Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day From Vladimir

GOP senator calls for exhaustive investigation into Trump-Russia connections
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) on Tuesday said there should be an exhaustive investigation into the ties between Russia and the Trump administration.
"I think everybody needs that investigation to happen," Blunt told KTRS radio, CNN reported.

I've decided that the correct term for removing a President and Vice President simultaneously is "twinpeachment." - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

3 top members of Trump's team have resigned over ties to Russia.  Another dozen or so and Republicans are gonna start askin' questions.- Tea Pain

Putin Has An Itchy Trigger Finger
Russia has secretly deployed a new cruise missile despite complaints from American officials that it violates a landmark arms control treaty that helped seal the end of the Cold War, administration officials say.

Putin Starting to Wonder if His Puppets are Smart Enough to Pull This Off. -  Andy Borowitz

Hedge Your Bets
There’s already talk of impeachment, just three weeks into Donald Trump’s turbulent presidency. In fact, many are already betting on it.
Gambling houses all over the world are taking in action on whether Trump, inaugurated just last month, will resign or be impeached. And the odds aren’t as long as you might think.

This Is Just Crazy Allowing Guns To Be Purchased By The Mentally Ill
The Republican-led Senate is moving to block an Obama-era regulation that would prevent an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm.

Republican Shenanigans

Sending Trudeau to stand attractively next to Trump while speaking French is actually the closest thing Canada has to saying “f**k you.”- Samantha Bee

Sarah Palin Must Be Very Unhappy
According to a report, President Donald Trump promised his Canadian counterpart Monday that former Republican Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would not be named ambassador to Canada. “A Trudeau government official says that assurance was provided 

That's it!  We're gonna have to limit the Trump administration to only 3 new scandals per day.- Tea Pain


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Rock The Voter News

So When Will Ivanka Declare Bankruptcy?
Ivanka Trump products have disappeared from the website of Burlington Coat Factory, a South Jersey-based retailer facing calls for a boycott from critics of President Donald Trump.

A snowstorm in the Northeast today caused many schools in the area to close. Said Betsy DeVos, “What? The school closures weren’t supposed to start yet.”- Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

Nordstrom’s stock went up after President Trump attacked them on Twitter for dropping Ivanka’s clothing line. Then RadioShack said, “Would you mind attacking us?”- Jimmy Fallon

Celebrity WWF Co-Founder To Run SBA
The Senate on Tuesday confirmed former wrestling entertainment executive Linda McMahon to lead the Small Business Administration. The vote was 81-19.

The Baltimore airport just got a gym where you can work out while you wait for a flight. Finally combining the two things Americans love most — waiting in airports and exercise.- Jimmy Fallon


The All Hat No Cattle "I'm Sure Trump Is Going To Blow Us To Smithereens" Fundraiser

Almost halfway there! Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Glacier Express, Switzerland.


Monday, February 13, 2017

I took this screenshot on Facebook

Mar-a-Lago Guest Poses With the Guy Who Has the Nuclear Codes, Posts Photo
We are living in a world where people who pay to be a member of a Florida social club now have direct access to the people who make the decisions about what to do or not do with our nuclear weapons.
And you thought your local country club was exclusive.

My my my, this has turned into a frighteningly real Reality Show, nuclear football pix and all. So any unvetted member of Trump's club has access to the guy with the nuclear codes. The post was still up on Facebook at the time of this post.

Forget emails! Trump discusses top secret national security in a public dining area. Spies just need a membership. - Warren Holstein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Doctors who have been studying the skeletal structures of both Republicans for months believe that their ability to stand, walk, and even break into a brisk trot when confronted by reporters’ questions is “virtually inexplicable.” - Andy Borowitz

Our Intel Community May Save Us From Trump
Our Intelligence Community is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust.

Everyone in the GOP is now cordially invited to STFU about how "careless" Hillary was with classified info. - goldengateblond

Lax Security At The Winter White House. What Could Go Wrong?
The iceberg wedge salads, dripping with blue cheese dressing, had just been served on the terrace of Mar-a-Lago Saturday when the call to President Donald Trump came in: North Korea had launched an intermediate-range ballistic missile, its first challenge to international rules since Trump was sworn in three weeks ago...Trump took the call on a mobile phone at his table, which was set squarely in the middle of the private club's dining area.

Donald J. Trump will not let North Korea distract him from his war with Nordstrom.
- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I demand to see your papers, said the guy who won't produce his tax returns. - LOLGOP

Is Kellyanne In Trouble With Ivanka?
President Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, has reportedly “scolded” his top adviser for promoting her clothing line from the White House.

Melania sports a sheer white décolleté dress to the delight of the peanut gallery.

If Obama had held a security meeting in public,  Fox would have renamed itself the "Obama Impeachment Network." - Tea Pain

Band of  Brothers Thugs
A man who was fired from his job as a pilot on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, after the Guardian revealed that he was charged with a violent crime, was this weekend at the president’s estate in Florida, claiming to be part of his security team.

Somewhere in Heaven...
Abraham Lincoln: The people who claim to be my followers just totally misquoted me.
Jesus:  You don't say. - John Fugelsang


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In honor of Black History Month, Trump tried to have dinner with Jack Black. - Conan O'Brien

Trump is 100% certain there was voter fraud in 2016.  That's why he stopped the recounts in WI, PA and MI.- Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Ever notice the people who praised Scalia's devotion to Constitution were the ones who demanded Obama not be allowed to appoint a replacement? - John Fugelsang

Glad I Wasn't On This Flight
Passengers on the flight told multiple media outlets that the pilot got on the PA and talked about how she was going through a divorce before saying that President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both “assholes.” “She started off by saying that ...


