Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Achy Fakey News

Hannity Slams Left for Hypocrisy on Weinstein, Forgets He JUST Had Bill O’Reilly On as Guest
During tonight’s opening monologue on Fox News’ Hannity, host Sean Hannity devoted more than 10 minutes to highlighting what he claimed was the hypocrisy of liberals when it came to the bombshell sexual misconduct allegations against Hollywood heavyweight Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey Weinstein was fired. So what are we going to do about the sexual predator in the White House? Just keep letting him run the country?- Billy Eichner

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Who can forget during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Kennedy tweeted, "Cueball @Khrushchev and Lil' Beardy don't have the [guts]. I double-dog dare you to push the button."- Stephen Colbert

I would definitely pay $100 to watch Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump take IQ tests against each other. And I guarantee the next day, Kellyanne Conway would be saying that the lower the number, the better the score.- Jimmy Kimmel

Fake News?
President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.

The Ivana vs Melania feud is a fun distraction from the feud of Trump vs NFL/Jemele Hill/Tillerson/Bob Corker/Kim Jong Un/Reality. - Stephen Colbert‏

Republican Shenanigans

President Trump is back to golfing, and he played with Lindsey Graham yesterday and said it was “wet and windy.” But luckily, some people from Puerto Rico came and threw their paper towels at him. - Jimmy Fallon

Trump Threatens NBC
US President Donald Trump has raised the prospect of challenging media licences for NBC News and other news networks after unfavourable reports.
He took aim at NBC, which made him a star on The Apprentice, after it reported he wanted to boost America's nuclear arsenal almost tenfold.
Mr Trump labelled the report "fake news" and "pure fiction"

Eminem did in 4 minutes what political pundits, news anchors, & newspaper reporters have not been able to do in a year.
The power of art. - Fake Frederick Douglas Tweet

In the last year or so, arguably the three most powerful men in entertainment, TV news, and politics were outed as serial sexual predators. - Simon Malloy

Starving Puerto Rican Towns Sharing Food, Eating Plants, and Waiting for FEMA
One woman was left with a can of tuna, another family ate from their garden. One mayor says 5,000 residents face starvation.


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Why won’t Hillary condemn the California wildfires? - Eric Garland

Rock The Voter News

Tucker Carlson actually just did a segment about how Clinton is a Weinstein enabler, from the chair where O'Reilly sat, on Ailes's network. - Lauren Duca

Does the Second Amendment protect an individual right to sell firearms to the public? 
No, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday in Teixeira v. County of Alameda, a landmark decision affirming the government’s constitutional authority to strictly regulate gun shops. The 9–2 ruling is a victory for gun safety advocates who feared judicial aggrandizement of the right to bear arms could invalidate myriad laws governing firearm commerce. The decision may be imperiled, however, if the plaintiffs appeal to the Supreme Court, where conservative justices are increasingly eager to expand the scope of the Second Amendment.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders today said that President Trump’s comment that he has a higher IQ than Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was a joke and told reporters they should “get a sense of humor.” They should get a sense of humor? You’re the one who always looks like she just found a joint in her son’s Bible. - Seth Myers


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President Trump gave an exclusive interview to Forbes and teased a new economic development bill that he says is “both a carrot and a stick." Incidentally, “carrot and stick” are also Trump and Melania’s Secret Service code names. - Seth Myers

Business/Tech News

California To Allow Driverless Cars
Fully autonomous vehicles — without backup drivers — could be on California public roads by June or earlier, the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles said Wednesday as it unveiled a new version of proposed rules.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Nose Rider in Yosemite.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Meanwhile In Puerto Rico

 White House lets Jones Act waiver expire for Puerto Rico  
The White House has let a 10-day shipping waiver expire for Puerto Rico, meaning foreign ships can no longer bring aid to the hurricane-ravaged island from U.S. ports.
A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security confirmed on Monday that the Jones Act waiver, which expired on Sunday, will not be extended.

California on fire.
Puerto Rico in crisis.
4 soldiers killed.
Nazis marched again.
Trump attacks Dems, Jemele Hill, NFL, praises himself.- Ricky Davila‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Pathological liar,moron,mentally ill. It is time for GOP to say publicly what they say in private. Can't have incompetent fool causing WW111. - Rob Reiner

Trump Continues To Intimidate Rex Tillerson
President Trump in a new interview offered to compare IQ tests with Rex Tillerson after reports that the secretary of State had called him a "moron."

Subject: Trump vs. Tillerson

Hi Lisa,

Donald Trump has his knickers in a twist over Rex Tillerson’s calling him a “fcking moron.”  But I think Tillerson actually paid Trump a great compliment and Trump just doesn’t realize it.

