Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ivanka is up to her long neck in emails

Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails
“Until the White House provided her the same guidance they had to others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her private account," a Trump spokesman said.

Beginning to think it was never really about her emails.- Dan Savage

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

That Bin Laden was killed the night Trump was owned at the White House Correspondents Dinner might explain his attitude. - Schooley tweet

Someone Is Attacking Our Diplomats
The mother of a U.S. diplomat who fell ill after suspected "health attacks" in China is speaking out, sharing her family's harrowing story publicly in hopes of raising awareness about the potential danger facing American diplomats and other workers around the world.

Anyone know of an island that can be surrounded by walls, everyone has guns, white people only, state TV...where Donald Trump and his loyalists can go be happy? - Dylan

Trump is lucky that horse didn't kick him.

Trump Sides With Saudi Arabia
President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that the U.S. stands with Saudi Arabia in the wake of the slaying of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
In a lengthy statement, punctuated with eight exclamation points, Trump said that while “we may never know all of the facts surrounding” Khashoggi’s death, but “our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

I mean, who are you going to believe, your own intelligence agencies or the royal family that funnels hundreds of millions of dollars through your tacky gold-plated real estate ventures and straight into your pocket. - Jeff Tiedrich

Republican Shenanigans

Ivanka Trump isn’t dumb...
She is a bad person. Just like every other Trump. - Tony Posnanski

Thank God The Rule Of Law Overrules Trump
A federal judge barred the Trump administration from refusing asylum to immigrants who cross the southern border illegally.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation on Nov. 9 that said anyone who crossed the southern border between official ports of entry would be ineligible for asylum. As the first of several caravans of migrants have started arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump said an asylum ban was necessary to stop what he's attacked as a national security threat.

If you're one of those news organizations that treated Clinton's private emails like they were a national emergency, the solution isn't to treat Ivanka's private emails like they're also a national emergency—rather, it's to acknowledge that you kinda f-cked up on Clinton. - Nate Silver


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Rock The Voter News

What Is Going On With Michael Avenatti?
The actress Mareli Miniutti is seeking a restraining order against Michael Avenatti, the attorney who was arrested last week on suspicion of felony domestic violence.
Miniutti filed a petition in Los Angeles County Superior Court seeking the restraining order. 

There’s literally no member of the Trump family who should still have a security clearance at this point. - Jared Yates Sexton


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The only thing Trump has in common with Jesus is that they both used ghost writers. -John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Walmart Wants Refund From Racist Republican
Walmart asked Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi on Tuesday to return its campaign donation after “Will and Grace” actress Debra Messing and others criticized the retail giant for supporting the lawmaker after she made controversial comments about attending a hypothetical “public hanging.”

Studies show young people are having less sex than previous generations. I knew I was ahead of my time. - Conan O'Brien


AHNC Will Be 18 Years Old!
Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
It's not a painting, it's Jupiter and Io taken by Voyager spacecraft. (NASA)


Monday, November 19, 2018

TRUMP: Rakes Fight Fires

California wildfires: Finland bemused by Trump raking comment 
Finns have been baffled by US President Donald Trump's comments praising the country for managing its vast forests by raking

Thanksgiving is four days away and I already got in a heated political fight with my mom that ended in “I love you. Please get out of my house.” - Molly McNearney


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

This year, instead of pardoning a turkey, Trump is going to round up every turkey Obama ever pardoned and kill them on live TV. - OhNoSheTwint

Trump Welcomes Future Loss To The First Amendment
If you thought the Trump administration would seek to settle CNN and Jim Acosta's lawsuit out of court... think again. After CNN won a temporary restraining order on Friday, forcing the White House to restore his press pass for 14 days, White House officials sent Acosta a letter stating that his pass is set to be suspended again once the restraining order expires.

Republican Shenanigans

Charles Manson never murdered anyone. He just held rallies where he encouraged his followers to be violent. - Allen Marshall

Senate Democrats Try To Prevent Partisan Hack From Being Attorney General
Senate Democrats filed a lawsuit Monday challenging President Trump’s decision to name Matthew Whitaker acting attorney general.
The lawsuit brought by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia marks the latest challenge in what’s been a flurry of litigation fighting the interim appointment.

