Thursday, June 28, 2018

We must remove the blinders

When Bush normalized Abu Ghraib torture in 2003, I was so afraid it would eventually lead to the torture of U.S. citizens. People of color, LGBTQ & women are being tortured, daily. Caged migrant children is just a continuation. Buckle up folks. Trump owns the Supreme Court.

It's a given that abortion access will now be reduced to a wire hanger.

One guy on twitter said,
 "Stock up on your abortions ladies!"  
What the right-to-lifers will never acknowledge is that not every woman is equipped mentally or physically to have a child. That's why the decision should be between a woman and her doctor because it's not anyone's damn business, especially politicians putting ridiculous restrictions to delay her decision. That's torture to that woman.

As I write this, thousands of migrant children are terrified of what the hell just happened to them and why. Some are caged, some are in foster facilities spread across the country and there is not one list to tie these children to their parents. Not one list. Why the hell not? This is ongoing daily torture to them, pure and simple.
Melania wearing that I DON'T CARE jacket said it all.
Black men and kids being shot in the back by the police is commonplace. Children being slaughtered with military grade weapons at school is commonplace, too. "Crisis actors" is a common accusation of victims. Nazis are very fine people. Mexicans are rapists. This torturous language has normalized racism and violence.  The world is appalled at the U.S.

The #MeToo movement was such a glimmer of hope for women. But with Trump owning the court now, landmark decisions can be overturned and even worse, landmark decisions can be made. Hell, Trump just hired a guy to work in the White House who was ousted from Fox News for sexual harassment. #MeNoMore
I would  wear a chastity belt if I worked at the White House!
And they want Democrats to be more civil.
It's not uncivil to tell the truth.

The Republican Party and Trump are destroying this country and its institutions, step by step, inch by inch. The only hope we have is to vote out these Congressional traitors and jail any of them that colluded with Russia or committed any other crimes.

SOS, Mr. Mueller. SOS. America is dying.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If Kim Jong Un took advantage of our f-cking moron in chief, just wait till Vladimir Putin gets him alone. - Randi Mayem Singer

Money Launderers Are Everywhere!
A search warrant application unsealed on Wednesday revealed closer links than previously known between President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin.

None of what happens now has anything to do with arguments or persuasion but solely the calculated use of maximal application of the available political power. That’s it.- Chris Hayes

Republican Shenanigans

Now, in a letter to President Trump, Justice Kennedy wrote, "This letter is a respectful and formal notification of my decision, effective July 31 of this year, to end my regular active status as an associate justice of the Supreme Court." OK, "effective July 31." So, enjoy your gay marriages now, because as of August 1, you're back to being roommates.- Stephen Colbert

Here we go again.
The Republican Judiciary Committee Wants The Blood, Sweat And Tears Of Hillary And Anyone Who Doesn't Prosecute Her
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee about an inspector general report on the FBI's handling of its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

Reportedly, the White House will push for a nomination and confirmation of Justice Kennedy's vacated seat before the midterms. Well, of course before the midterms! Just like you want to eat all the weed before the cop walks up to the driver's side window.- Stephen Colbert


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Living in a constitutional democracy is on my bucket list. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

This Is A Surprise
New bipartisan bill calls for Puerto Rico statehood.
“To sum everything up, this is about equality,” said Puerto Rico's pro-statehood, nonvoting member of Congress, Jenniffer González.

Damn, Bernie It's Not About You. Quit Flaming The Bros.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday bragged to a group of supporters that “in many ways we did win the election hours after Anthony Kennedy announces retirement .

Anthony Kennedy gave us Citizens United - not to mention the Presidency of George W. Bush and the Iraq War, thanks to his heinous ruling on Bush v Gore. It's horrible that Trump gets another pick, but let's not act as though Nelson Mandela just retired. - Andy Borowitz


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A group of shareholders at Facebook might be plotting to get rid of Mark Zuckerberg. And their plan would be way more likely to work if Mark wasn't spying on them using Facebook.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

The Toddlers Are Coming! The Toddlers Are Coming!
As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 years old are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

Trump is in a Twitter feud with Harley-Davidson since they announced that they're moving some jobs overseas. When people first heard Trump was feuding with Harley-Davidson, they just assumed it was another porn star.- Jimmy Fallon

Remember When Trump Publicly Trashed Boeing?
Boeing wants to make a passenger plane that can shuttle customers around the globe at five times the speed of sound.
Boeing says the jet could get you anywhere in the world in just one to three hours. With top speeds exceeding 3,800 miles per hour, the trek from New York to London, for example, could take 120 minutes. Currently the trip takes around seven hours.

