Thursday, September 4, 2014

Islamic State militants vow to ‘de-throne’ Vladimir Putin and ‘liberate’ Chechnya

Islamic State militants vow to ‘de-throne’ Vladimir Putin and ‘liberate’ Chechnya
Islamic State militants have issued a threat to President Vladimir Putin, vowing to oust him and “liberate” the volatile North Caucasus over his support of the Syrian regime.

ISIS is now threatening Putin. ISIS vs KGB? I place my bet on Putin. He'll spike their leader's water with nuclear material. Yeah, that or something similar. ISIS is cock-a-doodle-doodling OR Putin put them up to it. lol

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

President Obama will attend a NATO summit in Wales this week with 67 other world leaders. He’s trying to project strength, so the White House says he'll be wearing his toughest shade of tan suit.- Jimmy Fallon

ISIS CRISIS In Iraq Continues
Islamic State militants kidnapped 40 men from a town in Iraq's northern province of Kirkuk on Thursday, dragging the men into cars before driving off, residents said.

Vladimir Putin said today he hopes to have a Ukrainian peace deal by Friday. He's reached out the olive branch. And if there's no peace deal by Friday, Putin said, "I will crush Ukraine like bug under boot."- Craig Ferguson

70ish% of young Americans think same-sex marriage is as controversial as women wearing pants. Stick with this issue for a few decades, GOP.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Scaring The Bejesus Out Of Kids
The publisher of a series of anti-terrorism coloring books for children is rereleasing them in the wake of the brutal execution of American journalists by Islamic militants.

An idea.  Give ISIS Cheney. Bush, and all the others who caused the Iraq war in exchange for the hostages they hold.  ISIS gets what they want, we get what we want and the Bush Cheney crime gang gets what they deserve. - TwoStones Tweet


Lobbyist Patriotism
When you're a Russian company trying to manage U.S. sanctions it helps to have friends in the right places. That's probably why Gazprombank, a Russian bank hit by sanctions earlier this year, named former U.S. senators Trent Lott and John Breaux as its lobbyists.

Rock The Voter News

Another Loss To Comedy
Joan Rivers, the razor-witted comic and red carpet queen, died Thursday of complications suffered from minor surgery in New York City a week ago. She was 81.

 Click here for The Charmed Time

Yes, We Have No Bananas
A severe drought has ravaged crops in Central America and as many as 2.81 million people are struggling to feed themselves, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday, though the region’s coffee crop has been largely unscathed.

The drug store CVS announced that the corporation is changing itself to CVS Health, and they're no longer selling cigarettes. The CEO estimates the company will lose about $2 billion this year because they're not selling cigarettes. It is part of their customer health focus. But you'll still be able to buy tons of candy in the candy aisle.- Jimmy Kimmel

Business/Tech News

The guys who think fast workers don't deserve a living wage are just fine with the Wall Street guys who crashed our economy earning millions. - LOLGOP

GOP Stuffs Media Coffers While Slutting A Candidate
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.) doesn't have a head in the latest attack ad against her -- just a pair of legs, some high heels, and a lot of "baggage."

A glitch in the John Madden NFL game has accidentally created a player who is 1 foot tall. Another glitch accidentally created an NFL player with no criminal record.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Dragon Falls, Venezuela.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Obama Sending 350 More Troops to Iraq

Thank you for dropping by All Hat No Cattle.

We had a gullywasher yesterday and again this morning, hence, no Internet.

I will have a new edition tomorrow, Thursday, September 4, 2014. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.

I do not want you to go away empty handed minded, so I have a few toons below.

Obama Sending 350 More Troops to Iraq
President Obama has authorized another 350 U.S. military personnel to be sent to Iraq, the White House announced on Tuesday evening.

