Saturday, October 14, 2017

Goodbye Obamacare, Hello TRUMPCARE

White House Says It Will End Key Obamacare Subsidies to Insurers
The White House announced late Thursday that it would no longer reimburse insurers for lowering costs for customers under the Affordable Care Act, a decision Democrats condemned as "spiteful."
President Donald Trump had indicated he was considering cutting off the payments in order to increase pressure on lawmakers to repeal the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

Welcome to Trump's America, where Nazis roam the streets in packs, minorities are oppressed for free speech and the poor die uninsured. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

After the Iran deal we actually saw Iranians waving the US flag in their streets. 
DT has a bold plan to make 'em start burning it again. - John Fugelsang

Meanwhile the president’s inexplicable battle with Puerto Rico rages on. Trump fired off a trio of early-morning tweets saying Puerto Rico’s infrastructure was a disaster before Hurricane Maria, blaming them for their own financial problems, and warning that the government won’t be there to help them indefinitely. And also, those paper towels? He wants those back. - Jimmy Kimmel

Republicans Are Cold Hearted "Christians"
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday that Puerto Rico is facing a “humanitarian crisis” and argued that the federal government has a responsibility to provide personnel and aid to the hurricane-ravaged island territory.
But Ryan also appeared to defend controversial remarks by President Trump that federal resources cannot remain in Puerto Rico “forever,” saying the territory needs to get back "on its own two feet." The president did not make similar comments about two other regions that have been slammed by hurricanes, Houston and south Florida. 

Following the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, President Trump tweeted this morning that the White House cannot keep FEMA, the military, and first responders in Puerto Rico forever. Forever? It’s been three weeks! That’s like saying you worked with Scaramucci forever. - Seth Myers

Trump has proven he's willing to kill millions of Americans to remove one black man's legacy. Trump deserves the fate that awaits him. Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

For the last 24 hours, Donald Trump has been the president of busy town. This morning, he signed an executive order to get rid of some key provisions of Obamacare. For instance, the care part.- Stephen Colbert

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough announced in a tweet on Thursday that he had officially registered as an independent, roughly three months after he said he was leaving the Republican Party.
"I became an independent today. Here I am holding a copy of Donald Trump's birth certificate, proving he was born in Nambia," Scarborough tweeted.


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Obamacare combines two things Trump hates: Obama and the verb "to care." -Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump And His Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
A close associate of Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn arranged a covert investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state, and through intermediaries turned to a person with knowledge of the “dark web” for help.

During the press briefing today, John Kelly said that President Trump’s tweets don’t make his job more difficult. Really? Because they’re making mine impossible. Do you have any idea what I would give to be making a Hillary Clinton pantsuit joke right now? - Seth Myers


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Business/Tech News

When you praise a news network run by a sex predator that employs sex predators & promoted a sex predator for Pres, your "values" are clear. - Tea Pain

GOP State Rep: Journalists Need Police Licenses!!!
Indiana State Rep. Jim Lucas has drafted legislation that would require professional journalists to be licensed by police.
The Republican lawmaker is taking aim at journalists for what he says is “irresponsible” coverage, proposing that they are fingerprinted and licensed to practice.

Bush Feeling Better About His Intelligence Every Day. - Andy Borowitz


I finally got an edition up!
My Internet has been loopy since Tropical Storm Nate hit on Oct. 3.
Thank you for your patience.


Odd News

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What a terrifyingly beautiful panther. Those eyes.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Intentional Neglect Continues...

Trump: We cannot aid Puerto Rico 'forever'
President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that Puerto Rico is going to have to shoulder more responsibility for recovery efforts from Hurricane Maria, saying the federal government's emergency responders can't stay there "forever."

Only 1 in 6 PR residents has electricity; 1/3 don't have safe drinking water. These are US citizens. The callousness boggles the mind. - Paul Krugman

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

The least Trump can do is go back to Puerto Rico and toss out some body bags.- Warren Holstein‏

Deep Down, Trump Wants To Cut Off The Tongues And Fingers Of The Media
President Trump is doubling down on his suggestion that the federal government "challenge" the broadcast licenses of networks that report what he deems "fake news."
"Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked," he wrote on Twitter. "Not fair to public!"

Just a friendly reminder that Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about a bl*w j*b.- OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

@POTUS your comments about Puerto Rico are unbecoming of a Commander in Chief they seem more to come from a “Hater in Chief” - Carmen Yulín Cruz‏, Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico

Trump's staff must all be walking on eggshells.
In recent days, I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.

"That the King is insane is now old news." — Thomas Paine, 1788


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Seth Rogen vs Donald Trump Jr. On Twitter
Hollywood star and comedic actor Seth Rogen once again trolled and slid into Donald Trump Jr.’s direct messages on Twitter Thursday, suggesting the president’s son speak out against his father’s alleged sexual harassment and assault towards women.

