Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trump Speaks *scratch that* Barks At UN

'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission': Trump tells United Nations he will 'destroy' Kim Jong-Un if he threatens America
Donald Trump address United Nations General Assembly for first time
Turns his fire on Kim Jon-Un's North Korea and uses his derisive nickname for dictator saying 'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission

The comments section gave a speech at the UN. - Hend Amry‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Facebook is under fire because, during last year’s election, Facebook sold lots of ad space to Russia. Facebook said the problem has been fixed. Now they’re selling that ad space to a really nice lady named Isis.- Conan O'Brien

FYI: The Sonic Attacks On The US Embassy In Cuba Began Days After Trump Was Elected
Staffers at the U.S. embassy in Cuba who have been victims of suspected health attacks include both top officers and lower-level employees whose duties range from diplomacy and security to medical services and maintenance, according to a list of the personnel obtained by NBC News.

Security experts are now keeping a close eye on the rise of Osama bin Laden’s son. Even worse, they say Osama bin Laden Jr. may be working tighter with his siblings Eric bin Laden and Ivanka bin Laden.- James Corden

A Must See Documentary About North Korea. Especially Today.
CNN’s Will Ripley, Tim Schwarz and Justin Robertson visited North Korea in June and spent 15 days there. Despite being constantly under the watchful eye of government minders, they got an unprecedented level of access to this secretive state, beyond the bright lights of Pyongyang, and into the North Korean hinterland.

Republican Shenanigans

Sarah Sanders will downgrade Manafort from someone who "worked briefly on the campaign" to an intern who did copying for them. - Kevin M. Kruse

Hate Crimes On The Rise. Thanks Trump!
Hate crimes have jumped by nearly 20 percent in major U.S. cities through much of this year, after increasing nationally by 5 percent last year, according to police data compiled by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino.

So Trump goes one way, then he abruptly goes the other way, then swoops around in a completely different direction for no apparent reason. Which is also what he tells the guy cutting his hair.- James Corden


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Every phone call between Manafort and Jared, Trump, Flynn and Donnie Jr, was intercepted.  Not a bottle of Imodium D left on D.C. shelves. - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

I so admire the elegance and grace of Hillary Clinton not titling her book "Eat Sh*t and Die, Assholes" - Lauren Duca

Dear Current and Former Trump Staffers:

It's entirely possible all your phones are tapped.

Happy early Halloween!


- Seth Abramson


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Business/Tech News

Under this bill, people with metastatic cancer will pay $142,650 more a year to get coverage.
That is not reform. That is a death sentence. - New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman

Florida Has Gone To Hell In A Handbasket
Florida Power and Light's grid did not fare well under Hurricane Irma, despite the company's assurances that it had spent billions hardening its systems after 90% of its customers lost power to 2005's Hurricane Wilma.
But one thing has changed since 2005: solar. Many of the FPL customers who are living through dangerous heat without power now have solar panels on their roofs that could keep them going while FPL repairs its infrastructure. Except doing so is illegal, thanks to FPL's lobbyists, who literally ghost-wrote much of Florida's dreadful solar rules.

There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe, only two. The sun in the heavens and The Associated Press down here." -- Mark Twain, speaking in 1906, 111 years ago today



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sushi a la Pelican.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Republican's Make Last Ditch Effort To Punch Obama

Senate GOP tries one last time to repeal Obamacare
McConnell and his lieutenants will gauge support for the bill this week in private party meetings.

The new #GrahamCassidyBill will give Seniors all kinds of choices, such as "open-casket", "closed-casket" or "cremation." - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

It's tempting to just blame Donald J. Trump for retweeting animation depicting him committing violence against a woman, but there's something deeply wrong with a country that allows a person who does that to remain in office. - Andy Borowitz

Line The Walls With Lead!
The United States is considering closing its embassy in Havana in response to an alleged sonic attack on U.S. personnel in Cuba, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday.

Republican Shenanigans

Not only should cannabis be legalized, it should also be forcibly administered to Congress. -John Fugelsang

Mueller Paranoia Growing In White House
Officials working in the White House are reportedly worried that colleagues may be wearing wires for special counsel Robert Mueller.
Mueller's probe into possible connections between President Trump's campaign and Russian election meddling has caused rising tensions between White House Counsel Don McGahn and Ty Cobb, a lawyer who joined the administration to handle the Mueller probe

WH staffers fear colleagues are wearing a wire for Mueller. Trump volunteered to personally frisk all female employees… starting with Ivanka.- Chelsea Handler


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Donald Trump boasting that he got Obama to show a birth certificate makes him the 1st man in history to brag that someone proved he's a liar. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

The Supreme Court ruled in the Hobby Lobby case that religious preferences don't necessarily have to follow laws.  Your move, Rastafarians. - John Fugelsang

