Monday, November 16, 2015

France responds with massive airstrike on ISIS


France responds with massive airstrike on ISIS
French fighter jets launched their biggest raids in Syria to date, targeting the Islamic State's stronghold in Raqqa just two days after the group.. .

It’s a shame Ben Carson wasn’t in Paris where he could’ve rushed all those gunman before anyone got killed.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

 You would have had a lot different story in Paris if others had guns to counter the armed terrorists.- Donald Trump the Chump

HERE are live updates on the Paris attacks from the Guardian

2003 -if libs warn Iraq invasion will lead to more terror, call them Un-American.
2015 -if Iraq invasion leads to more terror, blame libs.- John Fugelsang

TRUMP: Close The Mosques!
Donald Trump on Monday morning blamed gun controls for the extent of the carnage in the Paris attacks and also called for possibly closing some mosques, as the billionaire businessman and other Republican presidential candidates kicked off the week by taking a hard line on the response to Friday's tragedy in France that killed more than 130 and injured hundreds more.

The people who blamed Iraq for 9/11 remind you to blame refugees fleeing ISIS for ISIS. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

'When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.' - Socrates; who's clearly a total libtard. - John Fugelsang

Message to Alabama Gov: If you really want to punish Syrian refugees, don't prevent, LET them move to Alabama.- Erik Bransteen

Bristol Palin's Pregnancies Explained!
Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin explained that her daughter had gotten pregnant out of wedlock for the second time because God gave people second, third and fourth chances not to sin.

BREAKING: Bob Dole endorses Jeb Bush for president. All other candidates, including Hillary and Bernie, concede defeat and drop out.- Tea Party Cat

More People Fleeing: Cubans Storm Nicaraguan/Costa Rica Border
Nicaragua said thousands of Cubans forced their way into its territory from Costa Rica on Sunday, accusing its southern neighbor of "deliberately and irresponsibly" flooding it with US-bound migrants.

"Not our boots!"

US Boots Needed On The Ground In Syria
Defense hawks in Congress say it's time for American boots on the ground against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), following a wave of terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 120.

"Stones don’t hurt people. People hurt people." -National Slingshot Association

Rock The Voter News

Obama Socks It To For-Profit-Schools
 The Obama administration has reached a $95.5 million settlement with a Pittsburgh firm that runs for-profit trade schools and colleges.

So conservatives will help us stop terrorists from buying guns at gun shows without a background check now, right?- Oliver Willis

 Click here

Under the Constitution, governors don't have the authority to restrict foreigners in their states. This is BS GOPeacocking. Tina Dupuy

Business/Tech News

BREAKING: Supreme Court to rule on whether women have a say in what’s in their bodies, instead of Texas legislators as is the law now.- Tea Party Cat

Only Rich Kids Get To See Santa!
Children wanting to see Santa Claus at a southern New Jersey mall will now have to pay.

To: Donald Trump. I would be so much more convinced that more guns would solve our problems if we did not currently have three hundred million of them.- Andy Borowitz




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Paul Newman, Katherine Ross and Robert Redford during the filming of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."


Friday, November 13, 2015

Yep, Bush Ignored 9-11 Warnings


‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed

Obama doesn't care about vets, say pols who cut vets' food stamps, UE benefits & sent them to war on a lie in the 1st place.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"About 50,000 guns are found to be diverted to criminals across state lines every year." But those coffee cups, man.- LOLGOP

Maybe Hitler turned out the way he did because of all the time travelers trying to kill him when he was a baby. - Jeff Tiedrich

Will Syria Run Out Of Conscripts?
The Syrian army's decision to repeatedly extend tours of duty and aggressive recent conscription campaigns are stirring anger online and in private conversations among pro-regime Syrians.

America leads the world in people who think climate science is fake but pro wrestling is real.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

I have a theory that the Egyptians built the Washington Monument to store grain.- Tea Party Cat

Donald "Machine Gun Mouth" Trump Takes Aim At Carson
Donald J. Trump unleashed a torrent of insults on Thursday against his main rival, Ben Carson, comparing him to a child molester in a television interview and suggesting that the people of Iowa are “stupid” if they believe Mr. Carson’s claim that he tried to stab a close relative during his childhood.

BREAKING: Trump surges in Ohio polls after calling people in Iowa "stupid"- The Daily Edge

I'll admit I'm enjoying how much the GOP hates all their candidates.- Tina Dupuy

Hillary Wins Again
A federal judge on Friday sided with the State Department against a conservative legal advocacy group trying to speed up the government's release of some Hillary Clinton emails.
Judge Amit Mehta said that it would be “unwise and potentially risky” to order the government to quickly release 242 emails specifically related to the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Ben Carson did say he's tired about answering questions about his personal history. The last thing Ben Carson needs is to be even more tired than he already appears to be.- Jimmy Kimmel

Rock The Voter News

POLL; Bernie Leads Trump
In a new McClatchy-Marist poll, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads Republican candidate Donald Trump by a landslide margin of 12 percentage points, 53 to 41. In the McClatchy poll, Sanders also leads former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) by a landslide margin of 10 points, 51 to 41.

 Click here

Business/Tech News

"Net Neutrality Is Obamacare For The Internet" - Ted Cruz, the Abraham Lincoln of Sarah Palins- John Fugelsang

Shoppers Aren't Shopping Till They Drop
Sharp declines in retailers are dragging stocks lower Friday as the market heads for its first losing week after six straight weeks of gains. After disappointing reports from Nordstrom and Macy's, investors are worrying the holiday shopping season will be a dud. The price of oil continued to fall.

Remember that voice on AOL that said "you've got mail"? Turns out it was the NSA.-,



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Somewhere in Switzerland. I wonder how they mow the roof?


Thursday, November 12, 2015


Lights out.

Yesterday the power was turned off because the bill wasn't paid by the owner. My friend convinced the power company to turn the power back on by 4pm. They did!

Then the power was so low only a few things would work.  Everything in the freezer was melted and only 2 outlets worked for power when I awoke early this morning.

At 10am I called my friend and asked her to bring ice to save some of my food! Not a half hour later the power comes back on and my friend arrives. She looks at me and says, "I think I found the problem of your power depletion, the breaker on the street was not fully snapped into place by the electric company when they turned the power back on, it was sparking." Ay yi yi.

So almost 24 hours later a girl solves the problem!

I have been dealing with all the repercussions from this and was just able to get online and post this notice.

I will have a new edition tomorrow BAR ANY OTHER electrical disturbances! ZZZZap!

Life in Costa Rica is pura vida.

Not to leave you empty handed...a few toons to make you smile and possibly frown.

Time To Deflate Photo

I don't know why I love turquoise waters and white sand but I do!
