Monday, March 9, 2015

Florida Officials Were Barred From Using The Term 'Climate Change'

Florida Officials Were Barred From Using The Term 'Climate Change' Once Rick Scott Took Power
Officials responsible for making sure Florida is prepared to respond to the earth's changing climate are barred from using the terms "global warming" and "climate change" in official communications, emails and reports, according to new findings from the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

GOP 2015: You're not allowed to say "climate change."

GOP 2055: You're not allowed to say we denied climate change. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Sabotaging Obama 
Republican senators want to give Iranian leaders — and the president — a refresher on the constitutional balance of power.
In a highly unusual move, a group of 47 Republicans in the upper chamber has written to Iran’s top leaders to let them know that any nuclear deal they reach with the United States would be “nothing more than an executive agreement.”

Hey, everyone. The guys who are undermining our foreign policy in hopes of provoking an unnecessary war are really concerned about email.- LOLGOP

Is Florida Sinking OR Is The Ocean Rising?
The state of Florida is the region most susceptible to the effects of global warming in this country, according to scientists. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years.

Florida to Eliminate Climate Change by Banning Thermometers. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I want to thank the GOP leaders who refuse to pass a fix to the Voting Rights Act for having the dignity not to show up in Selma.- LOLGOP

What Liberal Media?
After the Associated Press waited over 14 hours before changing an erroneous story about Hillary Clinton, without issuing an update or correction, ZDNet's David Gewirtz has questions about the integrity of the outlet's reporting.

Dear Iran,

We have another Bush and we're willing to use him.



Rock The Voter News

Yesterday, the Supreme Court spent over an hour listening to arguments on whether Obamacare is unconstitutional. Yeah, listening to arguments about Obamacare for an hour, or as most people call that, “Thanksgiving Dinner.”- Jimmy Fallon

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Business/Tech News

The unemployment rate is now 5.5%, but some say the actual number is much higher because they hate Obama. - Andy Borowitz

Apple Watch includes a button that instantly informs everyone you went to high school with and your exes that you now have an Apple Watch.- LOLGOP

Jeb Thinks Net Neutrality Is Crazy
Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush isn't about to break with the party line on net neutrality. The former Florida Governor told those at an Iowa question-and-answer session this weekend that the FCC's decision to classify broadband as a utility was "one of the craziest ideas I've ever heard."

The world's oldest person turned 117 today. And she celebrated the same way she did last year — by driving her car into somebody’s living room.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Frozen Venice, Italy.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Selma, Alabama

President Obama's speech at Selma, Alabama, made me proud to be an American.

Thank you, President Obama.

Friday, March 6, 2015

GOP Freshman: Our Way Or The Highway

GOP’s freshmen vow to keep pushing ultra-conservative agenda: ‘We own both houses’
Representative Tom Cole, an Oklahoma moderate close to Boehner, said the new conservatives should read the Constitution and realize “we don’t get to make the Senate do what we want.”

One snowball disproved climate change but 60 months of positive jobs growth proves we should take away people's health insurance.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Asked if his knife attack on US Ambassador Lippert had links to North Korea, Kim Ki-Jong said "no, nonsense" while grimacing in wheelchair. - Ivan Watson -  CNN

ISIS Destroying Ancient History
Iraqi forces pressed their offensive against the Islamic State group Friday, expecting to reach the outskirts of the militant-held city of Tikrit, a day after the extremists reportedly "bulldozed" a famed archaeological site in the area.

Republican Shenanigans

"Another scandal for Hillary Clinton — they're saying she used a private email address when she was secretary of state, which means the government couldn't archive and preserve her emails. Then Obama said, 'Don't worry, we saw them. We see everyone's emails.'" –Jimmy Fallon

Reports say Jeb Bush is seeking the right campaign slogan but let's not all suggest 'Fool me 3 times' at once.- John Fugelsang

New Jersey Lets Exxon Off The Hook
A long-fought legal battle to recover $8.9 billion in damages from Exxon Mobil Corporation for the contamination and loss of use of more than 1,500 acres of wetlands, marshes, meadows and waters in northern New Jersey has been quietly settled by the state for around $250 million.

"Alaska officially legalized marijuana for recreational use. I think they did this years ago. That's how the Palin kids ended up with those names, right?" –Jimmy Kimmel

If this Hillary email thing goes on a few more weeks, some people who hadn't set their opinion about her a decade ago may hear about it.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Ferguson Blacks Have A Right To Be Scared
This week, the Department of Justice released a scathing report on the Ferguson Police Department, finding not only a preponderance of racially-charged emails but also systematic discrimination against African-Americans, who received more than 90% of the city’s arrests, citations and jaywalking tickets, despite making up just 67% of the population.

Bureau of Labor Statistics announced unemployment down to 5.5%, though Sen. Inhofe says this snowball that proves those numbers are a hoax.- Tea Party Cat

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Google & Ted Cruz?
When the Texas attorney general opened an investigation into Google’s alleged anticompetitive practices in 2010, the Web behemoth turned to an unlikely ally for help: tea party hero Ted Cruz.

Looks like we found the 90s economy on Hillary's email servers.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

I'm sure Obamacare will start destroying jobs right around the time the Bush tax breaks start to work.- LOLGOP

U.S. Demand For Commercial Vans?
Mercedes-Benz said today it plans to spend $500 million to build a new plant in Charleston, S.C., so it can assemble its next-generation Sprinter commercial van there, providing more evidence that the commercial van segment in the U.S. is continuing to get more competitive.

If you’re not outraged by something on the internet, wait five minutes. -



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Medieval towers in the French countryside.

Best wishes for a peaceful weekend.