Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Laptop Woes


Houston, we have a problem.

I am convinced that the high heat, humidity and dust has been the cause of my 3rd laptop to have motherboard problems since 2012. The tech agrees. He said he sees this all the time.

Now that AHNC is located in a much cooler place, with infrequent high humidity, so hopefully my electronics will fare much better.

Thank you viewers for the great purple tablet, at least I can get online. But I need the power of a laptop to run graphic programs for AHNC or I will have to resort to writing boring columns, like this with a few low resolution graphics!

My touchpad began having problems when I lived at my last place, it was very hot there. Around that time my DVD player stopped working and eventually the USB connections, by the time I relocated. Its current state is not being able to turn it on.

I must say, I do work my laptop hard as I produce many editions a year using 1000s of graphics.

Please be patient. I will be back to normal once I get a working laptop!


Time To Deflate Photo

Audrey Hepburn in red. Photograph by Richard Avedon, 1961


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

House Republicans look to draft Benghazi-obsessed congressman as new majority leader


House Republicans look to draft Benghazi-obsessed congressman as new majority leader
The US congressman who is leading the public inquiry against Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server could continue his rambunctious rise to Washington power, if a drafting effort by the Republican far right succeeds in the wake of John Boehner’s shock resignation.

According to The Washington Post, when Clinton ran for president in 2008, she was 5'5" according to a height report from the Clinton campaign. But now, news sources say Hillary Clinton is 5'7" tall.If Hillary continues to grow, think how big she'll be when she finally reaches the Oval Office. We won't have to worry about Iran because mega-Hillary can swat missiles out of the sky!- Stephen Colbert

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If America had to choose between the Republican Party and Planned Parenthood, It would be nice to not have a Republican Party.- LOLGOP

Martial Law Declared In The House
For the second time in a month, the House on Tuesday invoked "martial law" to allow more expeditious consideration of a stopgap spending bill to avoid a government shutdown this week.

Republican Shenanigans

Actual train wrecks take all the fun out of watching George Zimmerman's life.- John Fugelsang

The Womb Wars 
The radical anti-abortion group Operation Rescue steered the Republican congressional majority toward a government shutdown after driving a related group’s attacks on Planned Parenthood.
GOP lawmakers threatened to hold the government hostage as leverage to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood after a series of misleading videos were released this summer by the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which a new report shows is essentially indistinguishable from the controversial group.

The Republican Party. What happens when guys who don't believe in sex education try to legislate women's health.- LOLGOP

Hold Off On That Cuba Trip You Were Planning Until The GOP OKs It!
Cuban leader Raul Castro again told President Obama that full normalized relations cannot be resumed until the United States lifts the economic embargo on his country and abandons its naval base at Guantanamo Bay, officials said Tuesday.

Rock The Voter News

I'll sign on for results-based pay for teachers the day Congress gets the same deal.- John Fugelsang

 Click here

Jeb Bush said last week that Democrats often win the black vote because they tell people “we’ll take care of you with free stuff.” Whereas Democrats actually win the black vote because Republicans keep saying stuff like that.- Seth Myers

That awkward moment when liberals cheer that John Boehner quit and then every single person who could replace him is crazy, stupid, or both.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

The Bush tax cuts on the rich created no jobs and led to deficit & wealth inequality crisises.
GOP candidates: They just weren't big enough. - LOLGOP

All New One Armed Bandits With Dazzling Visuals To Empty Your Pockets!
Move aside one-armed bandits. The casino floor is making room for game zones with oversized popping dice, digital spinning Big Six wheels and virtual roulette, with an eye on adding arcade-style video games in the not-so-distant and casinos are keen on coming up with the next big thing to keep people playing.

Next month Delta will begin opening company spas at certain airports so that employees can get a massage. And if passengers want a massage, they can just leave their keys in their pockets when they go through security.- Jimmy Fallon


The Reason I Have Been Posting So Late
Yep, my laptop is dying a slow death. It's the motherboard according to the tech. Head in hands. I am still using it when it works and the rest of the time I am using the backup tablet, which isn't as powerful as a laptop.

So, dear readers, I need a new laptop, please help if you can. If you can't, just high five me for the good vibrations!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Huntington Peak, Alaska. Gee, I don't see any ski trails.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Boehner slams some GOP hard liners as 'false prophets'


Boehner slams some GOP hard liners as 'false prophets'
House Speaker John Boehner warned Sunday against "false prophets" in his own party making unrealistic promises, saying his resignation had averted a government shutdown this week but not the GOP's broader battle over how to wield power.

Q: What's the difference between the House GOP and the unemployed? 
A: The unemployed want to work.
- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Carly Fiorina says waterboarding is fine, based on a video she saw about young surfers in California. - The Daily Edge

This Republican Was Once Two Heart Beats Away From The Presidency
Lawyers for indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) are negotiating a possible guilty plea with federal prosecutors, The Chicago Tribune reported Monday... The indictment against Hastert alleged that he withdrew the money in order to pay out $3.5 million in hush money to an unidentified individual as compensation for "prior misconduct" against that person.

Republican Shenanigans

Today Donald Trump said he doesn't believe in climate change. He said if there's a hole in the ozone layer, just comb some ozone from another part over it.- Conan O'Brien

Read Jebs Lips. That's The Way It Is.
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush suggested that the wealthiest top 1 percent of Americans would receive more benefits from this tax plan than the middle class because "that's just the way it is."

While he was in Washington, the Pope gave a major speech to Congress, and asked them to accept immigrants as their own children. Then congressmen were like, "Eh, we've already got enough children our wives don't know about.”- Jimmy Fallon

Please, please sit down. Now please stand up. Now kneel. Now stand up again. Sorry, I've got Pope fever!- Jimmy Fallon

Water Found On Mars
Mars has water on its surface, and it's in liquid form at least some of the time.
NASA on Monday announced the results of a new study showing that salty liquid water flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of the essential ingredients for life.

Rock The Voter News

What the media doesn't get is that Donald Trump is the closest millions of Americans will ever get to voting for Boss Hogg.- John Fugelsang

 Click here

There was a total lunar eclipse and a super moon on Sunday, both of them at once. That has not happened since 1982, it won't happen again until 2033 — which happens be the year when Snooki is expected to be seeking the Republican nomination for president.- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

Facebook went down briefly today, which means that for several minutes all across the country, something got done.- Stephen Colbert

The GOP Business Of Defaming Planned Parenthood Hits Obstacle
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster conducted a 30-day audit of more than 300 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in St. Louis and found no evidence of workers selling fetal tissue obtained during the procedures.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

There was no blood moon eclipse in Costa Rica last night. Cloudy and a light misty rain. I guess Mother Nature felt bad so she gave us a rainbow right before sunset. Pura vida.