Recall that a “moron” has an IQ between 51 and 70.  The IQ of an “imbecile” runs between 26 and 50.  An “idiot’s” IQ is 25 or below.  The intensifier “fcking” suggests an IQ that’s relatively low within its range.

Also recall that IQ is defined as Mental Age / Chronological Age X 100.  Thus, a 12-year-old with a Mental Age of 12 has a 100 IQ.

Donald Trump’s Chronological Age is 71 years.  But his Mental Age is clearly no higher than 11 years.  That gives him an IQ of (11 / 71 X 100) = 15.5.  He is solidly within the “idiot” range.

For Trump to qualify as a “fcking moron,” he would have to have a Mental Age of at least 37 years.  But Trump has not shown himself to be that mature since he was, well, probably 37.  Maybe it’s no accident that the Founders set 35 as the minimum age to be president.

So Tillerson, while he was maybe trying to be complimentary, was wrong.  Donald Trump is not a “fcking moron”; he is a “fcking idiot.”

Of course, there is always the Dunning-Krueger effect, where the subject is too stupid to understand how stupid he is.  That could apply to anyone with an IQ below 70.  It definitely applies to Trump and many of his supporters.

So let’s all hang in there.  With only 3 years and 3 months to go, we will get through this.  Unless we don’t.


Thanks for writing, Rick. 

Trump's grasp of spatial awareness is so impressive. "This is an island, surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.” 

Only 3 years and 3 months? Just shoot me after I have a cup of covfefe.

Republican Shenanigans

Melania Trump has accused her husband’s first wife, Ivana Trump, of “attention-seeking and self-serving noise” after the first Mrs Trump joked that she was first lady.
On a tour to promote her new book, Raising Trump, about raising Donald Trump’s three eldest children, Ivana said she still spoke to her ex-husband about once every 14 days on a “direct number to the White House”.
She told ABC News she was reluctant to call the president too often “because Melania is there, and I don’t want to cause any kind of jealousy

Ivana Trump says Donald would not be the person he is without her and that she raised Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric.
I wouldn't brag about that. - Melissa McEwan

Monday Night Football Ratings Are Up
...Not only have fans not stopped going to games, but they're watching on TV more than they did last year. Despite Trump's claim that TV ratings are down, the overall figures for the past two weeks say the opposite. Week 3 ratings were up 3% across all games from 2016, including a spike of 63% in the rating for Monday Night Football, the league announced last week. Overall, viewership for Monday Night Football is averaging 11.9 million through the first four weeks, a 5% increase from last year.

Us: Yikes ok then birth control?
Us: Wait so maternity care?
Us: Childcare?
- Bess Kalb


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My Weather Update:
The province that I live in, Guanacaste, is still under a red alert. We are being told to stock up on water, batteries and food as increased rain will begin on Friday and last through the weekend. 😬 The road still needs repair but at least it is navigable. Tomorrow morning I will go on a supply run.

Donald Trump's week:
- Challenged his Secretary of State to an IQ test
- Blew his VP's walkout stunt by bragging about it
- Misspelled "little"
- Got called a demented toddler by a Senator from his own party
- Tweeted "we have just begun" and then deleted it
- It's only Tuesday.
-Palmer Report

Rock The Voter News

Cool, now everyone begging Hillary to speak out can go back to telling her to shut up!- Molly

NFL May Require Players To Stand During Anthem
NFL owners will reportedly consider a rule change at a meeting next week that would require players to stand for the national anthem at football games.
An NFL spokesman said Tuesday that owners will have a chance to review the current policy, which encourages players to stand for the anthem but doesn't make it mandatory.

"I can't believe one entire political party has sold itself to the gun lobby..."...Neither can we, Hillary, neither can we.- Bette Midler


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Business/Tech News

Miramax removing Harvey Weinstein’s credits from every film; really taking women’s complaints seriously now that the whole world found out! - Bette Midler

Media Pointing Fingers At Late Night TV
Late night TV is taking heat from social media and news outlets for its failure thus far to address the sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein...

5 years ago, I was shot in an attempt to stop me from speaking out for girls' education. Today, I attend my first lectures at Oxford. - Malala



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Shipwrecks in Tobermory, Ontario. Justin Russo Photography


Monday, October 9, 2017

Quarter Million Dollar Trump Stunt

$242,500: The estimated price tag of Mike Pence's trip to watch -- and then abruptly leave -- a football game
Here is an estimate of just the air costs (which does not include costs of advance personnel, Secret Service or support on the ground):
According to the Air Force, flying a C-32, the model of plane used for Air Force 2, for one hour costs about $30,000. Pence's flight from Las Vegas to Indianapolis Saturday took about three hours and 20 minutes, so it cost about $100,000...

