Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Obama: Isolating Cuba hasn't worked

President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced plans to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba and ease economic restrictions on the nation, an historic shift he called the end of an "outdated approach" to U.S.-Cuban relations.

Cuba gives conservatives another excellent chance to be furious about something most people will just see as progress.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Prisoner Swap With Cuba
Cuba has released American aid worker Alan Gross after five years in prison, a U.S. official said on Wednesday amid reports of a prisoner exchange that heralds a major overhaul of U.S. policy toward Cuba.

We can have relations with China, Russia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain... But Cuba is just too scary for us?- LOLGOP

Most Americans Are Pro-Torture! OMG.
A majority of Americans believe that the harsh interrogation tactics detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the CIA's handling of prisoners after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were warranted, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.

"My brother kept us safe." - Jeb Bush, who still hasn't been told about 9/11, anthrax, invading Iraq or a Wall St crash.

Republican Shenanigans

After hearing Jeb Bush was running for president, Justice Scalia promised him a victory. A 5-4 victory. -Top Conservative Cat

Obama Throws Monkey Wrench Into GOP Presidential Hopefuls
Leading Republicans reacted with outrage Wednesday over the Obama administration’s move to normalize relations with Cuba, with some casting it as appeasement and the product of blackmail by the communist Castro government.

Rock The Voter News

Cuba gives conservatives another excellent chance to be furious about something most people will just see as progress.- LOLGOP

Strange But True
A Texas plumber says he has no idea how his old company truck ended up in a jihadi photo from the front lines of the war in Syria produced by the militant group ISIS.

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If corporations really are people then polygamy is already legal.- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Since Reaganomics took hold in 1980, most of our economic growth has gone to the richest Americans. which was exactly the point of Reaganomics. It was called Trickle Down but it should be known as Sucking

NY Says NO To Fracking
New York governor Andrew Cuomo's administration said on Wednesday it will ban hydraulic fracturing in the state after a long-awaited report concluded that the oil and gas production process poses health risks.



Odd News

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Kayangan Lake, Philippines. I want to dive in there right now!


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jeb Bush Announces That He's Thinking About Running For President

Jeb Bush Will 'Actively Explore the Possibility of Running for President'
Jeb Bush announced this morning that he will "actively explore the possibility of running for president of the United States."

The former Florida governor, 61, said he made the decision over the Thanksgiving holiday in consultation with his family.

When has one of George H.W. Bush's kids trying to redeem their dad's legacy ever gone wrong?- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

That awkward moment when Cheney says "we needed to torture to stop another 9/11" and Obama stopped torture and another 9/11 didn't happen.- Top Conservative Cat

Remember Ebola, The Disease Republicans Were Obsessed With Before The Election?
 Sierra Leone is planning a house-to-house search for hidden Ebola cases in the capital and surrounding areas, which currently account for more than half of the country's new infections.

"After more than 13 years, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over. This month, America’s war in Afghanistan will come to a responsible end." —President Obama to our troops at Fort Dix

Sorry, Fox News, but comparing Elizabeth Warren to Ted Cruz is like comparing an intelligent human being to Ted Cruz.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush: America's economy is almost recovered enough for another Bush to ruin it.- LOLGOP

We Should Be Afraid Of Dick Cheney!
Jon Stewart came away from The Daily Show on Monday with a greater appreciation for former Vice President Dick Cheney’s boss after watching Cheney’s interview with NBC host Chuck Todd.

“George W. Bush, thank you for not dying while you were in office,” Stewart said to the former president.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter who wins.” Well, in Florida the Democrat lost the race for governor by 66,000 votes. And if he’d won, 700,000 poor Floridians would have gotten health insurance under the Obamacare Medicaid expansion that Republican governors block. So, it would have mattered to them.  - Bill Maher

The last time the GOP won without a Bush on the ticket we got a Nixon. Before Nixon, Hoover. So you can see why they don't buy evolution.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

During his weekly address, Pope Francis assured the crowd that all animals go to heaven. Then cats said, “Have you met us?”- Jimmy Fallon

NYC Police Attempt At Public Relations
New York's police union is showing its displeasure with Mayor Bill de Blasio and the head of the city council by starting a campaign to keep the two politicians away from funerals of fallen officers.

