Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day 25 of the government shutdown

Government shutdown day 25: Trump says he will 'never back down'
What's up with the partial government shutdown on Day 25: ...Trump digging in for a fight, declaring he will “never ever back down

Kremlin names Trump Employee of the Month. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In the 1640's the Dutch inhabitants of New Amsterdam built a 12' wall to keep the bad guys out.  The British ignored the wall and took New Amsterdam by sea. It's now called New York. They took down the wall and built a street. It's called Wall St.

Drone Wars On The Horizon?
Federal regulators announced plans Monday to change rules to allow drone operators to fly their unmanned aerial vehicles over populated areas and at night, without having to get special permits

So hard going through the airport today. I looked into the eyes of our workers who deserve better. A TSA officer said: "Don't stop fighting. Keep it up." I broke down & felt the weight of the responsibility on me. I will never become numb to the human impact. We must end this.- Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Trump's slurred speech tied to low battery in Putin's remote. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

If I didn't already know that Laura Loomer was white, I would have guessed it after you told me that she jumped a fence and trespassed on someone's private property, went up to the front door and tried to open it and the cops let her walk away un-arrested and in fact still alive. - Jeff Tiedrich

William Barr claims "I will act with the same integrity as I did with the George H. W. Bush administration."
That's the problem.  Barr advocated the pardonin' of every scoundrel in the Iran-Contra scandal. - Tea Pain

GOP Senate Blocks Reopening Government 
Senate Republicans blocked a House-passed package to reopen the federal government for a second time in as many weeks on Tuesday.

William Barr assures the American people he will bravely let the Mueller probe continue until the day he advises Trump to pardon everyone who's been convicted and they all walk away clean like in good 'ol '92. - John Fugelsang

I'd like 600 hamberders, 300 freedom fries, and a diet coke with extra ice.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Trump now has the longest government shutdown in history and he wants you to know it's also the thickest. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Chuck Schumer Honestly Pretty Amazed He Hasn’t Caved Yet - The Onion

I Wonder If Covfefe Was Served With Hamberders
Fast food aficionado President Trump claimed Tuesday he bought more than 1000 “hamberders” for the Clemson Tigers college football team, ...

Oh no! My hamberder meat has e-collie. - Crutnacker tweet


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Trump's mafia name is Donny Burgers - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

No real billionaire needs to tell people that he paid for fast food. - Andy Lassner

Something Else For Trumpsters To Destroy
The razor company's short film, called Believe, plays on their famous slogan "The best a man can get", replacing it with "The best men can be".
The company says it wants men to hold each other "accountable".
Some have praised the message of the advert, which aims to update the company's 30-year-old tagline, but others say Gillette is "dead" to them.

We need to get past this stupid fast food thing so we can get back to [checks notes] bickering over disposable razor ads. - PopeHat tweet

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. - Carol Channing who passed away today at the age of 97


So close...thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Manicured rice paddies in Sa Pa, Vietnam.


Monday, January 14, 2019

If Trump isn't a Russian agent, he's sure doing a good imitation of one

Just days after a bombshell report revealed that the F.B.I. investigated whether President Trump was working on behalf of Russian interests, more troubling details have emerged. Renewed scrutiny of five meetings Trump has held with Russian president Vladimir Putin has revealed surprising efforts to suppress any record of conversations between the two leaders—including Trump personally confiscating an interpreter’s notes.

Can an entire party be guilty of obstruction of justice? - Schooley tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

China used to be rather infamous for its long but ineffective wall and its big problem with opioids.
But sure, MAGA. - George Takei

Trump Ushers In Airport Insecurity
An airline passenger carried a gun through the TSA checkpoint at Atlanta’s airport and carried it all the way through to his overseas destination, according to a report from Channel 2 Action News.

If US politicians really wanted undocumented immigration to end, they'd start locking up the Americans who hire them.  The demand for undocumented labor would swiftly end. They never talk about that.  There's a giant "Help Wanted" sign at our border and it's not coming down. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Let me be clear, if the Republican Party won’t see to remove Chris Collins or Duncan Hunter from Congress, who are both currently under criminal indictments for insider trading and fraud, they won’t be removing Steve King after his endorsement of White Supremacy. - Ricky Davila

President Trump: "This is where I ask the Democrats to come back to Washington and to vote for money for the wall, the barrier, whatever you want to call it, it's okay with me. They can name it whatever they can -- name it Peaches." 

