Friday, October 6, 2017

Trump's Carnival Continues...

Puerto Rico bonds plunge after Trump pledge to wipe out debt
Puerto Rican bonds took a huge hit on Wednesday following President Donald Trump's comments on the island's massive debt.
The island's general obligation bonds, which yield 8 percent, dropped to just 36 cents on the dollar. Just last month, the bonds were trading at around 56 cents to the dollar.

You're doing a great job, Brawny.

"Sire, the people don't have power, water, or food"
"Let them eat paper towels" - Paul Krugman

Trump handed out flashlights to Puerto Ricans, joking "you don't need them anymore." 
94% of the island is without power. - David Begnaud‏, CBS News

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It Has Been Frightening Here. I Am Lucky To Have Power And Internet!
A tropical storm churning north through Central America killed at least eight people in Costa Rica Thursday, with approximately 17 more people reported missing. The storm also caused flooding and drinking water shortages around the country, leaving thousands of people in shelters.

77% of Americans DON'T own a gun. Nearly 90% want STRONGER gun control. It is NOT a democracy if a vicious few control what the law will be. - Michael Moore

Intentional Neglect Round #2: Cyberwarfare
On January 6, after intelligence agencies briefed Donald Trump on cyberattacks against the United States during the election, he pledged to “appoint a team to give [him] a plan within 90 days of taking office.” Ten months later, Trump not only lacks that cybersecurity plan, he doesn’t even have the team.

Republican Shenanigans

Ladies bear with me I haven't slept enough this week but if we hide all the guns in our vaginas, Congress will HAVE to regulate them!!! - Bess Kalb

Gun Victim Protects Guns
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise spoke at length about gun control in a new interview tonight, telling Fox News he is “absolutely” as strong as ever on the Second Amendment.
The Republican representative from Louisiana recently returned to Congress after he was shot by a gunman in June at a Congressional baseball practice.


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Not wanting crowds of people to die in a hail of bullets has a liberal bias. - Jeff Tiedrich

Rock The Voter News

Tillerson pondering the moron next to him.
Intentional Neglect Round #3: Commander-In-Backstabber
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he’s “never considered” leaving his job and rejected news reports that he denigrated President Donald Trump and weighed resigning...The hastily called announcement follows a report earlier Wednesday by NBC News that Tillerson, a former chief executive officer at Exxon Mobil Corp., weighed resigning over the summer and referred to the president as a “moron.”

I've officially lost all faith in Rex Tillerson If it took him until July to realize DT's a moron. - John Fugelsang


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New Law Would Require Waiting Period Before NRA Could Buy Politician. - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Scientists studying the anatomy of two Republicans say they lack the skeletal structure necessary to confront the NRA. - Andy Borowitz

Yahoo Has Really Gone Downhill Over The Years
Yahoo on Tuesday said that all 3 billion of its accounts were hacked in a 2013 data theft, tripling its earlier estimate of the size of the largest breach in history, in a disclosure that attorneys said sharply increased the legal exposure of its new owner, Verizon Communications Inc (VZ.N).

#TomPetty was the Edward Hopper of American songwriters. He was a certain kind of bird that had no legs so he could never land on this earth; he lived his whole life in the sky. And now he will spread his wings and sleep on the wind. His name is written in the stars #TomPettyRIP - John Mellencamp


I need to put food on my family.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I saw this photo on Facebook with no description of its location. I hate when that happens. Anyway, it looks like beautiful Cypress Gardens in Florida.

Best wishes for a safe and peaceful weekend.


What a mess. I am fine but the road is like a river. Power, was out from 12pm Wednesday until 4pm Thursday. Water has been down since noon Wednesday. Cell phone service has been spotty. The Internet just came up.
I will be post a new edition ASAP.

This is the MegaSuper Shopping Center in Villarreal.

This is the road close to my house.

It is still raining!! I am amazed how fast the power and Internet came back on.

Pura vida.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

New Reality Show: Trump's Bloopers

Republicans delay gun silencer bill as Trump visits Puerto Rico - Live Updates
San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has responded to Donald Trump’s remarks that Puerto Rico’s recovery has “thrown our budget a little out of whack,” and his suggestion that the island has not suffered “a real catastrophe like Katrina.”
“I would hope that the president of the United States stops spouting out comments that are hurtful to the people of Puerto Rico,” Cruz told CNN. “It doesn’t make you feel good.”

Donald Trump shook hands w/ San Juan Mayor who told him "it's not about politics" Trump didn't answer then pointedly ignored her. - Andrea Mitchell, NBC

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

"They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country." - Jimmy Kimmel

Another Hurricane?
A broad area of low pressure over the southwestern Caribbean Sea has a 40 percent chance of developing into a tropical cyclone over the next two days, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Tuesday.

Perhaps God's answer to all the gun-violence prayers is: "I gave you brains and common sense for a reason. Use them." - Rex Huppke

Republican Shenanigans

50+ dead in Las Vegas
1000s without food/water in Puerto Rico
9 million children about to lose health insurance
MAGA, eh?
- David Corn

GOP considering allowing plastique guns.
Blast From The Past: 1988 Ban On Plastic Gun Ban
The House today passed, 413 to 4, a bill that would ban the manufacture, sale or possession of any plastic firearm that could evade detection by X-ray machines or metal detectors...Voting against the House measure were Dick Cheney of Wyoming, Philip M. Crane of Illinois, Norman D. Shumway of California and Barbara F. Vucanovich of Nevada, all Republicans.

The price of freedom isn't mass shootings. It's having to live alongside Pat Robertson & Bill O' Reilly. And Dick Cheney walks the earth... -Elayne Boosler

We must show respect to the gun's feelings.
Democrat Blasts GOP For Not Talking About Gun Violence
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday went after Republicans for refusing to debate gun reform, suggesting they are simply pawns of the gun lobby.
“It is incomprehensible that the president or others would say, ‘This is not the time to debate this,’” Hoyer told reporters during a news briefing.
“Is there ever a time to debate this, or are we so cowed by the [National Rifle Association] that we can’t even talk about this issue and figure out how we can make America safer?”

I don't remember after 9/11 a huge outcry about holding off on discussing how to fix airport security. - Schooley Tweet


 Click here to meet C.W.


"I hate to tell you Puerto Rico but you've thrown our budget out of whack." - Donald Trump. today, in Puerto Rico

Rock The Voter News

A white man shoots 600 people but you’re mad at the black man who’s sitting peacefully not harming anyone. That’s why he’s protesting. - Richie Loco Tweet

Trump Wants Abortion Ban
The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks...It would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of a fine, up to five years in prison or both.

Congressional Republicans: GUN LAWS WON'T STOP SHOOTINGS
Also Congressional Republicans: ABORTION LAWS WILL STOP ABORTIONS - goldengateblond


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Business/Tech News

Trump Blasts Puerto Ricans for Rudely Interrupting His Feud with Football Players. - Andy Borowitz

Oh, YAY! ATM Fee Increase
This year marks the 11th consecutive annual increase in bank ATM fees for customers using out-of-network machines, according to a new report. Over the past decade, such fees have risen 55 percent. The average cost of such a transaction is now over $4.50.

Waking up to a world in which Donald Trump is president and Tom Petty is gone is a bitch. - David Corn



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Mama Swan is a floating crib.