If I were the president I would give these detained separated families immediate citizenship, a government job and 100K cash so they won't sue the hell out of the USA.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Lenticular clouds over Patagonia, Argentina. We needed something soft to look at after a hard day.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Judge Tells Trump To Give Back The Kids

Federal judge orders families separated at border to be reunited within 30 days
A judge in California on Tuesday ordered U.S. border authorities to reunite separated families within 30 days, setting a hard deadline in a process that has so far yielded uncertainty about when children might again see their parents. If children are younger than 5, they must be reunified within 14 days of the order issued Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego.

Yeah, why the great delay? The USA has mucho cars, planes, and trains!

Where are the girls? Where are the babies and toddlers? Where are your tax returns? Why are you orange? - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

 Young people WILL turn up to vote this November. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a young person with a vote. - Sam Bova

Was Trump Punked By Kim Jong Un?
Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.
The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

oh by the way we still have children in cages in concentration camps because ICE and the DOJ have no idea who their parents are and no way of finding out and couldn't care less anyway so have a great and civil afternoon everyone sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite - Jeff Tiedrich

ICE Agents Feeling A Little Hurt That Trump Doesn’t Think They’re Doing Enough To Terrorize Hispanics - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Is The Secret Service Going To Protect Sarah Sanders From Being Kicked Out of Restaurants?
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders will get Secret Service protection after she was asked to leave a restaurant in southern Virginia in protest of President Donald Trump’s policies, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The source did not provide details. The Secret Service and the White House both declined to confirm the matter.

"Why can't the libtards be more civil?"Well, first of all, you call us libtards - Kathy Griffin

Maybe it’s called “Red Wave” because they all have so much blood on their hands. - OhNoSheTwint

Giddy Up, Mr. Mueller, Giddy Up
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russian collusion allegations...

Mike Pence Defended Muslims Before Trump. Who Da Thunk?
This is an archive of former Indiana Governor Mike Pence's account. Indiana .... Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.

She either needs to shave her legs or wear hose. My Gawd, woman.

When Joe Biden was refused service by a bakery in 2012, Republicans absolutely loved it. As a matter of fact, Paul Ryan, who just called for Maxine Waters to apologize, clapped along and cheered Biden's denial of service. The @GOP suffers from amnesia. - Top Rope Travis Tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


The Supreme Court has joined our other two branches of government in being obscenely partisan enablers of social injustice. America now has a complete set. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Rock The Voter News

Crowley Passes The Generational Baton To Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's ouster of Rep. Joe Crowley was more evidence that the Democratic Party's left wing is going to be a force to contend with for years to come.

Bravo!! Alexandra, great WIN. All México is with you. Your Values, Your COURAGE  and COMPASSION IS AN EXAMPLE.That is the US we know and admire.Keep it going. Next November will be the triumph of the resistance.  Honor, Dignity, COMPASSION. God bless America. This America. - Vicente Fox Quesada, former president of Mexico

If Joe Crowley can be this wise and evolved then maybe the Berniefan vs. Hillaryfan civil war can stop before Trump nominates Kid Rock's hepatitis to the Supreme Court. - John Fugelsang

Shame. Shame. Shame. IT WORKS!
Is shaming people like Sarah Huckabee Sanders by refusing them service at restaurants effective?
Harvard professor Steven Levitsky, co-author of the book How Democracies Die, was asked that question on Dean Obeidallah’s progressive SiriusXMProgress show last night.
His answer was an unequivocal yes: Shaming works.

