Thursday, March 10, 2016

Obama warns Republicans: Don't use my Supreme Court pick to politicize the court system


Obama warns Republicans: Don't use my Supreme Court pick to politicize the court system
President Obama warned against politicizing the selection of Supreme Court justices on Thursday as he prepares to announce his own nominee amid Republican threats to block any pick he makes.

"Caitlyn Jenner told an interviewer that Hillary Clinton 'only thinks of herself.' Jenner said this while promoting the new season of her reality show 'I Am Cait.'" –Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I know that these comparisons between Trump and Hitler are tempting, but in fairness, Hitler never publicly talked about his penis. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Effect On The 1st Amendment
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski forcibly yanked Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields out of the way after his press conference in Florida on Tuesday night.
Fields was attempting to ask Trump a question as he exited the press conference. Secret Service was starting to clear a path, when Fields was forcibly grabbed on her arm by Lewandowski, moving her out of the way and nearly bringing her down to the ground, a source who witnessed the situation told POLITICO.

There's a type of American who learned nothing from the W years; just got louder, dumber, angrier & meaner.  I call them 'The Illiteratti.' - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump just got the media to air him pimping his own meat.- John Fugelsang

GOP Senator Admits Changing Rules Because Of Obama
During a Thursday morning radio interview, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) candidly explained that Senate Republicans would take a different approach to a Supreme Court nominee if a Republican president were in office and replacing a conservative justice.

President Trump, 2017: "The state of our Union is strong. But not as strong as my Trump Knives! Look at how easily they cut this tin can!"- Kevin R. Kruse tweet

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GOP: It's Obama's Fault The GOP Is A Mess
President Barack Obama said Republicans should look in the mirror to assign blame for the tumult and rancor in their presidential nomination process.

I'm shocked and offended that Obama is skipping Nancy Reagan's funeral to attend Whitney Houston's funeral again.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Miami: Returning To The Sea?
The city of Miami Beach floods on such a predictable basis that if, out of curiosity or sheer perversity, a person wants to she can plan a visit to coincide with an inundation. Knowing the tides would be high around the time of the “super blood moon,” in late September, I arranged to meet up with Hal Wanless, the chairman of the University of Miami’s geological-sciences department. Wanless, who is seventy-three, has spent nearly half a century studying how South Florida came into being. From this, he’s concluded that much of the region may have less than half a century more to go.

IN 2035

U.S. "has more color in water than its Oscars" - The Daily Show

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Republicans have just announced they are going to wait until there is a new president before they even think about burying Nancy Reagan.- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Business/Tech News

A racist maniac could NEVER become president! 
Cable TV: Let's give him a billion dollars in free advertising and find out! - LOLGOP

Trump Is A Lawsuit Machine
The Better Business Bureau waded into the icky mess that is Trump University on Tuesday. It wanted to clarify the letter grade received by Donald Trump's Excellent Academic Adventure.
All this to-do brings back happy memories for me of the time I attended a Trump University seminar and Trump tried to have me fired.


Fight The Right Fundraiser

I feel as though I am in a dreamlike drowsy state. I hope that didn't reflect in today's edition!
Flu begone! Begone, I say!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016



Trump infomercial captivates networks
Millions of viewers tuned into to cable news networks during the prime 9 p.m. EST hour likely expecting to hear some candidate speeches. What they got, on CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, was one candidate talking for 45 minutes: Donald Trump.

Trump Wins Three More States, Say Centers for Disease Control. - Andy Borowitz

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Rocking The Voter

This will be the year of the voter who is denied the right to vote. Over a dozen states have placed restrictions on voting. Hey, it worked in one state in 2000 when Jeb purged the voter rolls of over 50,000 voters claiming they were ineligible to vote causing such a close race. Jeb knew exactly what he did and why.

I can't vote as the Florida restrictions for expats living overseas are ridiculous

I'm worried. No matter who the Democratic nominee is, when people are restricted from voting it mainly affects retirees, low income people and all minorities. In other words, Democrats.

Watching this Trumpmania spread across the USA is scary. For the past 30+ years, I always thought of Trump as a vulgar high end real estate salesman who had a gorgeous woman on his arm competing for the best hairstyle. Now he is running for president?

