Thursday, July 12, 2018

Public Enemy #1

'Never thought I’d see this!’ Russian state TV gushes Trump is doing Putin’s job of wrecking NATO for him
A guest on Russia’s state television network on Wednesday found herself stunned by President Donald Trump’s performance at this week’s NATO summit, in which the president angrily attacked longtime allies for allegedly not contributing enough to the alliance.

This reboot of Groundhog Day where America wakes up every morning and Trump is still president sucks- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump has done more damage to NATO in 18 months than Soviet & Russian leaders achieved in 7 decades. Why ? -Michael McFaul 

Trump arrived 30 minutes late to today’s NATO summit, missed his scheduled meetings with at least two world leaders, prompted the secretary general to call an emergency session, held an impromptu 35-minute news conference, [then left fly to London].- Rebecca Ballhaus, Wall Street Journal

Macron Corrects Trump Claims At NATO
French President Emmanuel Macron has denied President Donald Trump’s claim that NATO allies have agreed to boost defense spending beyond 2 percent of gross domestic product.
Macron said: There is a communique that was published yesterday. It’s very detailed.”
He added: “It confirms the goal of 2 percent by 2024. That’s all.”

Merkel told Mueller that she would take a leave of absence as leader of the German government and move to Washington to work full-time for Mueller “if that would be of assistance.”- Andy Borowitz

White House Claims John Kelly Was Thinking About Breakfast Instead Of Listening To Trump's Speech
John Kelly was annoyed he couldn't get a "full breakfast" in Brussels on Wednesday.
At least that was the explanation from White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders when asked about the apparently agitated body language displayed by President Donald Trump's chief of staff during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. 
Sanders told The Washington Post that Kelly "was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese."

I’ve gone from thinking Trump should be impeached to thinking he should be held back from second grade.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Honestly, among the most damning and suspicious thing is that he has no idiotic nickname for Putin. - Emily Nussbaum

Take a deep breath when opening.

Russian Asbestos Company Stamps Trump's Face On Their Products
One of the world's largest and producers and sellers of asbestos has reportedly begun placing a seal with President Trump's face on its products.
The Guardian reported on Wednesday that Uralasbest has adorned pallets of its products with Trump's face and the message, “Approved by Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States."

Putin can shoot an American in the middle of 5th Avenue and Trump still won't criticize him. - Roland Scahill


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Please explain to me once again how Peter Strzok convinced the FBI to collude with Russia and Hillary to lose her own election so that Trump could win so that then the deep state could take him down because oh my god that all makes such perfect sense to me herpity derpity derpity - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

I for one feel much safer now knowing that Stormy Daniels was arrested and a sexual predator is leading the country. - OhNoShe Twint

Rosenstein sending hand signal to deep state.
Is Rosenstein Baiting Trump To Fire Him?
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked federal prosecutors to help the Department of Justice (DOJ) review Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's government documents, according to a report in The New York Times that notes the request is an unusual injection of politics into the law enforcement duties of the department.

Stephen Miller threw away $80 worth of takeout sushi after the
restaurant’s bartender allegedly flipped him off. I’m sorry those fish died for nothing, but at least they didn’t have to go through Stephen Miller’s gu
ts. - Bette Midler


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Rachel Maddow just spoke for all of us when she said sometimes she thinks she’s died and gone to hell and this is what the news is like in hell.- Joyce Alene

Business/Tech News

Tearful Trump Admits NATO Alliance Closest Thing To Friendship He’s Ever Had - The Onion

Republicans Openly Colluding In Congress
When California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes sat before a committee Wednesday to testify on a bill, Democrats tried to use the opportunity to question the House Intelligence Committee chairman on his investigation of Russian meddling and the 2016 presidential race.
But the Republican chairman of the House Rules Committee -- Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas -- allowed Nunes to leave the hearing before Democrats could fire off their questions, prompting criticism from Democrats.

"When in doubt, tell the truth."- Mark Twain


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Eeny, Meeny, Miny ---where's Moe?


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I feel dirty

Speaker Ryan, Republicans rally around Rep. Jim Jordan amidmounting allegations
Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday joined a unified GOP front supporting Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio in the face of allegations from some former wrestlers at Ohio State University that Jordan turned a blind eye to sexual abuse by the team's doctor.

Our next president is going to have to go on one hell of an apology tour. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

By the time Trump gets back from Europe, not only will we be out of NATO, but America will be renamed "West Moscow." - Erik Bransteen

More Warnings. GOP Silent.
The United States was not designed to withstand the sort of authoritarian onslaught we’re seeing from Donald Trump, former CIA analyst Nada Bakos warned on Wednesday night.

