Thursday, August 30, 2018

Trump is paranoid for many reasons, so it seems...

Trump, Cohen wanted to buy decades of killed stories from National Enquirer
President Donald Trump and his then-attorney Michael Cohen devised a plan to purchase decades worth of unflattering stories from the National Enquirer's publisher, according to The New York Times.

Nixon: "I was a paranoid criminal."
Reagan: "I was an affable dunce."
George W Bush: "I destabilized the Middle East and crashed the world's economy."
Trump: "Hold my borscht."
- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Now Trump’s saying Democrats are going to be “violent” if they win big in November? What are we going to do? Throw our PBS tote bags at them? - Bette Midler

Republican Racism Is Now Officially White On Rice
The GOP secretary of the Republican Committee of Beaver County, Pennsylvania called NFL players baboons for protesting the national anthem.

At this point, I think even Trump can smell Trump's fear. - Michael McKean

Republican Shenanigans

A friend of Mike Pence's came out to him at college; Pence called him "an abomination" and stopped speaking to him. Which makes me ask, "Wait - Mike Pence had a friend?" - Paul Rudnick

Betsy DeVos Strikes Again!

Fake billionaire with fake tan, fake hair & fake teeth,who ripped off Americans with a fake online U & spread fake racist smear about a fake birth certificate to a fake news channel of fake blondes & this week tweets fake poll #'s to fake bot followers decries fake stuff. - John Fugelsang

Trump Cancels Federal Pay Raises. Does That Include His Supporters?
President Donald Trump said Thursday that civilian employees of the federal government will not receive raises in 2019.
In doing away with the 2.1 percent across-the-board pay increase that was scheduled to take effect in January, Trump said he was working "put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course."


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Rock The Voter News

As the 5th of 7 kids — the first to graduate from high school & college— my family knows what it's like to see intergenerational poverty interrupted at the hands of a good public education.That’s why we are going to raise teacher pay and put more money into public schools. - Andrew Gillum

I Thought U. S. Citizens Have Rights. Nope.
On paper, he's a devoted U.S. citizen.
His official American birth certificate shows he was delivered by a midwife in Brownsville, at the southern tip of Texas. He spent his life wearing American uniforms: three years as a private in the Army, then as a cadet in the Border Patrol and now as a state prison guard.
But when Juan, 40, applied to renew his U.S. passport this year, the government's response floored him. In a letter, the State Department said it didn't believe he was an American citizen.

Over 500 children are still waiting to be reunited with their parents, five weeks after the administration's deadline to reunify families. Every day they are made to wait is a tragedy. - Hillary Clinton


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Business/Tech News

Trump called the numerical system “rigged” and noted that it was “invented by Arabs.” - Andy Borowitz

Smith & Wesson’s revenue from long-gun sales fell 50 percent this year, fed by a drop in AR-15 purchases, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

It would be a fitting tribute if the US Navy's Blue Angels did a missing man formation while buzzing the White House. Ya know, one last goodbye.


Thank you for visiting. 
Sorry for the late post but that Internet gremlin!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 A bird on the nose is worth two in the bush.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

But her emails...

FBI pushes back on unfounded Trump claim that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s email
The FBI on Wednesday pushed back on an unfounded claim by President Trump that Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked by China, saying it had found no evidence that the private servers she used while secretary of state had been compromised.
Trump asserted early Wednesday, without citing evidence, that China had hacked Clinton’s emails, and he said the Justice Department and the FBI risked losing their credibility if they did not look into the matter further.

Ever since I scooped my eyes out with a melon baller, the news hasn't bothered me so much. - Conan O'Brien

I wish!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump must be under a lot of pressure from Vlad to get rid of Bruce Ohr. After all, he is the FBI's leading expert on Trump's friends and business partners in the Russian mafia. - Wil Donnelly

White House Throws Paper Towel Metaphors At Puerto Rico
The White House on Tuesday said it will continue to support Puerto Rico's efforts to account for its dead after the toll from Hurricane Maria was raised from 64 to nearly 3,000 following the release of a report sponsored by the island's government.

So now we're going to purge the FBI of every agent assigned to monitor Russia. Putin must be laughing his balls off. - Jeff Tiedrich

The Post Office? The Post Office?
The United States Postal Service has released the entire federal security clearance application of a former CIA officer running for Congress, in what experts say is a highly unusual and perhaps unprecedented move, given the extensive, highly personal nature of the information contained in such documents.

President Trump is sounding more and more like a mob boss. At a press pool this morning, he referred to America as “this thing of ours.”- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Don McGahn has decided to step down so he can spend more time with his answers to Robert Mueller. - Nick Jack Pappas

Rewarding The Mocking Of John McCain
After a huge firestorm regarding a poor-taste joke about John McCain’s death led to her dismissal from the White House, ex-Trump aide Kelly Sadler was offered another job in the administration.

