Monday, January 7, 2019

Democrats Attempt Screen Pass

Two Democratic senators call for blocking votes unrelated to shutdown
Both Democratic senators from Maryland said Sunday that the Senate shouldn't take up any legislation unrelated to the partial government shutdown until a vote is taken to reopen the government.

My prediction is that Trump cancels the state of the union when he realizes Nancy Pelosi will be sitting right behind him - mith tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Do you think Trump would agree to an emotional wall? - Conan O'Brien

Fox Host Schools Sarah Sanders
“We know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is southern border,” Sarah Sanders began, but Fox's Chris Wallace cut her off.
“I know the statistic, I didn’t know if you were going to use it, but I studied up on this,” Wallace said. “Do you know what those 4,000 people come where they are captured? Airports.”
“Not always…” Sanders said weakly.

The cost of removing a President from office is smaller than the cost of allowing this President to remain. - Bette Midler

Republican Shenanigans

I have a serious question: when Trump is tried, will he be tried as an adult? - Turnip tweet

22 Immigrant Deaths In 2 Years. 22.
The 22 immigrants who died in the nation's sprawling network of detention centers over the past two years came to the United States from countries as far-flung as Vietnam, and as close as Mexico. Some had been longtime legal residents, arriving as refugees or students. Others were recent asylum seekers. Many were young — half were not yet 45 years old.

Right now some Deplorable is driving a crappy car on crumbling roads past abandoned storefronts to a low-paying job and nodding his head in agreement as he listens to some hate-radio screech-monkey explain that higher marginal tax rates for the ultra-wealthy will lead to disaster. - Jeff Tiedrich


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The impression you get from the president is that he would like not only close government, build a wall, but also abolish Congress, so the only voice that mattered was his own. - Nancy Pelosi

Rock The Voter News

Imagine being a political columnist who could write about literally any topic you wanted and, given everything going on in American politics these days, you decided to write about how a woman member of Congress used a swear word. - Nate Silver tweet

Wow. Vermont Newspaper Urges Bernie Not To Run For Prez.
The editorial board for The Barre-Montpelier Times Argus, a newspaper in Vermont, is urging Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) not to run for president in 2020.
"Bernie Sanders should not run for president. In fact, we beg him not to," the editorial board begins in a piece published on Saturday. 

Lying should be a greater source of shame then cursing. - Xeni Jardin


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Soon trump supporters are  gonna have to decide if their White Supremacy is more important than their Food Stamps or Tax Refunds ! - Mayday Mindy tweet

Business/Tech News

The real national emergency is that 800,000 federal workers will not get paychecks this week. - Amee Vanderpool

Giuliani's Preemptive Strike At Mueller Report
The White House may try to use executive privilege to keep parts of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report from being made public, Bloomberg News reported Monday, citing unidentified sources.  
President Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told the news outlet that Trump's legal team "will look at it and see if the president thinks there is a valid claim" of executive privilege.

Hillary Launches Campaign To Raise $100 Million Or Else She'll Run For President. - The Onion


Subject: Donation


Now you need an even $300 -- happy new year!


Thank you Sharon! Fingers crossed!


Odd News

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A puppy, topsiders and a wood canoe is a little slice of heaven.


Friday, January 4, 2019

Gentlewomen, start your engines

Pelosi: Impeachment is 'divisive,' but colleague's coarse language is no worse than Trump's
In an MSNBC town hall, the newly elected House speaker said she has a "generational reaction" to the profane language a fellow Democrat used to describe the president.

Trump has absolutely no idea what’s coming. He understands that DC is about to change, but he’s never experienced — and he’s vastly  unprepared for — real oversight.

Welcome, Madam Speaker. - Angry WH Staffer tweet

I'm not crying, you're crying!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mattis Wondering If His “I Quit, You Asshole” Letter Was Too Subtle For Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile, America Is Apparently Having A Massive Nervous Breakdown 
A "huge and largely unreported problem" is happening in ERs across the nation, one expert says.
"The extent to which ERs are now flooded with patients with mental illness is unprecedented," said Dr. David R. Rubinow, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Paul Ryan left office with 12% approval rating.
Gas Station Sushi currently has 17% approval rating. - YS tweet

Republican Shenanigans

If I were Elizabeth Warren, and I won the nomination... I would go to the first debate dressed like Pocahontas. - Renee Libby

Trump Hold Scary Press Briefing With Bald Men
President Trump's first official appearance at the White House briefing room podium was a less of a briefing (he took no questions) and more of a speech pressing for his border wall

Mitt Romney, a millionaire-at-birth who supported the Vietnam war but avoided going, who likes to fire people & thinks millionaires have really had it rough, is here to present himself as a GOP alternative to Trump.- John Fugelsang


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A moment of silence for all the 2018 punditry saying that Pelosi would cost Democrats the majority and that her House colleagues wouldn’t elect her Speaker again.- Seth Masket

Rock The Voter News

Pace yourselves, GOP. If you’re upset because one woman danced and another one used a swear, you’ll be all out of pearls to clutch when the subpoenas start flying. - goldengateblond tweet

What In The World Is He Wearing & Why?
A photo of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is going viral for showing the former official exiting a Congressional building in a disheveled suit and tie pulled apart.