We are one firin' away from a full-blown Constitutional crisis.  The lawyer for Alfa Bank, who never tried a case, is the head of the DOJ criminal division and the next in line behind Rod Rosenstein.  Trump and Putin's coup is almost complete.- Tea Pain

Trump Whines About Imaginary NATO Debt
Unleashing in-your-face rhetoric at the NATO summit, President Donald Trump pressed the falsehood Wednesday that members of the alliance owe money to the U.S. and took sole credit for higher military spending by NATO partners — a decision that preceded his presidency.

A man who had a yacht seized, a plane seized, signed over hotels, bankrupted  several businesses included casinos and stiffed contractors millions of dollars is calling for NATO to pay their bills. -irishygirl

Republican Shenanigans

Something tells me Sacha Baron Cohen could have duped Sarah Palin dressed as Sarah Palin. - Jeremy Newberger

Paul Manafort Has A Private Cell With Bath, Cell Phone & Laptop. How Did That Happen?
Federal prosecutors on Wednesday submitted files opposing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s request to delay his trial for months, a filing that reveals details of Manafort’s life behind bars.

Women will always have access to safe and legal abortion, as long as they got pregnant by a married republican. - irishygirl


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Rock The Voter News

Sarah Palin is trending so I can only assume her kids Trig, Track, Bio, Calc 2, and JV Lacrosse have gotten into some kind of drunken snowmobile fight. - OhNoSheTwint

Why, I believe this woman got her degree from Trump University, Magna cum covfefe

I miss Anthony Bourdain.
I miss Prince.
I miss Carrie Fisher.
I miss David Bowie.
I'm so sick of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell I could vomit.
We really got a raw deal, world. - John Pavlovitz

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Business/Tech News

- North Korea pranks Pompeo
- Republicans visit Moscow
- Trump loses migrant children
-  I feel dirty

Elon Musk didn’t save the Thai soccer team, but he will put them on a Tesla waitlist.- Conan O'Brien


I try so hard, I really do, please florgive any errors.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Dubai Frame is an architectural landmark in Zabeel Park, Dubai. It has been described The Guardian newspaper as "the biggest picture frame on the planet", however is also controversial as the "biggest stolen building of all time". Hmm, I see it as a facsinating piece of art.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trump nominates Supreme Court Justice

Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Justice nominee: Trump announced 
President Trump announced his selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be his second Supreme Court justice Monday night

Jeffrey Toobin on CNN: "Brett Kavanaugh is on the D.C. Circuit. You know who is the chief judge on the D.C. Circuit? Merrick Garland. How do you think he feels today?"

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It’s hard to respect a president who is kinder to ruthless dictators than women in Congress and Senators dying of cancer. - Tony Posnanski

I Wonder How The Trumps Will Be Treated By NATO?
Ahead of Donald Trump's arrival at the NATO summit, EU's Tusk tells the U.S., 'Please respect your allies, you don't have that many'. 

Buzzfeed: Take our "Which Trump Child Are You quiz!!" Me: I don't waste time w/those awful people.Buzzfeed: Ooh that means you're a Tiffany! - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

$80 worth of sushi tells me Stephen Miller was ordering for two. Himself and someone he has shackled to a radiator in his apartment.- Andy Lassner

Judge Calls Trump's Request Cynical
The judge called the Trump administration's request to extend a 20-day maximum detention for children a "cynical attempt" to pass the buck on immigration policy.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager IS IN JAIL.

5 members of his campaign have PLEAD GUILTY to charges brought by the Mueller probe.

And the media is acting like it’s perfectly normal that this obviously guilty man is going to NAME HIS OWN JUDGE.

Mikel Jollett

I’m sick of his face, hand gestures, whiny voice and appalling vocabulary.- SpockResists tweet


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Rock The Voter News

Tit for tat. Amirite?

Isn't This Unethical? Why Of Course It Is!
Source familiar tells NBC that Justice Kennedy had been in negotiations with the Trump team for months over Kennedy’s replacement. Once Kennedy received assurances that it would be Kavanaugh (his former law clerk) Kennedy felt comfortable retiring.

"If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I am going to do everything I can do to make sure four years from now, we still got an opening on the Supreme Court." - Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)


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So five men are going to overturn Roe v. Wade, right? That's the takeaway, right? - Matt Fuller

Business/Tech News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders called China’s tariffs on its full range of tanning products an “act of war.”- Andy Borowitz

The Miracle Of 2018
Every parent should be so lucky to have a man like Ekapol Jantawong as their child’s coach.
He didn’t lead the Thai soccer team into the cave — He was searching for them after their parents reported them missing.

Can the Thai Navy Seals come rescue 3,000 kids in cages in America?- irishygirl



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An ice cave in Iceland. I hope he has a raft.