Hi @VP Mike Pence, Nazis marched again yesterday in Virginia. Yeah, they killed a woman last time out & maimed folks. But those knees, right? - Jeffrey Wright Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Secretary of Defense James Mattis tells the US Army to "stand ready" if diplomatic effort fails with North Korea. - Will Ripley, CNN

Trump Needs More Love, People!
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday night to vent about his frustration that no one — he thinks — is giving him enough credit for the recovery effort in Puerto Rico.
The self-pitying tweets came even as reports pour in that in desperation, private citizens are now funneling supplies to the beleaguered U.S. territory to get around the stalled-out federal effort...

Following yesterday’s story that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron, this morning Donald Trump went on a Twitter rant, saying, “This is fake news put out by NBC. Low news and reporting standards.” Now, he may be right about NBC having low standards. They did air 14 seasons of “The Apprentice.” - James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

To recap: Pence spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money and faked a photo on a stunt to deliberately stoke divisions among Americans. - Topher Spiro Tweet

Head Of FEMA "Filters Out" Puerto Rican Mayor's Needs
The chief of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said Sunday that criticism of relief efforts in Puerto Rico by the mayor of San Juan had been "filtered out."
In an interview on ABC's "This Week," FEMA administrator Brock Long brushed off criticism from San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, who has slammed the Trump administration's response to Hurricane Maria. Cruz tweeted earlier Sunday that requests for assistance from FEMA in response to power outages at a San Juan hospital had gone unanswered.

Mike Pence is out there staging an NFL walkout to increase racial tensions and divide us, meanwhile, Puerto Rico is still begging for help. -  Kaivan Shroff‏


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Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton is apparently responsible for Harvey Weinstein, her husband, and Donald Trump. Are men ever responsible for what they do? - Jill Filipovic

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, it looks like Congress might finally do something about gun control. Yesterday, congressional Republicans signaled that they would be open to banning gun conversion kits called “bump stocks,” which take advantage of a semiautomatic gun’s natural recoil, allowing it to bounce back and forth off a shooter’s trigger finger and unleash up to 100 rounds in seven seconds. It’s great for hunting – if you’ve got seven seconds to kill every animal in the forest.- Stephen Colbert


Everyone wants to know

Why did this mass murder occur?

What was the shooter thinking?

Was there something that pushed him over the edge?

In times like this with so much info rattling my brain and heart, I like to take a look at the forest, not the trees.

This shooter, I hate to type his name, watched a music festival for 3 days from his hotel room perch and waited to the last day and the last performer to begin his carnage. Why that moment? Was that his favorite Jason Aldean song? He began shooting as soon as that song started.

Guns & Guitars, a store in a strip mall near his home in Mesquite, called the police and said they sold him guns. Guns & Guitars, what a chilling name for what occurred at the mass shooting.

He has a clean background, wealthy, owned several properties and a high stakes gambler which comes with many privileges in Vegas. His brother said he received a text from him once, claiming he had just won $250K.

In 2012 he filed a lawsuit against a hotel corporation for negligence on the hotel's part. He slipped in a lobby. He lost. The case was closed. His attire attending the court proceedings was sloppy.

So, the shooter was wealthy from real estate and gambling. He was a master of rapid fire weapons and a sloppy dresser.

The police response was beyond impressive, as were the first responders and the concert attendees.

Mass shooters have a reason for their carnage. What triggered this shooter is a mystery we need solved. We need a reason to make sense of all this madness.

At least I do.



I wonder what the gun control debate would be today if Stephen Paddock was  
the shooter at the baseball practice of the Republican team where Steve  
Scalise was shot.

Richard C

Thanks for writing Richard. Well, no one would've survived for one thing.
I don't think it would've changed anything. Republicans believe guns have more rights than people.


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Next, Mike & Karen Pence will take a private jet to PR where they will slowly drink a bottle of water in front of the mayor of San Juan. - NicCageMatch Tweet

Business/Tech News

Too bad these aren't mug shots.
Sexual Abuser Gets Fired. No, Not Trump.
The Weinstein Company — which Weinstein and his brother Bob founded to churn out such hits as "The King's Speech," "Django Unchained" and "Silver Linings Playbook" among many others — fired Weinstein after a stunning four-day period that began Thursday when the New York Times published a scathing report detailing Weinstein's alleged sexual harassment and abuse of female actors and writers, and payoffs he made to buy silence.

Remember: The Weinstein Company didn't fire Harvey because they found out he was a sexual predator. They fired him because WE found out. - Laurie Stark

Trump has more Twitter followers than Pope Francis. But the Pope doesn’t mind; he said, “My boss only had 12 followers, and he’s still pretty popular.” - Conan O'Brien


Thank you for helping to keep 
AllHatNoCattle online

I feel so fortunate. So many here have lost so much due to the flooding and wind. They are repairing the road near my house today. Fingers crossed.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
40 years ago, this would have been a scene from a sci-fi movie. Now it's real.
