Thursday, August 30, 2018

Trump is paranoid for many reasons, so it seems...

Trump, Cohen wanted to buy decades of killed stories from National Enquirer
President Donald Trump and his then-attorney Michael Cohen devised a plan to purchase decades worth of unflattering stories from the National Enquirer's publisher, according to The New York Times.

Nixon: "I was a paranoid criminal."
Reagan: "I was an affable dunce."
George W Bush: "I destabilized the Middle East and crashed the world's economy."
Trump: "Hold my borscht."
- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Now Trump’s saying Democrats are going to be “violent” if they win big in November? What are we going to do? Throw our PBS tote bags at them? - Bette Midler

Republican Racism Is Now Officially White On Rice
The GOP secretary of the Republican Committee of Beaver County, Pennsylvania called NFL players baboons for protesting the national anthem.

At this point, I think even Trump can smell Trump's fear. - Michael McKean

Republican Shenanigans

A friend of Mike Pence's came out to him at college; Pence called him "an abomination" and stopped speaking to him. Which makes me ask, "Wait - Mike Pence had a friend?" - Paul Rudnick

Betsy DeVos Strikes Again!

Fake billionaire with fake tan, fake hair & fake teeth,who ripped off Americans with a fake online U & spread fake racist smear about a fake birth certificate to a fake news channel of fake blondes & this week tweets fake poll #'s to fake bot followers decries fake stuff. - John Fugelsang

Trump Cancels Federal Pay Raises. Does That Include His Supporters?
President Donald Trump said Thursday that civilian employees of the federal government will not receive raises in 2019.
In doing away with the 2.1 percent across-the-board pay increase that was scheduled to take effect in January, Trump said he was working "put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course."


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Rock The Voter News

As the 5th of 7 kids — the first to graduate from high school & college— my family knows what it's like to see intergenerational poverty interrupted at the hands of a good public education.That’s why we are going to raise teacher pay and put more money into public schools. - Andrew Gillum

I Thought U. S. Citizens Have Rights. Nope.
On paper, he's a devoted U.S. citizen.
His official American birth certificate shows he was delivered by a midwife in Brownsville, at the southern tip of Texas. He spent his life wearing American uniforms: three years as a private in the Army, then as a cadet in the Border Patrol and now as a state prison guard.
But when Juan, 40, applied to renew his U.S. passport this year, the government's response floored him. In a letter, the State Department said it didn't believe he was an American citizen.

Over 500 children are still waiting to be reunited with their parents, five weeks after the administration's deadline to reunify families. Every day they are made to wait is a tragedy. - Hillary Clinton


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Business/Tech News

Trump called the numerical system “rigged” and noted that it was “invented by Arabs.” - Andy Borowitz

Smith & Wesson’s revenue from long-gun sales fell 50 percent this year, fed by a drop in AR-15 purchases, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

It would be a fitting tribute if the US Navy's Blue Angels did a missing man formation while buzzing the White House. Ya know, one last goodbye.


Thank you for visiting. 
Sorry for the late post but that Internet gremlin!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 A bird on the nose is worth two in the bush.


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