Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump's lawyer may have flipped

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen likely to cooperate with federal prosecutors
As attorneys for Michael Cohen rush to meet Judge Kimba Wood’s Friday deadline to complete a privilege review of over 3.7 million documents seized in the April 9 raids of Cohen’s New York properties and law office, a source representing this matter has disclosed to ABC News that the law firm handling the case for Cohen is not expected to represent him going forward.

Robert Mueller: "And this, Donald Trump, is how you make a deal that gets you something." - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Reminder: We got Iran to remove  97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium without having to record an infomercial for the regime. - LOLGOP

Trump To House Migrant Children In Tents. TENTS! In Texas!
The Trump administration is looking to build tent cities at military posts around Texas to shelter the increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children being held in detention

UPDATE: 38 senators now support our legislation to prevent children being taken from their parents at the border. We’re building momentum to end this horrific practice. Please ask your senators to support us! - Sen. Diane Feinstein

I’m not sure it’s possible to capture an entire era in one image, but Dennis Rodman running a cryptocurrency grift on live TV from the North Korea summit while wearing a MAGA is a serious nominee. - Benjy Sarlin

Trump's Tariffs On The Press
A single tariff benefiting one paper factory in Washington state could prompt the loss of thousands of U.S. newspaper jobs, industry executives say...The result? An equity firm won punishing newsprint tariffs that have pushed up newsprint prices by about 30 percent. Already newspapers around the U.S. have begun making thousands of layoffs, according to the News Media Alliance, a trade group.

Republican Shenanigans

Michael Cohen, now with no legal representation, will cooperate with federal prosecutors in New York. He's obligated to report any illegal activity by his clients.This is damaging to Trump, but don't leave out his other client - Sean Hannity. - Nick Jack Pappas

Mueller Says Russians Are Still Meddling. PAGING CONGRESS! HELP! Anyone There?
Special counsel Robert Mueller said in a court filing that election meddling operations like those conducted by Russia during the 2016 presidential election are still occurring

Some analysts believe Kim Jong Un can actually speak fluent English. Others believe the same thing about Donald Trump. - Stephen Colbert


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Trump Agrees to Let Kim Jong Un Have Pence as Manservant - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Still Fighting The Colombian Cocaine
Costa Rican authorities seized 406 kilos of cocaine that were hidden in a container in a vessel that originated in the Colombian port of Turbo, authorities reported Sunday.
The shipment was found in during an inspection by anti-narcotics agents. The vessel arrived on Friday bearing a “Nederland Reefer” Bahamas flag, according to a news released from the Public Security Ministry.

When asked by reporters how he will know if North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is serious about a peace treaty, President Trump said he will use his "touch" and "feel." This may not be a great plan. The last time Trump used his touch and feel method, he had to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000. - James Corden


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In Singapore Trump displayed the dealmaking wizardry that drove him into bankruptcy six times. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Puerto Ricans Hoping This Year's Hurricane Season Will Blow Some Infrastructure Back In Place - The Onion

Trump Opens Office In Taiwan
In a move likely to increase tensions between the US and China, the United States opened a $256 million (€225 million) representative office in Taiwan's capital ...

Hard to believe that it used to take days, even weeks, to call someone you disagreed with “Hitler.” - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Rejected photo: Marilyn Monroe at the beach with a guy at bum level.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Kim and Trump meet

After summit, Trump announces halt to US-SKorea ‘war games’
President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un concluded an extraordinary nuclear summit Tuesday with the U.S. president pledging unspecified “security guarantees” to the North and Kim recommitting to the “complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

If Obama had walked across a stage to shake Kim Jong Un’s hand, there would have been so many tiki torches marching on Washington, they’d be visible from outer space. - The Hoarse Whisperer
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

If you‘re Kim Jong Un and your entire experience w America is Donald Trump & Dennis Rodman, would you give up your nukes? - Philippe Reines

Trump trusts brutal dictators over our closest allies. This won't end well.
President Donald Trump says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “learned” from the mistake of criticizing him and it’s going to cost Canada “a lot of money.”

If you believe that Kim Jong-un will do what Trump says he will, I have a Wall to sell you that Mexico is going to pay for.- OhNoSheTwint

Republican Shenanigans

Fun fact: In 1971 Richard Nixon triggered a trade dispute with Canada. He called the Canadian PM an "asshole" and a "son of a bitch". The Canadian said "I have been called worse things by better men".

That Canadian PM was Justin Trudeau's dad. - Matt Bevan tweet

Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, in a tan suit, carrying his son Justin.

General Sessions Shows A Little Confederate Love
A move by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to make it more difficult for victims of domestic violence and other crimes to receive asylum in the U.S. could fuel a backlash that the Trump administration already faces over its immigration crackdown.