After completely blowing the Iraq War, the media is BACK with "Is the president freaking out enough about Iraq!?"- LOLGOP

"Class Warfare is when the top 1% uses the media..."- John Fugelsang

Hey Ladies Sluts, You Deserve To Be Raped
A Fox News panel on Wednesday agreed that women needed to take “personal responsibility” for avoiding rape by not drinking too much.

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson says the solution to radical Islam is to convert or kill them -because, y'know, we're better than they are.- John Fugelsang

Crazy Christian: Put Gays To Death Like God Wants!
A pastor of a large Southern Baptist church near Chattanooga, Tennessee said this week that Christians would never repent for discriminating against gay people like they had for racism because African-Americans could not change the color of their skin...After spending about 20 minutes recounting the perils of homosexuality throughout history, Gallaty asserted that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because of gay sex...

Hey, remember a year ago when some Republican pols were comparing ISIS to the founding fathers?  You don't?  Good. You're not supposed to.- John Fugelsang

There will never be hacked Jennifer Lawrence-style pics of naked men b/c if you want to see a man's penis he'll generally just show you.- John Fugelsang

Over the weekend a hacker got into Apple’s iCloud and leaked nude photos of a number of celebrities, including Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian. Jennifer wants to sue the hacker for damages, while Kim wants to pay the hacker for his trouble.- Jimmy Fallon



Time To Deflate

This Giant Crystal cave was discovered in 2000 by miners excavating a new tunnel for the Industrias PeƱoles mining company located in Naica, Mexico.

Peace and see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Eric Cantor joins Wall Street bank

Eric Cantor joins Wall Street bank
Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is joining the Wall Street firm Moelis & Co., the firm announced on Tuesday.

I support keeping the US minimum wage at $7.25hr - but only for Congress, because they already live off their tips.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

So the Sunday talk show consensus is Obama is being “too cautious” on ISIS; they’d prefer he be reckless and foolhardy in Iraq. - Top Conservative Cat

The Beat Goes On and On and On
 A week after the guns fell silent in the Gaza war, Israel and the Palestinians seem to have little appetite or incentive for a return to U.S.-sponsored peace and statehood talks that collapsed five months ago.

I feel bad for congressmen who only have 4 more days left of their 5 week vacation. - Top Conservative Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Surprise! Fidel Supports Putin And Still Hates the US and Europe
Cuban ex-president Fidel Castro lashed out at the United States and Europe on Monday, accusing them of war-mongering and comparing the NATO military alliance's representatives to the Nazi SS.

The biggest reason there's no GOP wave this year: 
People don’t love Democrats but they hate the alternative. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Next up on Fox News: How the C+ Michael Brown got in 3rd grade totally justifies his shooting over jaywalking.- Top Conservative Cat

Texas Voter ID
A U.S. court in Texas will hear arguments on Tuesday in a case over a law requiring voters to present photo identification, a move the state's Republican leaders say will prevent fraud while plaintiffs call it a veiled attempt at suppressing minority turnout.

Obama to delay stand on seat reclining until after the election; Ted Cruz vows to label whatever stand the president takes "seat amnesty."- LOLGOP

 Click here for The Charmed Time

'Politically Correct' is the politically correct way of saying 'Less Dickish.'- John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

'Climate Change Science' is a sinister conspiracy by the world scientific community to convince people pollution is bad.- John Fugelsang

US Companies That Fled To China Having Second Thoughts
Foreign companies in China feel increasingly targeted for unfair enforcement of anti-monopoly and other laws and might cut investment if conditions fail to improve, a U.S. business group said Tuesday.

Maybe now that Eric Cantor's a banker House Republicans will actually listen to him.- LOLGOP

In case you haven't heard, there are nude celebrities all over the Internet. I never thought I'd see the day. Someone hacked "the cloud." The cloud is something I don't really understand. It's like whatever language Honey Boo Boo speaks.- Craig Ferguson


My test run birthday candle lighting went terribly wrong.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

If your kids complain about going to school, show them this photo.

 Children Climbing On Unsecured Wooden Ladders Heading To School, Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China.
