Friday, November 24, 2017

Don Jr. Heckles Robert Mueller

‘It’s foolish to taunt the tiger’: CNN legal analyst gobsmacked by Don Jr heckling Mueller on social media
During a panel discussion on the ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, a CNN legal analyst said Donald Trump Jr. was not helping his case in any way, shape or form by posting “come at me!” at special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators.

Pence Asks Jesus to Rapture Him Up Before Mueller Can Indict Him - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Deck the halls with fresh indictments, fa la la la la la la la la
As we watch with rapt excitement fa la la la la la la la la
To the Russians he did cater fa la (etc)
Soon to jail that orange traitor fa la la la la la la la la
- HowardA_Esq tweet

I Wonder When Paul Manafort Will Flip?
President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, flew to Russia at least 18 times as a consultant, and was in constant communication with President Vladimir Putin’s allies for almost a decade.

Comparing presidential administrations by arrests
Trump - 3
Obama - 0
Bush - 16
Clinton - 2
Bush - 1
Reagan - 26
Carter - 1
Ford - 1
Nixon - 76

Interesting Russian Aside: This is a screenshot from my Twitter page this morning. The Bank is in Costa Rica and they are offering discount points for a trip to Russia.

Michael Flynn:
2016 - "Lock her up!!"
2017 - "Please don't lock me up!"
2018 - "Here's how to lock Trump Up"
- Brian Krassenstein

Republican Shenanigans

Trump is playing golf with Tiger Woods but meanwhile Michael Flynn is playing ball with Bob Mueller. - Sean Kent

In Like Flynn
The legal team representing Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, has ended an agreement to share information about the ongoing Russia probe with the White House, a likely sign that Flynn is looking to cooperate with investigators

Keep Christ in Christmas? Can we put him back in Christianity first? - John Fugelsang

Ewww. Texas GOP Porn.
Texas Congressman Joe Barton sent nudes and illicit text messages to a woman, and he's apologizing for the graphic image first revealed by a Twitter user.
Barton, a Republican, sent the nude photo showing his penis. The Twitter user censored the image, and also revealed a sext that reads, "I want u soo bad. Right now."


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Rock The Voter News

When Malia Obama cuts off an elephant's tail and sells our country out to the Russians call me. - Jeremy Newberger

How One Photo Upended This Woman's Life
It’s been three weeks since Juli Briskman got fired after a photo of her giving the middle finger to President Donald Trump’s motorcade went viral. She remembers driving home that day shocked at what had just happened and terrified about being able to afford health care...Luckily, one of her friends set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for her while she looked for a new job.

Trump is already tweeting that Black Friday is the most ungrateful of all the Fridays. - Conan O'Brien


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20,000 Sacrificed In Annual Blood Offering To Corporate America - The Onion

Business/Tech News

What do we want? 
Net Neutrality!
When do we wa... <buffering>...

<This page has failed to load> 
- Brasilmagic

I Bet Robert Mueller Could Use The World's Tiniest Tape Recorder!
Through a few clever molecular hacks, researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have converted a natural bacterial immune system into a microscopic data recorder, laying the groundwork for a new class of technologies that use bacterial cells for everything from disease diagnosis to environmental monitoring.

Pringles has launched several new potato chip flavors including turkey, stuffing, mashed potato, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. Or as single dads call it, "Thanksgiving!" - Seth Myers

The First Photobomb?


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Biker girls back in the 1920s.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

2017 Thanksgiving Prayer

Trump chooses his own version of reality to back Moore
When reality boxes in President Donald Trump, he simply chooses his own alternative, convenient truth.
The President reached for this politically pliable tactic yet again Tuesday while effectively endorsing Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore despite allegations the outspoken judge pursued teenagers, including a girl as young as 14.

One positive thing that has come out of this year is how reading the news now qualifies as cardio. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Seth Meyers: 'Maybe Trump thinks he's working hard' because Twitter doubled its characters

Some Coverups Are Worse Than The Crime. Not In This Case. They're Just Stupid.
Jared Kushner was worried about his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, reportedly asking a friend about the ongoing Russia probe: “Do you think they'll get the president?” The businessman and adviser to the president was reportedly concerned about the reach of special counsel Robert Mueller's ...

Republican Shenanigans

We don’t have a leader for a president. We have the personification of all of America’s ills. - Jared Yates Sexton

Don't vote for someone you wouldn't trust as babysitter.- Jesse McLaren

Jesus wouldn't let this fool ride his donkey.
The Pearly Gates Just Sent This Pastor A NO ADMITTANCE Ticket
A prominent right-wing preacher who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago said that Moore dated teen girls because of their “purity” and because when he got back from Vietnam there weren’t any women his age left to date.
Pastor Flip Benham told a local Alabama radio show on Monday that there was nothing wrong with Moore dating teenage girls.

