Finns have been baffled by US President Donald Trump's comments praising the country for managing its vast forests by raking
Thanksgiving is four days away and I already got in a heated political fight with my mom that ended in “I love you. Please get out of my house.” - Molly McNearney
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- Retired Gen. McChrystal calls Trump criticism of McRaven 'simply wrong' and 'uninformed'
- GOP follows Trump’s lead — and smears McRaven as an alleged shill for Hillary
- Trump says doesn't want to hear 'suffering' Khashoggi tape
- Poll: 29 percent see migrant caravan as major threat to US
- Nearly four thousand people evacuated as Guatemala's Fuego volcano erupts
This year, instead of pardoning a turkey, Trump is going to round up every turkey Obama ever pardoned and kill them on live TV. - OhNoSheTwint
Trump Welcomes Future Loss To The First Amendment
If you thought the Trump administration would seek to settle CNN and Jim Acosta's lawsuit out of court... think again. After CNN won a temporary restraining order on Friday, forcing the White House to restore his press pass for 14 days, White House officials sent Acosta a letter stating that his pass is set to be suspended again once the restraining order expires.
Republican Shenanigans
- ‘Accept his apology’: Jack Kingston falsely claims Trump said he’s sorry for skipping Veterans Day
- Fox News blindsides Kellyanne Conway with news that White House is still trying to ban Jim Acosta
- Kansas Governor Calls On County Official To Resign Over 'Master Race' Comment
- Ohio county GOP chair doubles down on Facebook post calling wildfires 'God's punishment to liberal California'
- Detroit Board Of Education Votes To Rename Ben Carson High School
- Ex-health chief Price joins new Georgia governor's transition team
- 'Vice' director Adam McKay torches Bill Clinton, would choose Trump over Bush
Charles Manson never murdered anyone. He just held rallies where he encouraged his followers to be violent. - Allen Marshall
Senate Democrats Try To Prevent Partisan Hack From Being Attorney General
Senate Democrats filed a lawsuit Monday challenging President Trump’s decision to name Matthew Whitaker acting attorney general.
The lawsuit brought by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia marks the latest challenge in what’s been a flurry of litigation fighting the interim appointment.
Weird how more than a week after a Democratic wave electing tons of women and further diversifying our government, the mainstream media isn't giving us lavish profiles of Democratic voters who rejected the GOP and Trump. - Oliver Willis
Hell, I'll get out there and rake if we can have Finland's healthcare, education system and gun control. - Randi Mayem Singer
Rock The Voter News
- 'Adam Schitt will have subpoena power soon': Internet laughs at Trump's misspelled attack on Rep. Adam Schiff
- The View’s Whoopi Goldberg rakes Trump over California fire response: ‘You don’t give a damn’
- Barack Obama Surprised Michelle With a Bouquet of Roses
Reminder that Obama was able to laugh at himself at the WHCD, roast Trump and oversee the successful Bin Laden operation - all on the same night. - Helen Kennedy
Business/Tech News
- Rouhani says Iran to continue oil exports and resist US economic war
- Cuomo pushes back on claim that New York 'gave' Amazon $1B: 'Factually baseless'
- New emails reveal Trump strategist may have illegally participated in Brexit campaign: report
- Nate Silver says media missed massive ‘blue wave’ while covering ‘stories about Trump voters in truck stops’
If bin Laden had invited Trump to open a Trump Tora Bora Hotel, to this day Trump would still be talking about how bin Laden was treated very unfairly. - Jeff Tiedrich
So How's That $12 Billion Farmer Bailout Going?
President Donald Trump’s $12 billion bailout of farmers who had been hurt by his trade wars has been a massive bust politically — and a New York Times report has found that very little of it has gone to the struggling farmers who need it most.
I accidentally called Alexa “Siri” and now neither one will talk to me. But they both already knew about each other so I just thought we were all being European about things. - John Fugelsang
AllHatNoCattle will be 18 years old on December 14, 2018! Thank you!
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