Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Mentality Of Republican Trolls

100s Of Civilians Plan To Monitor Possible Military Takeover Of Texas
If President Barack Obama really is planning to implement martial law under the guise of a military training exercise beginning Wednesday, hundreds of civilian volunteers will be ahead of him.

First they came for the Texans, and I did not speak out, because nobody is coming for the Texans, you paranoid nitwits.- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

McCain: “For those of us who have looked forward to bombing Iran for some time now, this is a very sad day."- Andy Borowitz

The War On Black Americans Continues...
For black and white Americans, the difference between life and death is literally worlds apart. Although we may know this on some level, Nate Silver, the founder and editor in chief of FiveThirtyEight, has the startling statistics that demonstrate this reality.

OBAMA: We will not give Texas back until it accepts Medicaid expansion.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Scott Walker: “The minimum wage is a really lame idea. It’s not cool like my idea of forcing rape victims to have transvaginal ultrasounds.”- Tea Party Cat

Wow. Texans Cruz And Abbott To Be Disbarred?
In June, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects the right of same-sex couples to marry and that states are required to issue them marriage licenses. Yet many public officials have publicly encouraged people to break the law. Among them are attorneys, such as Texas governor Greg Abbott and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. They may frame their opposition as standing up for what’s right. But according to the ethical rules of lawyers, public officials who are attorneys defying the Supreme Court by refusing to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies or encouraging others to do the same should be disbarred.

Seems like the Republican clown car has morphed into a Republican clown bus. A double- decker clown bus.- Will Durst

Remember Trent Lott?
Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), former Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) and a host of other former congressional staffers will lobby for a group pushing a ban on Internet gambling.
The Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling — backed by GOP donor and casino owner Sheldon Adelson — hired the lobbying firm Squire Patton Boggs, according to disclosures filed Tuesday.

And then Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed 5,000, for which He charged them each a piece of silver because He hated moochers. - Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

America was terribly wrong about LGBTQ rights, climate, the Middle East, Cuba and the drug war for decades. Why not fix it all in a year?- LOLGOP

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John Oliver said it best about a poll regarding how many Americans are skeptical about climate change. - "Who gives a s--t? That doesn’t matter. You don’t need people’s opinion on a fact. You might as well have a poll asking, ‘Which number is bigger, 15 or 5?’ Or, ‘Do owls exist?’ Or, ‘Are there hats?"

'Muricans Kill Each Other More Than Terrorists Do
Russia, ISIS, yadda yadda. The biggest existential threat to Americans is other Americans—specifically, the ones armed to the teeth.

Business/Tech News

The people who were mad that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize are even more mad that he's finally earning it.- John Fugelsang

Obama Wants Broadband In Public Housing
U.S. President Barack Obama is set to announce on Wednesday a pilot project to expand broadband access for people who live in public housing, in his administration's latest push to bridge the "digital divide" between the rich and poor.

She was like a blank email - no message in the body & no subject in the header.- John Fugelsang


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Nylon stockings were scarce in WWII, so women covered their legs in makeup and added the seam with eyeliner to the back of their legs to give the illusion of wearing stockings.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iran Makes Nuclear Deal

Death to America, deal with America: Iran's Khamenei
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's distrust of the United States loomed over nuclear talks for years but Iran's supreme leader ultimately did a deal because it served the nation's interests. Faced with conflicting pressures over a US-led agreement -- needed to end crippling....

Trump: I would have made Iran give me a nuclear weapon. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Republicans think American wants another Bush war in the Middle East, they can put that right on the ballot in 2016.- LOLGOP

Will The GOP Try To Nuke The Iran Deal? Of Course!
President Barack Obama heralded a nuclear agreement with Iran on Tuesday as an opportunity to shift direction in the Middle East, and warned he would veto any attempt by deeply skeptical Republican lawmakers to overturn the deal.

"We had two perfectly good enemies in Cuba and Iran before Obama messed things up."
-- Republican talking point

Republican Shenanigans

In a perfect world, El Chapo would dig a tunnel directly under Trump during a GOP debate and Donald would suddenly vanish.- Andy Borowitz

More "Christianity" Being Shoved Down Our Throats Whether We Like It Or Not!
A North Carolina Republican told a religious gathering that his “primary mission” as a congressman was to promote the Gospel of Christ.
Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) appeared last week alongside Reps. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) at the weeklong “Celebrate America” revival meeting in Washington, D.C., reported Right Wing Watch.

