Friday, October 20, 2017

I invented a new word today

Full video of Frederica Wilson's 2015 FBI speech shows John Kelly got it wrong
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, criticizing Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, misrepresented a 2015 speech she made at the opening of a new FBI building, an exclusive South Florida Sun Sentinel video of her speech shows.

John Kelly is basically Sean Spicer with General status. - Matt Murphy

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Let's see #Trump testify in front of a Congressional Committee for 11 hours about his #NigerBenghazi like the GOP did to Hillary! - Bette Midler

Russian Trolls R Us
The number of networks of Russian-sponsored trolls spreading propaganda to the United States and Europe may number in the hundreds, including the one team drawing wide attention for blitzing American social media outlets last year with divisive information in a bid to tip voter sympathies to Donald Trump, according to an Obama administration Pentagon official.

"If you want to get into a debate with a 4-star Marine general, I think that's something highly inappropriate"- Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump: I didn't say it
John Kelly: Trump said it
Lara Trump: I read the transcript
Sarah Sanders: No transcript
These clowns can't even lie right. - Palmer Report

Turns out White House chief of staff John Kelly is a graduate of the Ivanka Trump School of Complicity.- Rex Huppke

Why Is The White House Defending This? Deplorable.
The White House is defending President Donald Trump's chief of staff after he mischaracterized previous remarks of a Democratic congresswoman who is now criticizing Trump's condolence call to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger.


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Rich Democrat Runs Impeachment Ads Today
Democratic mega-donor and billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer is spending what an aide says is "well over $10 million" on a national TV ad campaign Friday calling for President Donald Trump's impeachment.

Rock The Voter News

Is there anyone dumber than @realDonaldTrump? Besides his children, and Melania? Does anyone know anyone dumber? Maybe tila tequila. - Chelsea Handler

BAD NEWS: Uninsured Rises By 3.5 Million Under Trump. 
GOOD NEWS: Republicans Are Overjoyed
A survey published Friday by Gallup and Sharecare, a health information firm, finds that the uninsured rate has risen by 1.4 percentage points since Trump took office, reaching 12.3% in the third quarter of this year. That translates to 3.5 million Americans who have joined the ranks of the uninsured since the end of 2016, when the uninsured rate reached a record low of 10.9%. The uninsured rate peaked above 18% just before the ACA exchanges opened for business in January 2014.


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Business/Tech News

Whoever said "live like there's no tomorrow" probably owned a credit card company.- John Fugelsang

Republican Priority: Tax Cuts For The Rich
The Senate has approved a multitrillion-dollar budget that Donald Trump has called a “first step towards massive tax cuts”, a largely symbolic move that sets the stage for Republicans to rewrite the US tax code without a single Democratic vote.
The Senate on Thursday voted 51-49 to pass the budget resolution, a blueprint of trillions of dollars in federal spending over the next decade

Happy birthday, @SnoopDogg! I hope your candles aren't the only things that gets lit. - Ellen DeGeneres


Fall Fundraiser

Thank you!


NOTICE: On Saturday the Internet Cable Tech is supposed to check my loosey goosey connection. Fingers crossed.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Walt Disney and Salvador Dali on a boat, Spain, 1957. I would have loved to have heard their conversation. Photograph from the Walt Disney Family Foundation Collection.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Russia & Their Trolls

Kellyanne Conway and Don Jr. Retweeted Russian Troll Account Days Before Election
It was reported earlier today that a well-known and prominent pro-Trump Twitter account was actually run by a notorious Russian troll farm. The account, @TEN_GOP, was shut down in August by Twitter, but not before it had gained over 140,000 followers and had become an influential online conservative voice during and after the 2016 election.

The far-right was so busy believin' someone was gonna take their guns, they missed it when someone took their country. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

AMERICA: With all our divisiveness, at least we come together to honor fallen troops.
TRUMP: Hold my tiki torch. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republicans Want A Fast Investigation Of Russia Probably To Open Another Benghazi Investigation
A growing number of key Republicans are sending this message to the leaders of the congressional committees investigating potential Trump campaign collusion with the Russians: Wrap it up soon.

President Trump says “I give ourselves a ten” out of ten for the response to Puerto Rico storm.- Andrew Beatty, AFP

Republican Shenanigans

Our President lies more than most dudes on Tinder. - Bakari Sellers

Low Ticket Sales For Pence Event
The Colorado Republican Party lowered ticket sales for a fundraiser with Vice President Pence after it reportedly struggled to “fill the large room” where the event was being held.
The lowest-priced tickets for a GOP fundraiser in Denver were initially listed at $275 each, but event organizers dropped the cost to $150 after struggling to sell tickets


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I have just added a clause to my will that says in the event of my untimely death Trump is forbidden from comforting my family. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Overruled By Judge On Abortion Access 
A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the Trump administration to allow a pregnant, undocumented teenager to obtain an abortion.
The government, the judge wrote, must "promptly and without delay" allow the 17-year-old to be transported to an abortion provider closest to the shelter where she is being held. The judge wrote that federal officials are "restrained from interfering with or obstructing [the teen's] access to abortion counseling or an abortion."

