Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Trump Slut Shames Senator

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: Trump Twitter attack a 'sexist smear'
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who has called for President Trump's resignation after numerous women accused him of sexual misconduct, chastised the president Tuesday for a "sexist smear" after he said she would "do anything" for campaign contributions.

Because the way to prove you're not a sexist pig is to call a female US senator a "lightweight" & publicly suggest she offered you "anything" for money. - John Fugelsang

Today our sexual predator POTUS, who endorsed a molester of underage girls for US Senate, sexually harassed a female US Senator on Twitter for the world to see, in case you were wondering if rape culture and toxic masculinity are real things. - OhNoSheTwint

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Vladimir Putin announced he’s running for reelection as president of Russia. Putin’s campaign slogan is “I Made America Great Again.”- Conan O'Brien

UN Appalled At Poverty In Alabama
United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.

During a speech on TV yesterday, President Trump was heard slurring. Trump denied it, saying, “I save all my slurs for Muslims.”- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Happy Hanukkah to one of Roy Moore's lawyers. - Parker Malloy

60% Of Americans Think Corruption Has Gotten Worse Under Trump. Ya Think?
A new survey in the U.S. shows that nearly six in 10 Americans believe that the level of government corruption has risen in the year since President Donald Trump was elected.

According to the New York Post, host Matt Lauer plans to disappear, play golf, and stay in the Hamptons after being fired. You hear that, Donald? If you let us fire you for sexual harassment, your life will be exactly the same. - Seth Myers

Now, Don Jr. is not a lawyer, but still claims attorney-client privilege because “there was a lawyer in the room during the discussion.” Is that how it works? In which case, I’m going to rob a law firm. “All right, everybody, hands in the air. Remember, none of you can testify!”- Stephen Colbert


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Al Franken announced he is resigning from the Senate due to sexual harassment allegations. Other senators said he seemed heartfelt, contrite, and dignified and there’s no place for someone like that in the United States Senate.- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Now, Donald Trump Jr. has long insisted that there was no follow-up to his meeting with Veselnitskaya. CNN got their hands on previously undisclosed emails that show a follow-up after the Trump Tower meeting. Wow. It seems like there’s no end to the number of emails Don Jr. is hiding. We need to see them all. Can anyone help? Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.- Stephen Colbert


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The vote is precious, almost sacred. Friends of mine paid the ultimate price so that every person can vote their conscience. As a native of Alabama, I ask you to do your part. Honor their sacrifice. Vote.- Rep. John Lewis

Business/Tech News

Ireland will be collecting $15 billion from Apple in a settlement over back taxes. Ireland will receive the money on Friday, and Guinness will have it all by Monday. - Conan O'Brien

Facebook Is Doing Harm According To Ex-Exec
Another former Facebook executive has spoken out about the harm the social network is doing to civil society around the world. Chamath Palihapitiya, who joined Facebook in 2007 and became its vice president for user growth, said he feels “tremendous guilt” about the company he helped make. “I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works,” he told an audience at Stanford Graduate School of Business, before recommending people take a “hard break” from social media.

A New York woman is suing her surgeon claiming he was on his cell phone during her operation. In response, the doctor said, “For your information, I was Googling ‘how to perform surgery.’”- Conan O'Brien


In Two Days AllHatNoCattle will be 17 years old!
Almost old enough to drink!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A beautiful photo-shopped scene. I wouldn't want to sail into that mist though.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Trump Accusers Unite

Trump accusers to unite for first time, demand congressional investigation into allegations
Women who have publicly accused President Trump of sexual misconduct will call for Congress to investigate the allegations at a press conference on Monday.

Can’t stop replaying Trump saying “Gob blesh the Unida Shashe,” in my
mind.  His false teeth want to leave him more than Melania does! -Bette Midler

Deplorables and proud of it

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

How is it that Hillary Clinton isn't even a candidate anymore, and still she gets more negative coverage in the Sunday @nytimes than the man who is endorsing a pedophile, ripping our country apart with hatred, cheating us with his tax plan, threatening our free press, ETC.! - Amy Siskind

Trump Is Hearing Mueller's Footsteps Getting Closer
Special counsel Robert Mueller is trying to piece together what happened inside the White House over a critical 18-day period that began when senior officials were told that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was susceptible to blackmail by Russia, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.

Why the hell does Roy Moore speak fluent Russian?! What is going on here? I think all Alabamians - and all Americans - deserve to know exactly what Moore’s ties are to Putin and the Kremlin. One thing is certain - this is NOT “America First”!! - Jon Cooper

Republican Shenanigans

People in glass White Houses shouldn't throw stones.- Jake Tapper, CNN

Donald Trump is finally putting the “Christ” back in “Christ, we’re f*cked” - Morgan Murphy

The Alabama How-To-Disenfranchise-Voters Guide
What happens when a state with a tough voter ID law suddenly makes it much harder for minorities to get driver’s licenses? We are about to find out in Alabama.
Facing a budget crisis, Alabama has shuttered 31 driver’s license offices, many of them in counties with a high proportion of black residents. Coming after the state recently put into effect a tougher voter ID law, the closures will cut off access — particularly for minorities — to one of the few types of IDs accepted.