Shorter Trump: "I'd take anyone in fist fight and kick their ass"
Mexican Criminal: "I'll make you eat your words"
Trump: "Please US Government help protect me"

Irony at it's core.

They hated John Kerry for going to war when they wouldn't and now they hate him for going to peace.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

If Ronald Reagan had reached the #IranDeal, GOP would demand he be placed on all currency and etched into Rushmore. - Bipartisan Report

Texas Is Ready For Jade Helm 15
The multi-state U.S. military training exercise dubbed "Jade Helm 15," which has spawned myriad conspiracy theories and vexed public officials who struggled to allay the concerns of constituents, is finally here.

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FOX News is a Mecca for people who hate Mecca.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

One economist is proposing that the way to save Greece is to take Greece's $56 billion in assets and move them to an offshore bank account. And his second proposal is to bring the Parthenon to the next "Antiques Road Show."- Conan O'Brien

Latest Poll: Trump Isn't As Disgusting As Last Week
The polls have been very kind to Donald Trump in recent weeks, and Monday was no exception, as Monmouth University released its monthly poll of Republican presidential voters. The results showed Trump in second place nationally, trailing only Jeb Bush. But that wasn’t the big news. The real headline in the Monmouth survey is that the general public dislike of Trump, even among Republican voters, seems to be dissipating.

Pluto doesn't care if we think it's a planet or not.- John Fugelsang


Mea Culpa for the late post today but it was one of those days!

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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Pluto nearly fills the frame in this image from the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) aboard NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, taken on July 13, 2015. This view is dominated by the large, bright feature informally named the “heart,” which measures approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) across. The heart borders darker equatorial terrains, and the mottled terrain to its east (right) are complex. However, even at this resolution, much of the heart’s interior appears remarkably featureless—possibly a sign of ongoing geologic processes.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Scott Walker Prematurely Ejacutweets

Twitter misfire puts Walker into 2016 presidential race prematurely
 A technical glitch put Republican Scott Walker into the 2016 presidential race prematurely on Friday, days ahead of his official announcement speech.

Scott Walker. The boring Donald Trump.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It was a good week to be called stupid by people who think liberals fought for segregation and the Confederate Flag.- John Fugelsang

Trumps' Foreign Policy
Republican presidential candidate and real estate mogul Donald Trump on Friday reportedly told an audience of Hollywood conservatives that the U.S. "should have invaded Mexico" instead of Iraq.

Trump presidency, Day 1: 11,500,000 illegal immigrants walk home to Mexico, stopping only to build giant wall to keep them from returning.- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Every time there's another mass shooting and we still don't talk about guns Satan hi-fives Wayne LaPierre.- John Fugelsang

Another Premature Ejacutweet
Former George W. Bush speechwriter turned Atlantic magazine senior editor David Frum tweeted over the weekend that Serena Williams might be taking steroids. Moments later, he deleted the tweets and claimed they were part of a private conversation and not intended for public consumption.

Hillary Clinton Suspended 3 Weeks By FEC For Spitting On Volunteer. - The Onion

Hillary on Jeb's comments on longer work hours: "He must not have met many American workers. They don't need a lecture, they need a raise."

Rock The Voter News

I'm Half-Southern & Half-Brooklyn, so Mom called us 'y'all' and Dad called us 'Rat Bastards.'- Johm Fugelsang

Obama Pulls An End Around Religious Objection
The Obama administration on Friday issued its final rules for employers who morally object to covering birth control in their health insurance plans. The accommodation ensures that all employed women, unless they work for a place of worship, will still have their birth control covered at no cost to them, even if their employers refuse to cover it.

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GOP elites are going to find out that the only way to get rid of Donald Trump is to be a woman who turns 40.- LOLGOP

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Continues...
Indefatigable Obama critic Orly Taitz saw a Texas judge throw out multiple claims the lawyer cum dentist filed against President Barack Obama in a 35-page decision issued last week, reports the Valley Morning Star.

Business/Tech News

W Bush lied us into a war that made Cheney's co $39.5 bil - but Bush speaks to vets wounded in that war and only gets paid a measly $100k.- John Fugelsang

Tico Backhands Trump
While the fallout, and attention, from billionaire Donald Trump’s derogatory statements about Mexican immigrants continues, one Tico living in the United States is giving Trump the proverbial finger — in liquid form.

Poor people of Greece. In the U.S. you have to elect Scott Walker three times to get this screwed.- LOLGOP

Anthony Bourdain on when people catch him at KFC: "It's like being recognized leaving a porn shop."


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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Painters on Brooklyn Bridge, c. 1914-1918.