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The Justice Department ruled that Native American tribes are allowed to grow and sell marijuana on reservations. This decision was hailed as a victory by Native American leader Giggling Eagle.- Conan O'Brien

What Was Greenpeace Thinking?
Members of the environmental activist group Greenpeace face criminal and civil charges in Peru for leaving their own footprints on one of the country’s historical monuments while calling for lower carbon footprints...

Business/Tech News

President Mitt McCain has halted all work on renewable energy, but we have built a one-trillion-dollar, coal-powered, electrified fence on the border to keep out the one Mexican who still wants to get here.- Bill Maher

What Is Congress Smoking?
Congress dealt a historic blow to the United States' decades-long war on drugs Saturday with the passage of the federal spending bill, which contains protections for medical marijuana and industrial hemp operations in states where they are legal.

The spending bill includes an amendment that prohibits the Department of Justice from using funds to go after state-legal medical cannabis programs. 

Homeland Security Czar Ted Cruz  has deported all 12 million illegals. So, now we have no fruit.  - Bill Maher

Lou Reed, Mick Jagger and David Bowie hanging out at Café Royale, 1973



Odd News

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Maintenance on the Eiffel Tower, 1937.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Cheney on Interrogation Tactics: 'I Would Do It Again in a Minute'

Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his fierce defense of harsh CIA interrogation tactics used in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, saying flatly that he "would do it again in a minute."

Good news, America. Our ex-vice president would anally rape people again. Now back to Republicans ranting about the rule of law.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It was immoral and it didn't work and I'd do it again.
Dick Cheney on torture and the GOP on another Bush. - LOLGOP

Christian Terrorists In Ohio
A newly launched mentoring program funded with taxpayer dollars requires Ohio school districts to partner with a faith-based organization and a business in order to have access to the money...

BREAKING: Infamous torture mastermind and war criminal found hiding in Crawford, Texas, painting portraits of world leaders and dogs.- Top Conservative Cat

Remember that voice on AOL that said "you've got mail"? Turns out it was the NSA.- The

Republican Shenanigans

Republicans are still hoping Obama nominates a Surgeon General who doesn't believe it's possible to die of a gunshot.- LOLGOP

Lone Republican Stalling Veteran's Suicide Prevention Bill, And He's A Doctor!
An effort to get a veterans suicide-prevention bill passed in the final days of the 113th Congress faces one remaining hurdle: an anonymous hold.

I guess you have to be a Bush to see a report detailing your brother's war crimes as a great chance to launch your presidential campaign.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

So you're okay with torture, against Medicaid expansion and think America is a Christian nation. Got it.- LOLGOP

Arizona Anti-Abortionists Lose This Round Of Never Ending Laws Against Women
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday blocked Arizona from enforcing a state law that restricts access to abortion-inducing drugs by prohibiting off-label uses of RU-486, the so-called "abortion pill."

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Why don't you ladies sit back and let the guys who think torture is okay deal with the fact that most rapes go unreported?- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

I don't trust the government to do anything except torture anyone it's scared of. - LOLGOP

China Doesn't Like The House of Representatives Either.
China is unhappy with the U.S. spending bill passed by the House of Representatives last week, saying it contains discriminatory clauses that violate the rules of fair trade and "send the wrong signal".

None of the bs has changed from yesterday, but you ARE one day closer to death. Happy Monday! =) - The GoodGodAbove Tweet


All Hat No Cattle Is 14 years & 1 Day Old, Today!


Odd News

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The clouded leopard is a cat found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China, and has been classified as vulnerable in 2008.
