefable’: Naval War College professor warns Trump is incapable of learning anything
- Iraqi president says Trump did not ask permission to 'watch Iran'
- US allies may hold back sharing secrets for fear Trump will leak them to Putin: Ex-CIA agent
- Russian Navy has new weapon that makes targets hallucinate, vomit: report
- Democrats must impeach Trump to ensure ‘the long-term health of our democracy’: Princeton historians
- Migrant detainee on hunger strike in Texas describes being force-fed three times a day
- Pentagon to deploy 3,750 U.S. forces to border with Mexico
- ‘KEEP OUT!’: Trump tells non-Americans to stay out of the country in border tweet
Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms of the poor by the well housed, well warmed, and well fed. - Herman Melville
Let's be perfectly clear...Trump kidnapped these children to dissuade those seeking asylum
US wants to avoid pulling what may be thousands of migrant children from 'sponsor' homes to rejoin parents, saying it "could be traumatic to the children."
Hillary Clinton loses emails and Republicans chant “Lock her up”.
Donald Trump loses children and Republicans chant “Four More Years”.
If you still don’t think that this is some sort of sick, twisted cult, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your priorities as Americans. - Ed Krassenstein
Republican Shenanigans
- Leaked schedules show Trump spent about 60 percent of last 3 months in "Executive Time": report
- Trump works "harder for the American people than anyone in recent history," White House staffer claims
- Newt Gingrich buried in ridicule after excusing Trump’s laziness by comparing him to Winston Churchill
- Trump’s State of the Union pledge: Ending HIV transmissions by 2030
- Prosecutors investigating source of funding for Trump's Scotland golf courses: report
- Nielsen to testify before House Homeland Security panel next month
- Trump ignites new immigration furor ahead of State of the Union
Am I the only one relieved that Trump does nothing all day? - Renee Libby
White House Says Trump's Tan Is Just 'Good Genes'
President Trump's persistently mysterious, winter-defying tan is the result of “good genes,” according to the White House's official line on his complexion.White women who support Donald Trump ignore the sexism so they can enjoy the racism. - Middle Age Riot tweet
Rock The Voter News
- Senior Democrats press Virginia governor to resign over racist photo
- Dems seize on Trump feud with intelligence leaders
- Democrats Call On Mulvaney To Revoke Jared Kushner's Security Clearance
- Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard officially declares 2020 candidacy
Next time a fundamentalist tries to smear an undocumented worker by saying "Jesus says to follow the laws" remind them that Roe v. Wade is the law. - John Fugelsang
I Wonder If Hillary Holds The Record For Fake News Spread About Her?
Howard Dean, the former Democratic National Committee chairman, on Sunday accused reporters of spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton during her 2016 bid for the White House.
Trump considering pulling out of the US Constitution. - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
- Soak the rich? Americans say go for it
- GM threatens to sue Canadian auto union over scathing Super Bowl ad
- Hawaii lawmaker introduces bill to eventually ban cigarette sales in state
- Dirty money fears push Deutsche Bank into trans-Atlantic spotlight
- Hackers stole nearly 447,000,000 consumer records containing sensitive personal information last year
Just had a bit of a Freudian slip in this Starbucks as I heard myself order a Venti Good-God-Please-Don't-Let-Schultz-Run-For-President. - Conan O'Brien
This Is A Great Article By "The Onion" . Oh, Wait....
Expensive yachts that double as floating art galleries can lead to unexpected and costly mishaps.
Priceless paintings and sculptures kept on the vessels face damage not only from storms and storing conditions, but also from random threats including breakfast cereal splashed by the owner’s kids and the yacht’s crew popping champagne on board.
I'd like to see Andrew Jackson give up his seat on the $20 bill for Rosa Parks. - John Fugelsang
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