Trump Son-In-Law Under Investigation By The House And Senate
Investigators at the House and Senate Intelligence committees and the Justice Department are examining whether the Trump campaign’s digital operation – overseen by Jared Kushner – helped guide Russia’s sophisticated voter targeting and fake news attacks on Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump supporters were really angry today that it looks like he was making deals with the Democrats and abandoning the border wall. They said that Trump never betrays anyone. Aside from Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, his two ex-wives, and that one daughter he never talks about. Aside from that, he never betrays anybody. - James Corden


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Business/Tech News

Voyager 1 left the solar system 3 years ago this week and still gets a better signal than an iPhone in my apartment.- John Fugelsang

Oh, Great, More $ Spent To Blow Up Stuff
U.S. defense contractor Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N) said on Monday it would buy Orbital ATK Inc (OA.N) for about $7.8 billion in a deal that gives it greater access to lucrative government contracts and expands its arsenal of missile defense systems and space rockets.

At home alone, no one here but me and Amazon Alexa. Says she doesn't want to talk. - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I hope the photographer survived.


Friday, September 15, 2017

I'm still with her

Clinton: Trump poses 'clear and president danger' to US
..."I'm hoping that on the really big issues there's enough authority to be able to restrain and contain the president. That's what we all have to hope because I think this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country," Clinton told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Hillary Clinton could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and do nothing, and they would say she shot somebody. - Randi Mayem Singer

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

In response to the sanctions, North Korea threatened to cause the United States "the greatest pain and suffering it has gone through in its entire history." I hate to break it to you, we already kind of did that to ourselves back in November. - Jimmy Kimmel

Trump Bans Russian Software Company
Eugene Kaspersky has denied that the cyber-security firm he founded is close to the Russian government and insists it poses no danger to its American customers.
Mr Kaspersky told the BBC that the Trump administration's move to ban government agencies from using his products was an "uncomfortable situation". The US has said it is concerned that Kaspersky is vulnerable to influence from the Kremlin.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said today that "President Trump has done more for bipartisanship in the past eight days than President Obama did in eight years." Catch more of Sarah's comedy in her new Netflix special,"Chucklebee." - Seth Myers

Republican Shenanigans

Lobbyists now can make anonymous donations to the legal defense funds of WH officials? What could be swampier? - David Axelrod

Obviously, Trump Has Never Watched Hurricane Coverage Until Irma
President Trump said on Thursday that he did not know hurricanes could be rated as high as a Category 5 after his visit to Florida, which is reeling from Hurricane Irma's devastation. 
"I never even knew a category five existed," the president told reporters at the White House. 

Florida Had The Chance To Protect Nursing Homes And Didn't
In the aftermath of 2005’s destructive Hurricane Wilma, Florida lawmakers approved laws to protect motorists at risk of getting stranded on the interstate, and residents of new high-rises who can’t climb stairs.
Proposed at the same time: a bill that would have required some nursing homes to have generators to protect frail elders from the ravages of heat and dehydration.
The bill died.

The White House announced today that President Trump will sign a resolution passed by Congress that condemns white supremacists. Oh, I can see it now, "Okay, Donald J. Trunch. What? I signed it, I signed it." - Seth Myers


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BREAKING: In Stunning New Deal with Democrats, Trump Agrees to be Impeached. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Let's see any one of us go through a 25-year scorched-earth smear campaign and see if we come through it with 1/10th of the grace of Hillary. - Jeff Tiedrich

Florida Governor Won't Delay Election
Gov. Rick Scott has rejected a Democratic Party of Florida request to postpone for two weeks the Sept. 26 special election in Senate District 40, saying Miami-Dade County officials are ready to move forward with early voting on Saturday despite the disruption from the storm.

Donald Trump tweeted urging Congress to pass his tax reform plan. Here's what he wrote. He wrote, "With Irma and Harvey devastation, tax cuts and tax reform is needed more than ever before. Go Congress, go!" Go Congress! Who does he think he's talking to? They are senators, not Forrest Gump. - James Corden


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I commend Trump for making it very clear how he feels about Charlottesville & how unfairly we treated our nation's patriotic Nazis & racists. - Carl Reiner

Business/Tech News

Imagine if Trump denounced the attempted lynching of a biracial child by white teens in New Hampshire as vehemently as he denounced ESPN. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Hurricane Harvey Affected US Retail Sales
U.S. retail sales unexpectedly fell in August and industrial output recorded its biggest drop since 2009 as Hurricane Harvey disrupted activity, suggesting the storm could dent economic growth in the third quarter.

Remember how enthralling and distracting it could be to play with a bubble machine on a lazy summer’s day?  Can we get Trump one of those? - Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Sending best wishes from Central America for a lovely weekend, especially to my friends in Florida who are still without electricity.