Finally a President that represents ALL pedophiles. - Billy Eichner


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Senate Republicans engaged in obstruction to leave as many judicial vacancies unfilled as possible. Now Trump will add twice as many lifetime members to the federal judiciary in the next 12 months (650) as Obama named in eight years (325). American law will never be the same. - Frank Schaeffer

Rock The Voter News

Can anyone imagine a dirty phone call from Charlie Rose?  What would that even look like?  I mean it’s like getting a dick pic from Abraham Lincoln.- Molly Jong Fast

Sexual Abusers Who Are Lawmakers
“Since last year, at least 40 lawmakers – nearly all men – in 20 states have been publicly accused by more than 100 people of some form of sexual misconduct or harassment, a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found.”


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Business/Tech News

Trump’s support of a child molester makes me nostalgic for the days when he just supported Nazis. - Andy Borowitz

What The Hell? Which Is It?
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen stuck by her prediction that U.S. inflation will soon rebound but offered on Tuesday an unusually strong caveat: she is “very uncertain” about this and is open to the possibility that prices could remain low for years to come.

The endless expanse of red brake lights on freeways trying to leave Los Angeles for Thanksgiving is our Fall foliage. - Elizabeth Hackett


Happy Thanksgiving Y'ALL!
I'll be back on Friday!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Don't let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Carnal Congress

In a single day, both The New York Times and CBS News suspended top journalists in the wake of sexual-harassment allegations, and Democrats moved a step closer to losing one of their most vocal advocates in the Senate, who is facing similar accusations. The post-Weinstein reckoning has torn through the ranks of the entertainment and media industries at an unprecedented pace, bringing long-simmering rumors to the surface and exposing abusers at every level. And with the allegations against Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore as a catalyst, it was inevitable that it would soon reach Capitol Hill, the Valhalla of the power hungry.

As American taxpayers, millions of our money went to pay sexual harassment settlements involving Congresspeople. I want to know, I demand to know, who these congresspeople are. It’s our damn money. No more cover-ups.- Ana Navarro

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Today, more than 200 utility experts from New York arrive in Puerto Rico to help restore the power grid. By the end of the month there will be 400 workers deployed. 
NY is proud to continue to expand our support to aid in PR recovery. - Gov. Andrew Cuomo

US Is Back In Afghanistan Fighting The War On Drugs
The United States has launched its first counter-narcotics military offensive in partnership with local allies in Afghanistan to try to deprive the resurgent Taliban of its largest source of funding. The move follows years of criticism that international forces are not doing enough to curb the opium trade.

Republican Shenanigans

Thanksgiving: when the people who told us "All Lives Matter" amend it to exclude Haitians.- John Fugelsang

Goodbye, Net Neutrality, Hello, Screaming At Your Modem 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai will reportedly seek to completely repeal net neutrality rules put in place under former President Obama, according to a Monday report.
Sources close to the matter tell Politico that Pai will seek to completely remove the net neutrality rules, which reclassified internet service providers (ISPs) as telecommunications companies and required them to treat all web traffic equally.

President Trump didn’t pardon the whole turkey, just the white meat. - Conan O'Brien

A Policewoman Verifies Roy Moore's Predatory Habits 
A retired Alabama police officer told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday that she had to keep an eye on Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in the 1980s at local high school football games because he would regularly harass the team’s teenage cheerleaders.
Faye Gary, who for 37 years was an officer at the Gadsden Police Department, explained to Mitchell that Moore’s reputation for pursuing underage girls was widely known throughout the community.

2018 Prediction:
Almost every politician will have shame-resigned because of a harassment scandal, leaving Congress comprised of only women and Roy Moore. - Erik Bransteen


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Rock The Voter News

Seems like Morning Joe spent about 14 hrs in last week talking about Bill Clinton misconduct. how much time have they spent this morning discussing their buddies Glenn Thrush and Charlie Rose? - Eric Boehlert tweet

Charlie Rose Was Next To Have His Pants Pulled Down
Television journalist Charlie Rose said in the wake of numerous allegations of sexual misconduct against him that he was not involved in any "wrongdoings." 

Al Franken: "I'm deeply sorry"
Charlie Rose: "I'm deeply sorry"
Donald Trump: "Those women are liars"
Roy Moore: "Those teenagers are liars"
George H.W. Bush: "Women can't take a joke"

It's almost as if personal responsibility has a liberal bias.- Jeff Tiedrich


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Business/Tech News

Remember the good ol' days when we put pedophiles in jail and didn't vote for them so the super wealthy could get a tax cut?- Erik Bransteen

Google Steps Up To The Fake News Plate
Google will "derank" stories from two of Russia's largest news outlets, according to Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google parent Alphabet.
The Alphabet chairman said the search engine's algorithms will be used to limit the reach of RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik...

According to reports, Donald Trump Jr. spoke briefly last year with a Russian banker with ties to Vladimir Putin while attending an event hosted by the NRA. Wait, hold on one second. Don Jr., OK … Putin … NRA! I won Evil Bingo! - Seth Myers



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

First boat day!