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Biz/Tech News

Remember when the President of the United States was smarter and more even-tempered than you? - Conan O'Brien

Of Course There Are No Conflicts Of Interest. Trump Would Never Lie.
Critics say conflicts of interest are far from resolved, but Don Jr. and Eric press on with deals landing Trump-branded properties around the world.

Next week at Mar-a-Lago: first member who birdies the eighth hole gets to chair the next NSC Principals meeting. - Christopher Hayes


AHNC Alternative Facts

Trump Is Going To Get Us All Killed Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
An immigrant family on Ellis Island looking across New York Harbor at the Statue of Liberty, c1932.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 3 of the Trump Presidency: Chaos in the White House And the Country

Donald Trump considers issuing new travel ban
Donald Trump is considering a new executive order to ban citizens of certain countries from travelling to the US after his initial attempt was overturned in the courts.

Trump Says He Has Been Treated Very Unfairly By People Who Wrote Constitution. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Why does it feel like America's Founders had a time machine, saw the Trump administration and purposely crafted our system to contain him? - Peter Daou

Snowden May Be A Gift From Putin To Trump Wrapped In A Big Red Noose
Russia is currently considering handing whistleblower Edward Snowden over to Donald Trump as "a gift".
A senior US intelligence has reportedly said that Russia may hand over Snowden to the US to "curry favour" with Trump. The US president has previously referred to the whistleblower as 'a traitor'...

Snowden is that shiny coin to make you look away from Flynn, Pence and the rest of the corrupt regime's ties to Russia. - Amy Siskind

Putin assumes his Sgt. Schultz "I know nothing" mode.
Trump + Flynn + Putin = Snowden
(This article is from 2016) ...Trump, who has been complimentary about Putin and Russia in a manner that prompted accusations from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton that he was a “puppet”, has in the past mused about having Snowden killed. Trump’s major national security ally, the retired general and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Michael Flynn, oversaw a highly speculative DIA report that claimed Snowden took from the NSA a larger trove of documents than ever confirmed based on what Snowden could access as a contract systems administrator.
“Snowden is a spy who has caused great damage in the US. A spy in the old days, when our country was respected and strong, would be executed,” Trump tweeted in 2014.

Good news, golden shower and impeachment fans! That unconfirmed Russian dossier on Trump is starting to get confirmed. Unlike DeVos and Sessions, this confirmation process is something to celebrate. #imPEEch - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

The furious Utah citizens jeering Jason Chaffetz at his own Town Hall was like porn for moral people. - John Fugelsng

Melania Must Have Been Too Busy In Her Gold Plated Penthouse To Be First Lady
Traditionally, it's the role of the first lady to accompany spouses of visiting foreign leaders around Washington. That often means a good deal of showcasing local museums, schools, monuments and gardens. It's essentially playing tour guide, but it's part of the role of representing the Administration and playing gracious hostess to very VIP out of town guests.

Steve Bannon's liver urgently needs a human transplant. - John Fugelsang

Karma is gonna build a wall around Donald Trump and make him pay for it. - John Fugelsang

In an ominous warning, Donald J. Trump said that, as of Friday, he was putting the writers of the U.S. Constitution “on notice.” - Andy Borowitz

Roughly half of Americans who support President Trump’s controversial executive order on refugees and immigrants say the ban is justified following the nonexistent "Bowling Green massacre," according to a new poll by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway referred to the massacre, which never happened, during several media appearances...

Impeach Pence First. - John Fugelsang


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Melania sits on a golden toilet crying with her eyes closed and silently prays that the next deportation raid will be for her. - Warren Holstein

Imagine if Michelle stayed in Chicago with the girls in 2009

Rock The Voter News

Proof? Trumps Needs No Proof.
A commissioner on the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) called on President Trump to give proof of voter fraud, after he reportedly made further claims in a meeting with senators.

Hillary was painted by Bernie's campaign and surrogates as a corrupt liar. That was disgraceful. And damaged the Democratic party.  - Peter Daou

I miss Mike Royko. A great man in a great city.

Yes, I'm talking about Hillary. Because haters on the left & right are STILL sliming her and her supporters. And I won't stop defending her. - Peter Dauo


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Biz/Tech News

Hi, I support a POTUS who had to pay $25mil for defrauding Americans w/a fake university but those guys outside Home Depot are 'illegals.'- John Fugelsang

Obama Is In A Basketball Ball Video
"Hello, fellow ballers," the Obama video game doppleganger says in Nyke Faller's video, "most of you know me as the President of the United States of America.

When it comes to immigration, Trump supporters call for "law and order" but what they're after is "mistreatment and cruelty." - Tea Pain


There have been near hurricane force gusts of wind today, yesterday also. The power has gone off several times.
I am sure it has nothing to do with the Turrialba volcano that is smoking and glowing red.


The All Hat No Cattle TERRIFIED OF TRUMP Fundraiser


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Located in the northeastern corner of Ethiopia near the border with Eritrea, the Danakil Depression has been called “the gateway to Hell” because it is one of the hottest and harshest places on Earth
This vast desert basin lies 150 feet below sea level and the landscape looks almost otherworldly, characterized by two active volcanoes, the bubbling Erta Ale living lava lake (one of only four in the world), geysers, acid ponds and impressive expanses of yellow mounds of sulfur, salt and mineral deposits.
