GOP debate winners and losers
With less than three weeks left before the Iowa caucuses, Republican presidential candidates clashed for the sixth time on a debate stage Thursday night in North Charleston, S.C.
Carson's worried about "the party damaging itself"? Dude. At this point it would be like the Titanic hitting another iceberg. #GOPDebate - @goldengategirl tweet
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Behind frontline, Iraq town torn as anti-IS forces clash
- Kerry condemns Indonesia attack, meets with Saudi counterpart
- Manila says worried Filipinos could join IS in Middle East
- Kerry stands by Saudis while urging diplomacy with Iran
- Australia resists US pressure to boost efforts against IS
- Syria regime back on the offensive with Russian help
- Peace Corps suspends El Salvador program as violence surges
The upside of the Oregon situation is a bunch of guys you don't want around anyway have now barricaded themselves in the middle of nowhere. - goldengateblond tweet
Republicans Can't Help Their Lying. It's A Mental Condition.
A Bundy-backing former fire chief has thrown cold water on claims by a Nevada Republican who says FBI agents are posing as militiamen near an Oregon nature preserve.
"Ammon Bundy, the leader of the militia, has compared his occupation of the wildlife refuge to that of Rosa Parks. And I think we all remember when Rosa Parks got on a public bus, sat down, then whipped out an AK-47 and threatened to kill anyone who made her change seats." –James Corden
This Is Old News.
Guns purchased legally in the U.S. don’t only end up in the hands of American criminals; they may also be finding their way into the possession of Mexican drug trafficking organizations. Guns bought mostly in the Southwest United States account for roughly 70 percent of the guns seized in Mexico between 2009 and 2014, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office
Republican Shenanigans
- Arkansas officials send email urging state employees to attend anti-choice march led by GOP governor
- Senator Lindsey Graham endorses Jeb Bush for president: He is going to be a nominee that can win
- 1 in 4 GOP voters think Canada-born Ted Cruz is ineligible to serve as US president
- Carly Fiorina goes bonkers after desperate attack on Hillary Clinton’s marriage
- Bill O’Reilly promises to ‘flee’ to Ireland if Bernie Sanders becomes president
"While commenting on the State of the Union, Donald Trump said President Obama is 'living in a fantasy land.' Donald Trump then went to sleep in his solid gold bed with his supermodel wife." –Conan O'Brien
Another Win For Planned Parenthood
Kansas' medical board is taking no action against a Planned Parenthood clinic after completing an investigation into whether illegal sales of fetal tissue are occurring after abortions...
The Queen of England promises to “take back” America if Trump is elected. - The D.C. Brief

Rock The Voter News
- Obama’s approval rating hits an 18-month high, is back over 50 percent
- Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "The Republicans seem to think they could beat our campaign. They haven't seen the polls ...
- Bernie Sanders: Latest ad does not target Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton interviews with Fallon for job of president
- Clinton calls for increased Planned Parenthood funding
This is Muslim Americans' country too. The next president should know that—and act like it. #GOPdebate - Hillary Clinton
THE GOP Is On Its Last Legs
RNC Committee official warned that Donald Trump and his supporters were destroying the GOP.
Holland Redfield, an RNC committeeman who represents the Virgin Islands, is shown at a closed-door breakfast meeting Thursday urging party chairman Reince Priebus to stand up to the GOP frontrunner...
"Republicans control both houses so it's going to be very difficult for the president to pass any new legislation. The only bill more unpopular than a bill from President Obama right now is a Bill Cosby." –Jimmy Kimmel

Jeb Bush is the universe's way of trying to teach conservatives about the need for euthanasia.- LOLGOP
Meanwhile, Back In Guatemala
GUATEMALA CITY – Jimmy Morales, a former TV comic elected Guatemala’s new president on a wave of public revulsion against widespread graft, took office Thursday in a ceremony attended by leaders from the Americas.
"Don't mess with Texas? No, don't f**ck with New York." - Lewis Black
Business/Tech News
- Oil plunges below $29 on prospects of more Iranian crude, China worries
- Forget $20 - Oil Prices At $8 Per Barrel In Canada
- Walmart is closing hundreds of stores and laying off thousands of employees
- French drug trial disaster leaves one brain dead, five injured
You'd think Ted Cruz would be a bigger fan of "New York values." He got a giant loan from Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs. #GOPDebate - goldengateblond tweet
Stocks & Oil Volatile
U.S. stocks sank in volatile trading on Friday, with the S&P 500 hitting its lowest since Aug. 24 and the Dow dropping more than 400 points, as oil prices dived below $30 per barrel. Intel tumbled 9 percent to $29.66 after its results and forecast raised concerns about the chipmaker's growth.
"I try to push the worry down and pull the Spanx up!” –Julia Louis-Dreyfus
I had a lovely lunch with some viewers of AHNC who were visiting Costa Rica. We went to one of my favorite spots in Tamarindo, tucked away right on the Pacific. They are so smart and funny. A lovely memory to keep.
And a view from the other side!