Looks like a lot of America has already built a wall…around their hearts.  (Conan drops mic, ascends to heaven) - Conan O'Brien


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Imagine if in 2016 the New York Times had informed its readers about Trump's fake charity or scam university or laundered Russian mob money, instead of nursing its 25-year-long grudge against Hillary Clinton. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

No matter how you feel about her, Hillary warned us. 
Over and over. - Andy Lassner


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There are more people in the Kremlin than in Washington who know what Trump said to Putin. - Tom Nichols

Business/Tech News

It’s mind blowing to watch as the press catches up to the Russia story like, “Can you BELIEVE all this happened?” when Hillary Clinton screamed it from the rooftops while the press ignored her and wrote about emails. - Mikel Jollett

Trump Mocks Man Over Divorce
President Trump on Sunday night mocked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos as "Jeff Bozo" in a tweet slamming The Washington Post, which Bezos owns.

Too bad this isn't true.

“Don’t you love the Oxford Dictionary? When I first read it, I thought it was a really really long poem about everything.” ― David Bowie


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I love this photo of an Alaskan Malamute and an Orlovsky Trotter having a staring contest.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump loves holding the country hostage

Hard-right Freedom Caucus Republicans rebelling against Trump plan for a national emergency declaration: report
Members of the conservative small-government, anti-tax Freedom Caucus are having second thoughts about Donald Trump’s suggestion that he may declare a national state of emergency to get his border wall built.

Odd, how Donald Trump thinks thoughts and prayers will protect our schools, but not our borders. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

'It's pretty much inevitable' that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy: Yale historian Tim Snyder

Who Does This?
Officials at Joshua Tree National Park say some of the iconic trees and landscape have been damaged by visitors and motorists during the government shutdown. 

Government Shutdown Forces National Zoo To Turn Off Panda Suicide Cam - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

"BYE-BYE!" shouts Trump, as he pounds his fist on the table, flings open the door and angrily strides right into the coat closet - Jeff Tiedrich

Manafort Isn't Holding Up Well 
Jailed former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is suffering from depression, anxiety and “severe gout” while behind bars, his lawyers say in new court filings.
Manafort is being kept in solitary confinement “to ensure his safety” but the conditions “have taken a toll on his physical and mental health,” his attorneys wrote in a document made public

It won’t be long until Donald Trump goes back to Puerto Rico and asks for the paper towels back. - Tony Posnanski


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Rock The Voter News

I’m offended by anyone calling Trump “motherf*cker” because it’s deeply insulting to Oedipus. -John Fugelsang

FBI Tells It Like It Is: The Shutdown Is A National Security Threat
The shutdown is a national security threat: "I'm not going to try to candy-coat it," said Tom O'Connor, the FBI Agents Association president. "We really feel that the financial insecurities we are facing right now equates to a national security issue."

If US politicians really wanted undocumented immigration to end, they'd start locking up the Americans who hire them.  The demand for undocumented labor would swiftly end. They never talk about that.  There's a giant "Help Wanted" sign at our border and it's not coming down. - John Fugelsang


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“Build the Wall!!”
Meanwhile, Cubans

Trump is going to be left with a devout, but poor base that can’t afford to stay at any of his properties. He’s such a brilliant businessman. - Marie Connor

Business/Tech News

Air Traffic Controllers Sue Trump
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association on Friday sued the Trump administration over the continued partial government shutdown, saying airline controllers are being deprived ”of their hard-earned compensation without the requisite due process.”

If an air traffic controller is guiding my flight, I want her concentrating on getting my ass on the ground safely, *not* whether she can make her mortgage payment...- Ray Smith

The Senate just adjourned til Monday, ensuring this will be the longest U.S. government shutdown in history. - Manu Raju, CNN


Wow, I found a video where Whitney Houston portrays me and Kevin Costner portrays you.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A frog with snails on its head. She looks like Princess Leia.