Weird how more than a week after a Democratic wave electing tons of women and further diversifying our government, the mainstream media isn't giving us lavish profiles of Democratic voters who rejected the GOP and Trump. - Oliver Willis


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Hell, I'll get out there and rake if we can have Finland's healthcare, education system and gun control. - Randi Mayem Singer

Rock The Voter News

Reminder that Obama was able to laugh at himself at the WHCD, roast Trump and oversee the successful Bin Laden operation - all on the same night. - Helen Kennedy


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Business/Tech News

If bin Laden had invited Trump to open a Trump Tora Bora Hotel, to this day Trump would still be talking about how bin Laden was treated very unfairly. - Jeff Tiedrich

So How's That $12 Billion Farmer Bailout Going?
President Donald Trump’s $12 billion bailout of farmers who had been hurt by his trade wars has been a massive bust politically — and a New York Times report has found that very little of it has gone to the struggling farmers who need it most.

I accidentally called Alexa “Siri” and now neither one will talk to me.    But they both already knew about each other so I just thought we were all being European about things. - John Fugelsang


AllHatNoCattle will be 18 years old on December 14, 2018! Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This little feller is enjoying that giant termite nest on the south end of Tamarindo Beach.


Friday, November 16, 2018

On the 666th day of the Trump presidency Judge orders White House to reinstate Acosta's press credentials

Judge orders White House to reinstate Acosta's press credentials
A federal judge on Friday ordered the Trump administration to reinstate press credentials for Jim Acosta, CNN's chief White House correspondent.

Constitution:    1
Donald Trump: 0
NEXT: Mueller at bat. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

So let's see... the president's daughter is filling in on foreign policy meetings, his son-in-law is negotiating foreign policy, and his wife is now firing government officials? How is this a democracy? - Alt Fed Employee Tweet

So, How Are Things Going Over At The EPA?
An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official in the Trump administration was arrested Thursday two days after being indicted on multiple alleged violations of Alabama ethics laws. 

Press Secretary today: "There must be decorum at the White House.”

Trump to reporters recently:
“What a stupid question that is”
“I know you're not thinking. You never do”
“You are a rude, terrible person"
“You're creating violence by your question”
"That's such a racist question"

Republican Shenanigans

I'm Beginning To Think Melania Likes Bullies
First lady Melania Trump on Thursday said it is not "surprising" to her that "critics in the media have chosen to ridicule" her campaign against online incivility. 

Ok, but I bet Melania is too chicken to fire her husband. - Stephen Colbert

Like Trump, I also try to avoid the rain due to my hair, but only because mine grows 5 times its normal size and begins to attract lightning. - Conan O'Brien


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Rock The Voter News

DeVos Opens A Whole New Avenue To Sexual Harassers
Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos proposes changes to campus sex misconduct rules that allow accused to question accusers.
The plan would narrow the definition of sexual harassment and allow students accused of misconduct to cross-examine accusers in campus hearings.

The GOP's greatest trick was getting followers of Jesus to vote against everything Jesus ever talked about by talking about abortion, which Jesus never talked about.  - John Fugelsang


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One of the key candidates for the next president of Interpol (after the Chinese president disappeared) is a Russian. After Russia’s constant abuse of Interpol in my case and many others, this is outrageous that it’s even considered. - Bill Browder

Business/Tech News

Khashoggi Assassin Hopes Bonus Check From Saudi Crown Prince Clears Before Execution - The Onion

VA Inducing Its Own Form Of PTSD
VA unwilling to estimate when GI Bill benefit payment issues will be fixed.
"It feels like an exercise in futility," one congressman said of getting firm answers from officials with the federal agency.

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
-- Carl Sagan


I'm back. I had the best vacation in decades. I returned to my teenage years with my friend, my brother, my Marine.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Drunken House in Sopot, Poland. I wonder what it looks like when drunk.
