Donald Trump address United Nations General Assembly for first time
Turns his fire on Kim Jon-Un's North Korea and uses his derisive nickname for dictator saying 'Rocket Man is on a suicide mission
The comments section gave a speech at the UN. - Hend Amry
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- US to Send More Than 3000 Extra Troops to Afghanistan
- GOP rep: North Korea wants Iran-type nuclear deal
- Aung San Suu Kyi refuses to criticize Myanmar's military amid ethnic cleansing reports
- Facebook censoring reports of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar: report
- Sir Richard Branson calls for 'Marshall Plan' for British Virgin Islands in wake of hurricanes Maria and Irma
- Hurricane Maria cripples Dominica as it churns toward Puerto Rico
- Vigil at Georgia Tech turns violent in aftermath of police shooting
Facebook is under fire because, during last year’s election, Facebook sold lots of ad space to Russia. Facebook said the problem has been fixed. Now they’re selling that ad space to a really nice lady named Isis.- Conan O'Brien
FYI: The Sonic Attacks On The US Embassy In Cuba Began Days After Trump Was Elected
Staffers at the U.S. embassy in Cuba who have been victims of suspected health attacks include both top officers and lower-level employees whose duties range from diplomacy and security to medical services and maintenance, according to a list of the personnel obtained by NBC News.
Security experts are now keeping a close eye on the rise of Osama bin Laden’s son. Even worse, they say Osama bin Laden Jr. may be working tighter with his siblings Eric bin Laden and Ivanka bin Laden.- James Corden
A Must See Documentary About North Korea. Especially Today.
CNN’s Will Ripley, Tim Schwarz and Justin Robertson visited North Korea in June and spent 15 days there. Despite being constantly under the watchful eye of government minders, they got an unprecedented level of access to this secretive state, beyond the bright lights of Pyongyang, and into the North Korean hinterland.
Republican Shenanigans
- Trump faces awkward silence at UN as his socialism joke bombs
- US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman
- Trump considering holding DC military parade on July 4th
- Donald Trump Jr. Reportedly Giving Up Secret Service Protection, Citing Privacy Concerns
- Eric Trump’s foundation holds clandestine event at Trump golf club despite open investigation into charity practices
- Senate Judiciary Dem threatens Huckabee Sanders with indictment over Comey intimidation
- O’Reilly Team Shopped Negative Story on Bill’s Accuser; Wash Po Refused to Publish
- ‘He shut her down like a robot from Westworld’: Kimmel mocks Trump for passing up kiss from Melania for a handshake
Sarah Sanders will downgrade Manafort from someone who "worked briefly on the campaign" to an intern who did copying for them. - Kevin M. Kruse
Hate Crimes On The Rise. Thanks Trump!
Hate crimes have jumped by nearly 20 percent in major U.S. cities through much of this year, after increasing nationally by 5 percent last year, according to police data compiled by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino.
So Trump goes one way, then he abruptly goes the other way, then swoops around in a completely different direction for no apparent reason. Which is also what he tells the guy cutting his hair.- James Corden
Every phone call between Manafort and Jared, Trump, Flynn and Donnie Jr, was intercepted. Not a bottle of Imodium D left on D.C. shelves. - Tea Pain
Rock The Voter News
- Hillary Clinton says Kenya's annulled election was a “project” of a controversial US data firm
- Hillary Clinton urges government workers not to quit their posts
- Clinton’s campaign manager interviewed by Senate Intel Committee
- Here's how Barack Obama just surprised hundreds of kids who are learning to code
I so admire the elegance and grace of Hillary Clinton not titling her book "Eat Sh*t and Die, Assholes" - Lauren Duca
Dear Current and Former Trump Staffers:
It's entirely possible all your phones are tapped.
Happy early Halloween!
- Seth Abramson
Business/Tech News
- Woman demands removal of decorative cotton item at Hobby Lobby
- Canada won't do business with Boeing while it's 'busy trying to sue us,' Trudeau says
- Norway's massive wealth fund hits $1 trillion in value
- Prosecutors Open Criminal Investigation Into Equifax Breach
Under this bill, people with metastatic cancer will pay $142,650 more a year to get coverage.
That is not reform. That is a death sentence. - New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman
Florida Has Gone To Hell In A Handbasket
Florida Power and Light's grid did not fare well under Hurricane Irma, despite the company's assurances that it had spent billions hardening its systems after 90% of its customers lost power to 2005's Hurricane Wilma.
But one thing has changed since 2005: solar. Many of the FPL customers who are living through dangerous heat without power now have solar panels on their roofs that could keep them going while FPL repairs its infrastructure. Except doing so is illegal, thanks to FPL's lobbyists, who literally ghost-wrote much of Florida's dreadful solar rules.
There are only two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe, only two. The sun in the heavens and The Associated Press down here." -- Mark Twain, speaking in 1906, 111 years ago today
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