Jeff Sessions' move to deny asylum to women fleeing domestic violence does not reflect our country's true values. These strong, brave women come to America in search of safety and freedom. We should welcome them with compassion – not slam the door in their faces. - Elizabeth Warren


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President Trump says he got North Korea to commit to destroying a major missile testing site but "we didn't put it in the agreement because we didn't have time." - Ryan Struyk, CNN

Rock The Voter News

Trump's Lawyer Believes Arrest Is Imminent
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s longtime attorney and so-called “fixer,” has reportedly acknowledged that he expects that he’ll get arrested in the very near future.

For those keeping track, approximately 57 days ago, I predicted that Mr. Cohen would be arrested and indicted within 90 days... I also stated it would pose a serious problem for Mr. Trump. - Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels' lawyer


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Trump on Kim Jong-un, a murderous foreign dictator, after being given his word: I trust him. 

Trump on Barack Obama, a president of the United States, after being shown his birth certificate: I still don’t believe he was born in America.

- OhNoSheTwint

Business/Tech News

Trump to Kim: "You've got great beaches...I said to him, you could have the greatest hotels in the world."
Sure, Kim got a free overnight stay at a Singapore resort, but he had to sit through a borin' sales presentation. - Tea Pain

Trump's War On Renewable Energy
 President Donald Trump’s tariff on imported solar panels has led U.S. renewable energy companies to cancel or freeze investments of more than $2.5 billion in large installation projects, along with thousands of jobs, the developers told Reuters.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A polished coral fossil from Indonesia. Are those daisies?


Monday, June 11, 2018

Kim versus Trump

Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un to meet alone at Singapore summit
 Facing a high-stakes challenge to get North Korea to give up nuclear weapons, President Donald Trump plans to speak alone with Kim Jong Un during their historic summit meeting, officials said Monday.
The one-on-one session, plus translators...

Trump: [hands Kim a giant f--king envelope] this is a map of my electoral victory
Trump: biggest electoral victory ever
Trump: how big was your electoral victory?
Kim: I fed my uncle to the dogs - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Putin has done more damage to the western world in a couple of years, using the internet, than Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev were able to in decades, with jets, ICBMs, and warships.
Ain't technology grand? - Timothy Thelen

My My My. The NRA, Putin & The Russian Orthodox Church.
Several prominent Russians, some in President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle or high in the Russian Orthodox Church, now have been identified as having contact with National Rifle Association officials during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, according to photographs and an NRA source.

Kremlin names Trump Employee of the Month. - Andy Borowitz

President Trump and Kim Jong Un reportedly have different ideas of the word “denuclearize.” It’s just like “Laurel vs. Yanni” except with the whole planet at risk. - Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Trump tearing up papers that other people have to then piece together is a metaphor for his entire presidency. - OhNoSheTwint

I hope Macron and Trudeau spoke only french to each other when they were around Trump, and regularly dropped "Mueller" in their conversation. - Jason W Taylor tweet

 Kim Jong Un Offers to Host Peace Talks Between United States and Canada. - Andy Borowitz

First MAGA. Now WAB?
A Senior White House Official Defines the Trump Doctrine: ‘We’re America, Bitch’
The president believes that the United States owes nothing to anyone—especially its allies.

So Trump's mouthpieces are saying he was stabbed in the backI suppose he was setting a better example when he stabbed the other G7 leaders in the front. - John Cleese

The people who always told us "Reagan won the Cold War" are now the ones trying to give the trophy back to Russia. - John Fugelsang


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The government failed Puerto Rico at every level in the wake of Hurricane Maria – including in getting an accurate death toll. Today, I introduced a bill to establish federal procedures for counting fatalities after natural disasters. This can’t ever happen again. - Kamala Harris

Rock The Voter News

Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat and now they're making it easier to steal elections
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday revived Ohio’s contentious policy of purging infrequent voters from its registration rolls, dealing a setback to voting rights proponents who said the practice has disenfranchised thousands of registered voters.

Like my father, Tony Bourdain was an emissary who brought America to the world. I hope they find each other out there somewhere. - Nancy Sinatra

What a difference a president makes

'Just tell us what Vladimir has on you' - Guy Verhofstaft, an EU Official tweeted about the above photo of petulant looking Trump


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Business/Tech News

What they say the Trump Doctrine is: "We're America, Bitch."What it actually is: "We're Russia's Bitch." - Nick Jack Pappas

Uh Oh. Trump Is Leaving The Summit Early.
President Trump reportedly moved up his departure time from Singapore after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un set the deadline for their historic summit.

Trudeau v Trump

"I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it." – Johnny Depp


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

"Wow! Where can I get a pair of these ultra cool crocheted shorts?" said no man, ever.
