Thank you for dropping by All Hat No Cattle.
We had a gullywasher yesterday and again this morning, hence, no Internet.
I will have a new edition tomorrow, Thursday, September 4, 2014. Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience.
I do not want you to go away empty
Obama Sending 350 More Troops to Iraq
President Obama has authorized another 350 U.S. military personnel to be sent to Iraq, the White House announced on Tuesday evening.
After completely blowing the Iraq War, the media is BACK with "Is the president freaking out enough about Iraq!?"- LOLGOP
"Class Warfare is when the top 1% uses the media..."- John Fugelsang
A Fox News panel on Wednesday agreed that women needed to take “personal responsibility” for avoiding rape by not drinking too much.
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson says the solution to radical Islam is to convert or kill them -because, y'know, we're better than they are.- John Fugelsang
Crazy Christian: Put Gays To Death Like God Wants!
A pastor of a large Southern Baptist church near Chattanooga, Tennessee said this week that Christians would never repent for discriminating against gay people like they had for racism because African-Americans could not change the color of their skin...After spending about 20 minutes recounting the perils of homosexuality throughout history, Gallaty asserted that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because of gay sex...
Hey, remember a year ago when some Republican pols were comparing ISIS to the founding fathers? You don't? Good. You're not supposed to.- John Fugelsang
There will never be hacked Jennifer Lawrence-style pics of naked men b/c if you want to see a man's penis he'll generally just show you.- John Fugelsang
Over the weekend a hacker got into Apple’s iCloud and leaked nude photos of a number of celebrities, including Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian. Jennifer wants to sue the hacker for damages, while Kim wants to pay the hacker for his trouble.- Jimmy Fallon
Time To Deflate
This Giant Crystal cave was discovered in 2000 by miners excavating a new tunnel for the Industrias Peñoles mining company located in Naica, Mexico.
Peace and see you tomorrow!
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