"Remember Mary Kay Letourneau? 
She went to jail. 
Why are Democrats not talking about this in Alabama and every other person who had sex with an underage child?"
~ Patti R.

Judge Slaps Manafort's Hand
A federal judge gave former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort a relatively mild dressing down Monday over his involvement in publication of an op-ed defending his work in Ukraine.
Prosecutors urged U.S. District Court Judge Amy Jackson to consider holding Manafort in contempt of a gag order she issued last month, but the judge opted instead to give the international political consultant and lobbyist another lecture about not trying to shape public opinion as he and business partner Rick Gates await trial on charges of money laundering and failing to register as foreign lobbyists.


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Kellyanne Conway is now America's Opioid Czar.   I need a Vicodin. -John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

For people who want to call legal abortion "murder", conservatives sure don't want to call illegal sexual contact "rape". - OhNoSheTwitnt

Hearing rumor WaPo & CNN working on harassment story about 20-30
congressmen.  So THAT’S  why they never get any work done!!- Bette Midler


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Business/Tech News

Media news: everyone is getting laid off 
Nature news: animals are going extinct
Political news: democracy died in darkness, and the president could hit the nuke button at any moment
Wall Street news: profits remain awesome. David Sirota

Why Do People Go Cray Cray In Airplanes?
A woman was arrested and charged after she threatened to kill fellow passengers on a Southwest Airlines flight from Portland to Sacramento. The chaotic scene was captured on video that a fellow passenger sent to CBS Sacramento.

JFK: "I want to send a man to the Moon."
Trump "I want to send a pedophile to the Senate."- Erik Bransteen




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A goat tree in Morocco. Are those branches made out of steel?


Friday, December 8, 2017


Email shows effort to give Trump campaign WikiLeaks documents
Candidate Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr. and others in the Trump Organization received an email in September 2016 offering a decryption key and website address for hacked WikiLeaks documents, according to an email provided to congressional investigators.

Here is an update to the above story:
CNN forced to climb down over Trump-WikiLeaks email report
Network said Trump had received email that offered hacked WikiLeaks files – but CNN got date wrong and later admitted material was already in public sphere

I don't know about you but if Wikileaks contacted me while I was working on a campaign, I would call the FBI.

Nation fears drug test would reveal that Trump is not on drugs. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Though Americans were strongly enthusiastic about moving Trump to Jerusalem, in a rare consensus both Arabs and Israelis vehemently opposed the move. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is Totally Responsible For This And He's Probably Proud About It
Protesters clashed with Israeli police and dozens were injured in Bethlehem and other cities on Thursday as demonstrations were held in response to President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Mueller Probe Finds Election May Have Been Influenced by Millions of Idiots. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The weather in Alabama next week will favor Moore because it’s supposed to dip into the teens. -Liars Never Win tweet

Are Republicans Punishing California? Of Course They Are!
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) on Thursday criticized Republicans in the California delegation for approving a tax bill that eliminated the deduction for personal losses from wildfires, earthquakes and other natural disasters, but kept the break for victims of the recent severe hurricanes.

Roy Moore is what would happen if a confederate flag came to life. - Jeff Tiedrich


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Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that Trump’s slurred speech was “a case of what happens when President Putin doesn’t change the batteries in his remote frequently enough.”- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

A Liberal is someone naïve enough to believe a Conservative should be disgusted by pedophilia, racism or slavery. - Tea Pain

Did Democrats Just Fall Into Roger Stone’s Trap?
With the resignation of Sen. Al Franken, I asked women on Capitol Hill if he should pay a lesser price than the one that Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, and Matt Lauer paid. Or does Franken, for all his boorish behavior, fall closer to George H.W. Bush, aka David “Cop-a-Feel,” than to those who summoned underlings to their lair under the guise of meeting about work but actually to expose and, in some cases, force themselves upon them? 


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Business/Tech News

Men spend years hiding sexual assaults then lose their jobs. Trump brags about his and gets elected President. What the f*ck, America?- John Leguizamo

Great. Baggage Fees To Be Hidden Again. Cha-Ching!
The Trump administration has scrapped an Obama-era proposal requiring airlines and ticket agencies to disclose baggage fees as soon as passengers start the process of buying a ticket.

Told the 5 yr old "If you're good Santa rewards you; if you're naughty he won't." 
He replied "I think you're talking about Karma" - John Fugelsang



Over halfway to the goal!
Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Igneous rocks formed from lava flows of the Archaean era 2,700 million years ago. So that's where hippies got their tie-dye ideas.