Rock The Voter News

2016 was 1st presidential election in 50 years without full Voting Rights Act & 22 states now have new voting restrictions in effect. - Ari Berman

Even Dubya Knows Russia Is Hacking Us
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday warned against Russia’s attempts to meddle in the United States election, calling on the nation to confront “a new era of cyber threats.”

I just hope there's never a president who makes me look at Trump the way Trump is making me look at George W Bush.- OhNoSheTwitnt‏


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The Republicans have gone from Abraham Lincoln to Sarah Palin to Donald Trump. No wonder they don't believe in evolution. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

After the events of the past 24 hours, Trump throwing paper towels is starting to look like his empathy highpoint. - Andy Borowitz

What Goes Up, Must Come Down?
On the 30th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash, U.S. stocks are at a record high and investors are concerned that steep valuations may mean a correction is overdue, despite healthy corporate earnings and economic growth.


I hope you had a good time today.

Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sky Walking, Mt. Nimbus, Canada. Oh yeah. I can see it now -- my skinny butt slipping right through those planks ending up hanging by the safety harness, which of course, would snap.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Sergeant Heel Spurs

Trump to widow of Sgt. La David Johnson: 'He knew what he signed up for'
President Donald Trump told U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson's widow Tuesday that "he knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway," when he died serving in northwestern Africa, according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens.

Trump has since tweeted and denied it and says he has proof. Where's the recording of the phone call?

Who calls the families to console them after Trump calls??? - Lenny Jacobson

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Trump today:

- threatens John McCain: "At some point I fight back, and it won't be pretty"

- tells widow of fallen Sgt. La David Johnson: "He knew what he signed for"

But kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops..

- Kanisha Jackson‏

Senate Wants Info On Niger Deaths
Nearly two weeks after four Green Berets were killed in an ambush, top senators are demanding the Trump administration provide Congress with more information on the first deadly attack on U.S. troops in Niger.

Trump Continues To Ignore Puerto Rico And Now This...
Raw sewage is pouring into the rivers and reservoirs of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. People without running water bathe and wash their clothes in contaminated streams, and some islanders have been drinking water from condemned wells.

Can't wait until Trump gets impeached so I can say "Eh. He knew what he signed up for." - OhNoSheTwitnt‏

Republican Shenanigans

Rep. Wilson says the widow "broke down" after her call with Trump, saying "he didn't even know (her husband's) name" - Jennifer Hansler, CNN

Jesus, She Can Lie Through Her Teeth
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders predicted Tuesday that President Donald Trump will be so successful in the remainder of his term that Americans are “going to be begging for four more years of President Trump.”

Our president wants us to say ‘Merry Christmas’ but his policies wouldn’t take care of Mary, Joseph & Jesus. - Rev. Doc. Barber

Ivanka Claims She Was A Punk, Er, Liked Punk
Ivanka Trump, in her mother's new memoir, said she once had a “punk phase” in the nineties.
Trump wrote in her mother Ivana’s book “Raising Trump” that she was “really into Nirvana” during the phase and once dyed her hair blue...


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If #SgtLaDavidJohnson keeps trending DT might be forced to give more speeches about those ungrateful kneeling NFL thugs. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Chris Cillizza Of CNN Has It Out For Hillary
CNN politics reporter and editor-at-large Chris Cillizza grabbed his Outrage-Timing Stopwatch. He used this device to count the number of days that had passed before former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton denounced the conduct of Hollywood heavy Harvey Weinstein, whom several women had accused of sexual harassment over nearly three decades...

Maybe Colin Kaepernick should call families of fallen soldiers instead of DT, as CK's never actually insulted any troops. #SgtLaDavidJohnson - John Fugelsang


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Business/Tech News

Just found out all of my childhood bullies were Russian bots.- Conan O'Brien

Well, This Isn't Good If You're Travelling On Sub-Standard Steel
Kobe Steel said it will cooperate with the U.S. Department of Justice after the agency requested documents related to the fake data scandal that risks engulfing Japan's third-biggest steel-maker.
Kobe has said some 500 companies worldwide are in a supply chain tainted by admissions that it falsified certifications on the strength and durability of metals going back to 2007, including automotive giants Ford and General Motors and the U.S.'s biggest plane-maker, Boeing. The besieged Japanese company said in a statement it can't yet quantify the effect of the crisis on its earnings.

Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea. - Pythagoras


Of, course I am the only person at work!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Happy Hump Day.