With all due respect to Michelle Obama, who spoke before Trump kidnapped children, I think our new motto should be: "When they go low, we go for the jugular." - Mrs. Betty Bowers


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I’m not a petty person but when the Red Hen reopens next week I hope Jimmy Fallon goes there riding a Harley Davidson with his Emmys in the saddlebags and they take him with open arms. - Tony Posnanski

Business/Tech News

The GOP Supreme Court: Union Busters
The Supreme Court on Wednesday delivered a severe blow to organized labor, ruling that states can no longer force government workers to pay for the costs of hammering out union contracts.

In a unanimous 1-0 ruling I have just found that the Supreme Court is going to hell. - TheTweetOfGod

Study Finds Only 1 In 3 Lasik Surgeries End In Laser Boring Through Eye, Incinerating Brain, Shooting Through Skull On Other Side - The Onion


Actually, it's more like 10 minutes after reading what Trump has done or hasn't done.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Great shot. I have no idea where this is located. Do you?


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trump's Family Reunification Program

Immigrant children's parents face heartbreak amid family separations
Miriam cried, remembering how U.S. immigration agents took her sleeping 4-year-old son from her after they were detained in El Paso.

"What's important is for the Jews and the Nazis to work together to find bipartisan solutions."— our media, magically transported to 1933 Germany - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Mitch McConnell handing the Merrick Garland SCOTUS seat to Trump was the greatest gift in the history of stolen merchandise. - John Fugelsang

Area Couple Horrified About Your Lack of Civility

U.S. Ambassador To Germany Being Uncivil. Be Best!
‘He Does Not Understand What the Role of an Ambassador Should Be’
U.S. Ambassador Ric Grenell managed to shock and offend Berlin’s political class in his first month on the job. Now protocol-loving Germans are wondering—will he learn to change?

I  mean there will be literal nazis marching in the streets before the msm realizes that calling for civility from both sides is stupid. Wait. Too late.- Zerlina Maxwell

“When I heard that the United States was having a travel ban, I assumed that was to keep people from leaving,” one foreigner said. - Andy Borowitz

To clarify the difference: a bakery refusing to make a cake for a gay couple is punishing them for loving. A restaurant refusing to serve Huckleberry is punishing her for hating. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump held a rally in SC. it was drenched n rancid, hateful rhetoric. NYT  coverage ignored ALL of it....normalizing Trump has become Olympic sport for the paper. - Eric Boehlert

Spicey's Gonna Have A Talky Drinky Show! How Appropriate.
President Trump’s former press secretary Sean Spicer plans to become a talk show host.
The former White House spokesman would host “some of the most interesting and thoughtful public figures for a drink and some lite conversation at a local pub or cafe,” according to the pilot’s pitch sheet

Pretty sure civility died the day Trump offered to pay legal fees for his supporters if they beat up protestors. - OhNoSheTwint


 Click here to meet C.W.


As offenses go, asking someone to leave a restaurant isn't really up there with imprisoning children in concentration camps. #microscopicviolin - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

The first lady’s getting a lot of flak for the jacket. Her spokeswoman said, “It’s a jacket. There was no hidden message.” Well, no one thought the message was hidden. It’s written in big letters on the back.- Jimmy Kimmel

Well, This Should Be Interesting.
Peter Strzok, the senior FBI counterintelligence agent who has drawn President Donald Trump’s ire for his anti-Trump text messages, will appear voluntarily Wednesday before House lawmakers, according to three Capitol Hill sources.

If it walks like a Muslim ban and quacks like a Muslim ban, then this Supreme Court decision is ducked up. - Stephen Colbert


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Business/Tech News

If you're THAT repulsed by illegal immigration this would be a good time to turn your home over to a Cherokee. - John Fugelsang

Bank of America Warns Warns of Impending Trade War
Although the economy is strong right now, businesses and investors are growing more worried about President Trump's trade crackdown. Tensions are escalating, raising the chances that the trade spat will morph into an outright trade war.
"The probability of a full blown trade war is low but the risks are rising," Bank of America Merrill Lynch US economist Michelle Meyer wrote to clients on Friday.

Impeachment seems like a quaint option at this point. Now that Trump is creating concentration camps for children this really seems more a case for the World Court at The Hague. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is what I hope heaven is like.