I wonder if Bill Cosby's wife is reading about Harvey Weinstein's wife & thinking, "Oh, so that's the proper response." - Erik Bransteen

Rock The Voter News

Will the Republicans give back money contributed by Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly? - Barbra Streisand

What's With Anthony Bourdain? He Didn't Slam Obama's Late Response.
Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain is not letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for her friendship with Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced film producer who is accused of sexually harassing and raping young women in the film industry for decades. ..Bourdain, whose girlfriend, Asia Argento, claims she was raped by Weinstein in 1997, called Clinton’s interview “shameful in its deflection and its disingenuousness.” Bourdain also suggested that Clinton may have known about Weinstein’s behavior for years before the bombshell reports on him were released last week.
“Know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She’s not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. The Weinstein stories had been out there for years,” he tweeted.

As awful as Harvey Weinstein is, we must remember he still doesn't control any branches of our government.- Erik Bransteen


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Business/Tech News

It's hard to sell Trump's 250 word vocabulary as a negative to folks that have a 150 word vocabulary. - Tea Pain

Someone Is Trying To Discredit CNN has learned that CNN’s Legal Department is now looking into a hoax website that is pushing a story about a security guard in Las Vegas being arrested following the massacre. The apparent hoax caught traction early Thursday after a “CNN” article claimed there was a second arrest in the Oct. 1 mass shooting at Mandalay Bay: the security guard originally credited with helping stop Stephen Paddock was booked as the second gunman



Odd News

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This is my new hero, Chef Jose Andres. He is delivering delicious food and hope to remote villages in Puerto Rico.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Achy Fakey News

Hannity Slams Left for Hypocrisy on Weinstein, Forgets He JUST Had Bill O’Reilly On as Guest
During tonight’s opening monologue on Fox News’ Hannity, host Sean Hannity devoted more than 10 minutes to highlighting what he claimed was the hypocrisy of liberals when it came to the bombshell sexual misconduct allegations against Hollywood heavyweight Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey Weinstein was fired. So what are we going to do about the sexual predator in the White House? Just keep letting him run the country?- Billy Eichner

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Who can forget during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Kennedy tweeted, "Cueball @Khrushchev and Lil' Beardy don't have the [guts]. I double-dog dare you to push the button."- Stephen Colbert

I would definitely pay $100 to watch Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump take IQ tests against each other. And I guarantee the next day, Kellyanne Conway would be saying that the lower the number, the better the score.- Jimmy Kimmel

Fake News?
President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.

The Ivana vs Melania feud is a fun distraction from the feud of Trump vs NFL/Jemele Hill/Tillerson/Bob Corker/Kim Jong Un/Reality. - Stephen Colbert‏

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump is back to golfing, and he played with Lindsey Graham yesterday and said it was “wet and windy.” But luckily, some people from Puerto Rico came and threw their paper towels at him. - Jimmy Fallon

Trump Threatens NBC
US President Donald Trump has raised the prospect of challenging media licences for NBC News and other news networks after unfavourable reports.
He took aim at NBC, which made him a star on The Apprentice, after it reported he wanted to boost America's nuclear arsenal almost tenfold.
Mr Trump labelled the report "fake news" and "pure fiction"

Eminem did in 4 minutes what political pundits, news anchors, & newspaper reporters have not been able to do in a year.
The power of art. - Fake Frederick Douglas Tweet

In the last year or so, arguably the three most powerful men in entertainment, TV news, and politics were outed as serial sexual predators. - Simon Malloy

Starving Puerto Rican Towns Sharing Food, Eating Plants, and Waiting for FEMA
One woman was left with a can of tuna, another family ate from their garden. One mayor says 5,000 residents face starvation.


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Why won’t Hillary condemn the California wildfires? - Eric Garland

Rock The Voter News

Tucker Carlson actually just did a segment about how Clinton is a Weinstein enabler, from the chair where O'Reilly sat, on Ailes's network. - Lauren Duca

Does the Second Amendment protect an individual right to sell firearms to the public? 
No, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday in Teixeira v. County of Alameda, a landmark decision affirming the government’s constitutional authority to strictly regulate gun shops. The 9–2 ruling is a victory for gun safety advocates who feared judicial aggrandizement of the right to bear arms could invalidate myriad laws governing firearm commerce. The decision may be imperiled, however, if the plaintiffs appeal to the Supreme Court, where conservative justices are increasingly eager to expand the scope of the Second Amendment.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that President Trump’s comment that he has a higher IQ than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was a joke and told reporters they should “get a sense of humor.” They should get a sense of humor? You’re the one who always looks like she just found a joint in her son’s Bible. - Seth Myers


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President Trump gave an exclusive interview to Forbes and teased a new economic development bill that he says is “both a carrot and a stick." Incidentally, “carrot and stick” are also Trump and Melania’s Secret Service code names. - Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

California To Allow Driverless Cars
Fully autonomous vehicles — without backup drivers — could be on California public roads by June or earlier, the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles said Wednesday as it unveiled a new version of proposed rules.



Odd News

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Nose Rider in Yosemite.