Très Gaudy
Benghazi was on his mind.

Surely Ocasio-Cortez’s political career is over after this footage we found of her doing a totally sick kickflip on a skateboard over a pit of kodiak grizzly bears while playing Freebird on a double-neck guitar. - Sam Sykes


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Business/Tech News

Pence Begs Trump Not To Make Him Sit Next to Pelosi During State of Union. - Andy Borowitz

Weird, I Noticed NBC Bias When Tim Russert Crucified Bill Clinton Weekly
Mainstream media’s pro-war posture hammered in veteran NBC reporter’s scathing resignation letter
"That a network insider has blown the whistle on how all this works, and how MSNBC and NBC have become Ground Zero for these political pathologies of militarism and servitude to security state agencies, while not surprising, is nonetheless momentous."

Dance like every conservative is whining. - Jeff Tiedrich


Thank you


Odd News

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December 12, 2006 – Astronauts Robert Curbeam and Christer Fuglesang work outside the International Space Station. I feel queasy.


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Welcome Back Democracy!

Democrats take control of the House as a new Congress convenes
Following eight years in the minority, Democrats are taking control of the House after winning a net-gain of 40 seats during the midterm ...

Nancy Pelosi has just arrived at the Capitol and I want to run up to her screaming, "Mom! Mom! Thank God you're home! The babysitter is bat sh*t cray and starting fires." - Amee Vanderpool

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

We are a few months away from “the wall has been completed and it is invisible” - Ryan Lizza

Trump Picks Fight With Pope
President Trump on Wednesday suggested that a border wall can't be immoral because there are walls around the Vatican.
“When they say the wall’s immoral, well then you got to do something about the Vatican, because the Vatican has the biggest wall of them all," Trump said during remarks at a meeting with his Cabinet members.

Can someone just show Trump a picture of the Great Wall of China and tell him it's Texas so he'll shut up? - Devin Duke

Republican Shenanigans

Nancy Pelosi gives the expression ‘grow a pair’ new meaning. All the men in Washington need to grow a pair of ovaries like her and start standing up to Trump. - TDP tweet

Romney Makes Great PR Move By Being Coy
Sen.-elect Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said Wednesday that he hasn't decided whether to endorse President Trump in the 2020 election, but ruled out mounting a primary challenge himself.
"I haven’t decided who I’m going to endorse in 2020. I’m going to see what the alternatives are," Romney said in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.

If Jeff Flake and Susan Collins had a child it would be Mitt Romney. - Tony Posnanski

We weren’t even 48 hours into 2019 and the DC press was calling Elizabeth Warren unlikeable and Mitt Romney a courageous maverick. - Adam Parkhomenko


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Fun fact: Presidential signatures are not required to keep the government open. Congress has the power to override a president and make law. - Steve Dennis

Rock The Voter News

Nancy Pelosi won't ever wear 'the coat' again because it has become a distraction, while Donald Trump puts fake movie posters on desks during cabinet meetings... 
It will be very nice to have adults in charge of our government in a few hours. - Roland Scahill

Bernie Was Too Busy To Notice Sexual Harassment
As Bernie Sanders faces new allegations of sexual harassment within his 2016 presidential campaign, the Vermont senator said he never noticed.
“I was a little bit busy running around the country,” he said on CNN Wednesday evening when Anderson Cooper asked about the allegations of misconduct.

Take a minute to really let the scale of Paul Ryan’s fall from grace really sink in.
A candidate for Vice President a few short years ago. One of the two most powerful Republicans in Congress.
Gone from office with an approval rate barely a dozen points above zero. - The Hoarse Whisperer


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Business/Tech News

If you’re a white man who’s afraid of women and minorities gaining power, perhaps it’s because of how you’ve seen women and minorities treated and how you yourself have treated them. - OhNoSheTwint

Uh Oh. Somebody's Gonna Get Fired
Trump economic adviser Kevin Hassett predicts "a heck of a lot of'' U.S. companies will join Apple in announcing lower than expected earnings due to trade war

Is it possible the stock market keeps fluctuating so much because there’s a cat sitting on its keyboard? - Conan O'Brien


So Close!
Thank you!


Odd News

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A mother's love.