Did any evangelical leaders at the dinner last night ask Donald Trump or Ivanka Trump about putting babies in cages?
Asking for 528 children. - Paola Mendoza


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Rock The Voter News

Has Trump demanded to see Andrew Gillum’s birth certificate yet? - Michael Blackman

Sarah Palin's Funeral Invite Must Of Got Lost In The Mail!
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has reportedly not been invited to attend the memorial for her one-time running mate, the late John McCain.

Ivanka cheerfully posed last night at the White House dinner for evangelicals with a man who has said her children are going to Hell for being Jews. It is because of such craven stunts that Ivanka actually is going to Hell, but for entirely unrelated reasons. - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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Trump Says Spellcheck is Rigged - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Swim with the fishes?

Jesus,  Republican Money Laundering Has Long Tentacles
The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether a fugitive Malaysian financier laundered tens of millions of dollars through two associates and used the funds to pay a U.S. legal team that includes former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and a lawyer who represents President Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

I  am concerned that the time Trump is spending on Google is distracting him from Twitter. - Andy Borowitz

Satan Refuses To Accept Any More Catholic Priests In Hell - The Onion

CORRECTION: Yesterday's photo was a baby musk ox not a baby bison. Sorry for any cuteness inconvenience!


I hope you had a good time today!


“Open the window Sandra we’ve got a situation here.”

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I ❤ Nebulas. This is the Hand of God Nebula.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Google Responds To Trump's Accusations

Trump accuses Google of hiding 'fair media' coverage
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday Google’s search engine was hiding “fair media” coverage of him and said he would address the situation, taking a swipe at the internet giant without providing evidence or giving details of action he might take.

Hey Donald J. Trump it’s not just Google. I just Asked Jeeves and he says you’re a dick too.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Perhaps Trump will have a deeper appreciation of John McCain’s sacrifice when he, too, is imprisoned.- Andy Borowitz

Okie Dokie! Deceased McCain Draws Out The Dark Angels!
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) had complimentary things to say about John McCain, but viewed the White House’s indecision surrounding how long to fly the flag at half-staff unsurprising given the late senator’s rocky relationship with President Donald Trump.
“Well, you know, frankly, I think that John McCain is partially to blame for that because he is very outspoken,” Inhofe told reporters Monday.

“Truth is incontrovertible. 
Panic may resent it. 
Ignorance may deride it. 
Malice may distort it. 
But there it is.”--Winston Churchill

I Wonder If White House Staffers Need Tranquilizers?
With his closest allies defecting, the president increasingly trusts only his instincts. He “got joy” from stripping former C.I.A. director John Brennan’s security clearance. And after betrayals by Allen Weisselberg and David Pecker, a former White House official says, Trump “spent the weekend calling people and screaming.”

That awkward moment when the people of Vietnam do more to honor John McCain than the US President - Richard Hine

There’s no greater legacy that one can earn in this life than inspiring a temper tantrum from Donald Trump. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Tiger Woods couldn't even be bothered to respect his marriage vows, but he thinks everyone should respect the office of the president while it's being occupied by a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic pussy grabber? Yeah hard pass on that one Tiger. - Cali Hecate

Mitch McConnell Reminds Me More Of A Weasel Than A Turtle
A proposal to rename the Senate’s oldest office building for John McCain has received bipartisan support, but the effort appeared to slow Tuesday as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he will form a bipartisan panel to solicit ideas on the best way to honor the late Arizona senator.

Here’s the real reason why McConnell & GOP don’t want to replace Russell’s name w/McCain:

“Richard Russell Jr., who died in 1971, was a segregationist and led Southern opposition to anti-lynching bills and other civil rights legislation, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”

A Fox News History of John McCain:
1996–1999: a war hero!
2000–2007: a maverick war hero!
2008: the most heroic maverick war hero ever!
2009–2015: that guy who was on the ticket with Sarah Palin
2016–2017: John ... who?
2018: the traitor who dared to cross Dear Leader -
Jeff Tiedrich


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Imagine having data from seventeen intelligence agencies at your fingertips and choosing instead to get your daily briefing from Lou Dobbs and the nitwits on Fox & Friends. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

My Mother Abused Me. The Nuns At School Knew. They Were Wonderful To Me. This Story Horrifies Me. We Saw Nuns Kill Children: The Ghosts of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage

WH will lower the flag to half-assed in honor of how President Stupid does everything.- driftglass tweet


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Business/Tech News

TV news has now shown that 2008 campaign clip of McCain rebuking the bigoted woman so many times the GOP is ready to nominate her to replace McCain in the Senate. - John Fugelsang

How Embarrassing! Devin Nunes Shut Down By UK Intel.
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee flew to London to gather intel on Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who compiled the dossier alleging Trump-campaign ties with Russia. But MI5, MI6, and GCHQ didn’t seem interested.

The Senate seat of John McCain

55 years ago today, we marched on Washington for jobs and freedom. I spoke number six, Dr King spoke number ten, and out of everybody who spoke that day I’m the only one still around. - Rep. John Lewis

Just in case you have never seen one before, here is a baby bison.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wonder if skateboarding is allowed.