The bar was lowered nationally when Jeb and the Supreme Court ushered in W. It was furthered lowered when John McCain gave us the Baked Alaska treat, Sarah Palin.

The Republicans have always spoken in code to the "white" people and now the whole world is watching Donald Trump throw that code out the window and openly denigrate Latinos to Muslims, deny knowledge of the KKK, advocate building walls and even insulting the Pope. The Pope! AND his numbers go up!

Ugly American describes Trump and his millions of followers.

And the media is complicit in Trump's rise with the obscene amount of free coverage for Trump due to his antics. Trump is playing them and he is reveling in it.

 It's all about ratings and CNN, Fox News and MSNBC all chose to cover Trump and not Hillary, Bernie or the other GOP candidates.

I'm so old I remember when the media investigated to get to the truth of politics, nowadays the media lets the right wing politicians dictate for ratings.

This isn't yellow journalism, it is the color of money journalism.


Thank you so much for stopping by!

I think I have the flu, temperature, the feeling of being run over by a truck, you know the symptom drill. Ugh.

Mea culpa for the short edition PLUS I want to emphasize that I wrote this column and made the phototoon under the influence of the flu. That said, I am relieved of any responsibility.


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Time To Deflate Photo

A sea cave in Malibu, California.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ammon Bundy: Jail Is The 'Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Done In My Life'


Ammon Bundy: Jail Is The 'Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Done In My Life'
Ammon Bundy, the mastermind of the 2016 Oregon wildlife refuge standoff is still in jail and he says it is the hardest thing he's ever done.
But, he's showing no remorse for his actions and said that to keep busy he is taking solace in the words of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

If your master plan is to overthrow the world's most powerful government and you attack a remote bird sanctuary you might be #YallQaeda. - anniepost tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Netanyahu Just Said No
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declined an offer to meet President Barack Obama at the White House later this month and canceled his trip to Washington, the White House said on Monday, citing Israeli news reports.

On #InternationalWomensDay, don't forget the vital role Judaism, Christianity, and Islam played in keeping women in their place: Under men!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

I hired Wayne LaPierre to do PR for my falafel stand. He sent an email blast that Barack Obama wants to take your falafel.- John Fugelsang

Gun Industry Wants Legal Silencers Because It Hurts The Shooter's Ears. Aw. And Mass Shooters Will Love Silencers!
The U.S. gun industry is trying to shake off the Hollywood hitman image of the gun silencer and rebrand it as a hearing-protection device in a campaign to roll back regulations that date to the 1930s.

Mark International Women's Day by savoring how the GOP is making history by nominating a man whose wife is young enough to be his daughter! - LOLGOP

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I have given up trying to convince people not to vote for Trump because he is unqualified, racist or dangerous. I am now trying to convince people not to vote for Trump because his concession speech would be the best thing to watch ever.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

More Cuckoos For Trump!
Donald Trump's campaign has been relying on the support of Carl Gallups, a Florida-based pastor and radio host, ahead of the state's March 15 Republican primary; the campaign invited Gallups to speak at a rally and touted his endorsement as a "great honor" from a "prominent" leader. Gallups is a fringe conspiracy host who believes the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT, was a "staged" "hoax" and that the father of one of the victims was an "actor employed by the Obama administration to take away your guns."

Has Trump blamed "accidentally" calling for a Hitler-like salute on bad acoustics, leap year or Mexico? - LOLGOP

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Business/Tech News

Marco Rubio called out Donald Trump for his clothing collection that is being made in China. But trump defended his Chinese workers, saying "I treat those kids like they're my own."- Jimmy Fallon

Obama Said NO To A Koch
The Obama administration has rejected a plea by billionaire investor William Koch to refund as much as $14 million in royalties on a now-shut Colorado mine, according to a letter explaining the decision.

A new report claims that a knife was found buried at O.J. Simpson's estate. They're now analyzing the knife for evidence, but experts warn that it might not be related to the crime. You know, because it could be one of those regular knives people bury in the backyard.- Jimmy Fallon


Fighting The Right Fundraiser
Is Hard Hard Work
The last donation was Friday