Women who have publicly accused President Trump of sexual misconduct will call for Congress to investigate the allegations at a press conference on Monday.
Can’t stop replaying Trump saying “Gob blesh the Unida Shashe,” in my
mind. His false teeth want to leave him more than Melania does! -Bette Midler
Deplorables and proud of it
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- New York explosion: Man in custody after 'attempted terrorist attack'
- Dennis Rodman asks Trump for formal role as North Korea envoy
- Russia's Putin lands in Egypt in sign of growing ties
- Bannon warns Trump he’s getting ‘happy talk’ on Russia
- Netanyahu: European countries will follow Trump on Jerusalem
- Senators clash over direction of Russia, Clinton probes
- Watergate reporter: Fox News hosts are "abetting a cover-up" in Trump White House
- Republicans step up attacks on FBI officials over handling of Clinton, Trump probes
- Judge denies Trump request to delay transgender military enlistment
- Macron to award US climate scientists ‘Make Our Planet Great Again’ grants
- Diplomat rips Tillerson, Trump administration in resignation letter
How is it that Hillary Clinton isn't even a candidate anymore, and still she gets more negative coverage in the Sunday @nytimes than the man who is endorsing a pedophile, ripping our country apart with hatred, cheating us with his tax plan, threatening our free press, ETC.! - Amy Siskind
Trump Is Hearing Mueller's Footsteps Getting Closer
Special counsel Robert Mueller is trying to piece together what happened inside the White House over a critical 18-day period that began when senior officials were told that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was susceptible to blackmail by Russia, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.
Why the hell does Roy Moore speak fluent Russian?! What is going on here? I think all Alabamians - and all Americans - deserve to know exactly what Moore’s ties are to Putin and the Kremlin. One thing is certain - this is NOT “America First”!! - Jon Cooper
Republican Shenanigans
- 'Piece of meat': Trump sexual misconduct accusers appear with Megyn Kelly on 'Today'
- Trump thinks sexual misconduct accusations taking down prominent men is out of control: report
- GOP Senator: We Will ‘Immediately’ Open Ethics Probe Into Moore If He Wins
- Alabama newspapers urge conservatives to write in Republican Senate candidate
- Trump group sends 12-year-old girl to interview Roy Moore
- CNN gives a definitive rundown of Roy Moore’s most batsh*t crazy statements
- Top GOP donor criticized RNC chair's decision to back Moore: report
- Ex-Trump aides expect Bannon to be questioned by Mueller: report
- Republican Senate contender Corey Stewart revives Obama 'birther' claim
- Interior delays Obama-era regulation on methane emissions
- Trump crowd chants "lock her up" after he mocks Hillary Clinton
- Trump loves showing off the White House bathrooms
People in glass White Houses shouldn't throw stones.- Jake Tapper, CNN
Donald Trump is finally putting the “Christ” back in “Christ, we’re f*cked” - Morgan Murphy
The Alabama How-To-Disenfranchise-Voters Guide
What happens when a state with a tough voter ID law suddenly makes it much harder for minorities to get driver’s licenses? We are about to find out in Alabama.
Facing a budget crisis, Alabama has shuttered 31 driver’s license offices, many of them in counties with a high proportion of black residents. Coming after the state recently put into effect a tougher voter ID law, the closures will cut off access — particularly for minorities — to one of the few types of IDs accepted.
"Remember Mary Kay Letourneau?
She went to jail.
Why are Democrats not talking about this in Alabama and every other person who had sex with an underage child?"
~ Patti R.
Judge Slaps Manafort's Hand
A federal judge gave former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort a relatively mild dressing down Monday over his involvement in publication of an op-ed defending his work in Ukraine.
Prosecutors urged U.S. District Court Judge Amy Jackson to consider holding Manafort in contempt of a gag order she issued last month, but the judge opted instead to give the international political consultant and lobbyist another lecture about not trying to shape public opinion as he and business partner Rick Gates await trial on charges of money laundering and failing to register as foreign lobbyists.

Kellyanne Conway is now America's Opioid Czar. I need a Vicodin. -John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- Obama records robocall backing Doug Jones in Alabama Senate race
- Former GOP Minn. governor urges Franken to stay
- DNC 'unity' panel recommends huge cut in superdelegates
- Study: Hillary Clinton's emails got as much front-page coverage in 6 days as policy did in 69
For people who want to call legal abortion "murder", conservatives sure don't want to call illegal sexual contact "rape". - OhNoSheTwitnt
Hearing rumor WaPo & CNN working on harassment story about 20-30
congressmen. So THAT’S why they never get any work done!!- Bette Midler

Business/Tech News
- Oil Holds Steady on OPEC Oil-Cuts Review, Increase in US Rigs
- Mario Batali Steps Away From Restaurant Empire Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations
- Bitcoin futures surge in first day of trading
- David Frum Chides CNN For Hiring 'In-House Trump Associates In Order To Promote Trump Falsehoods'
Media news: everyone is getting laid off
Nature news: animals are going extinct
Political news: democracy died in darkness, and the president could hit the nuke button at any moment
Wall Street news: profits remain awesome. David Sirota
Why Do People Go Cray Cray In Airplanes?
A woman was arrested and charged after she threatened to kill fellow passengers on a Southwest Airlines flight from Portland to Sacramento. The chaotic scene was captured on video that a fellow passenger sent to CBS Sacramento.
JFK: "I want to send a man to the Moon."
Trump "I want to send a pedophile to the Senate."- Erik Bransteen
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