Monday, August 13, 2018

Today's episode of AS THE TRUMP TURNS...

Trump lashes out at ‘Wacky Omarosa’ over secret White House recordings: ‘Vicious, but not smart’
President Donald Trump lashed out at former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman after she revealed secret recordings made during her time working for the government.

Seems that the only person who didn’t tape Trump was President Obama. - Roland Scahill

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Funny that the very administration hell bent on destroying science and education, want to create a space force. How do they think they’ll get there, thoughts and prayers? - SCROTUS tweet

Stephen Miller's Uncle Admonishes Him 
If my nephew’s ideas on immigration had been in force a century ago, our family would have been wiped out.

You don’t get to be both a Nazi and a proud American. We literally had a war about this. The whole world was involved. - irishygirl

Republican Shenanigans

If Omarosa was able to smuggle in a phone to record John Kelly in the Situation Room, what spy equipment do you suppose the Russians were able to smuggle into the White House when Kislyak and Lavrov were there with only a Russian photographer? - SoSofieFatale tweet

I'd Lay Low If I Were You, Girl Or At Least Wear Kelvar
The White House is looking into legals steps it could take to keep former staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman from releasing more damning recordings she made while working in the White House

It’s strange not having a president. - Andy Lassner

The FBI Fired Agent Who Texted His Lover
The FBI has fired Peter Strzok over anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with his lover during the 2016 presidential campaign, Strzok's lawyer Aitan Goelman confirmed Monday...

Wait, what? Trump fired him?
Just fired Agent Strzok, formerly of the FBI, was in charge of the Crooked Hillary Clinton sham investigation. It was a total fraud on the American public and should be properly redone! - Donald Trump tweet

Investigation Turns Up Nada Because They Don't Know Where The Migrant Kids Are
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam ordered the review in June hours after the AP published first-person accounts by children as young as 14 who said they were handcuffed, shackled and beaten at the facility, located near Staunton, Virginia. They also described being stripped of their clothes and locked in solitary confinement, sometimes strapped to chairs with bags over their heads.
The state investigators said they were unable to interview the immigrant teens who made sworn statements

Which is worse? 
1. NFL players kneeling before the flag 
2. Trump kneeling before Putin

Who will be the first to interview Peter Strzok and how long must we wait?
That guy’s not going to hold back. -
Philippe Reines


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Rock The Voter News

Rudy Giuliani told CNN the Russia investigation could help Republicans in the midterms because Americans are getting tired of all the drama. Then America was like, “We’ve had 62 seasons of ‘Real Housewives’ — we NEVER get tired of drama.”- Jimmy Fallon

He Said He Didn't Do It. But, There Are Tapes?
Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison has denied that he was abusive to an ex-girlfriend. The accusations surfaced just days a primary vote on Tuesday that will decide whether he becomes his party's pick to run for state attorney general...Ex-girlfriend’s son said he found video on his mother’s computer that showed Ellison “dragging my mama off the bed by her feet, screaming and calling her a ‘f---ing bitch’ and telling her to get the f--- out of his house.”


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This weekend, Glacier National Park recorded the hottest temperature in its history: 100°FNow, it's on fire and being partially evacuated.Glacier -- National -- Park - Eric Holthaus

Business/Tech News

The New York Times has reported $24 million in profit for the second quarter this year. "You're supposed to report profit?" asked Paul Manafort.- Seth Myers

School Supplies Shopping Time In 2018
Maya Rockafellow checked off a list of back-to-school supplies as she readied her 6-year-old son, Graham, for first grade as this year's summer vacation entered its final weeks.
Classroom supplies? Check. Backpack? Check. Bulletproof backpack panel? Check.

My wife caught me looking at Pinterest. I tried to cover it with a porn site, but she’s fast. - Conan O'Brien

We’re gonna rock down to....well darn!



I had to look twice

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I know which one is praying.


Friday, August 10, 2018

So, how are those North Korean negotiations going?

North Korea rejecting US proposals in diplomatic standoff
The US has made repeated proposals to North Korea on denuclearization, all of which have been rejected, according to

Yes, Melania’s mother & father became US citizens today. I guess FLOTUS was too old for her husband to be able to enjoy taking her away from her parents to lock in a cage.- Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Just a reminder that while Pence calls for $8 billion to fund Trump's Space Force idiocy, Senate Republicans just rejected $250 million to bolster election security despite a CURRENT and ONGOING cyberattack by Russia ahead of midterms. 

But sure, go get em Buzz Lightyear. - Brian Tyler Cohen

Trump Shreds Eats Paper
In her forthcoming book, “Unhinged,” former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman claims that she saw President Trump chewing up a piece of paper after a meeting with his then-personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Sarah Sanders claims Omarosa’s new book is “riddled with lies.” Hmm. A bit hypocritical given that if Sanders had a book ”Riddled with Lies” would be a fitting title. - Adam Best

Republican Shenanigans

Devin Nunes is about as intelligent as a bucket of warm spit. - Rick Wilson

Goombah Is Avoiding Mueller
Andrew Miller, a longtime aide to right-wing “dirty trickster” Roger Stone, has been held in contempt of court for refusing to testify before special counsel Robert Mueller...

Going to jail for Roger Stone is an interesting life choice. - Matthew Miller

Omarosa is going to get far more coverage than the government admitting that at least 22 times more Americans died from Hurricane Maria than it first admitted, isn't she? -LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

The judge ordered the government to turn the plane around and bring the asylum-seeking mother and child back to the US. He said that if the situation wasn't fixed he would consider contempt proceedings — starting with the attorney general. - ACLU

Omarosa Has So Much To Say About Trump's Racism 
Omarosa says she witnessed POTUS use racial epithets about Kellyanne Conway’s husband George, who’s half Filipino. “Would you look at this George Conway article?” she quotes the president as saying. “F**ing FLIP! Disloyal! F**ing Goo-goo.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is celebrating her 25th anniversary of being in the Supreme Court and Donald Trump has yet to celebrate his 25th anniversary with any of his wives. - OhNoSheTwint


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Business/Tech News

Instead of Space Force, how about an Earth Force that protects the planet we live on from assholes who support corporations killing it. - Alt Fed Employee tweet

Day 9 Of The Manafort Trial. They Followed The Money.
A Chicago bank CEO who thought he was being considered for positions in President Donald Trump's Cabinet helped facilitate $16 million in loans to Manafort during and after the campaign, a bank official involved in the transactions testified Friday.

“Pick up the battle and make it a better world. Just where you are.” ~Dr. Maya Angelou



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A curved golden bridge held up by two giant hands, designed by TA Landscape Architecture, has opened to the public near Da Nang in central Vietnam. Stunning.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Republicans must be getting nervous

Manafort trial Day 8: Judge concedes fault after Mueller team protests treatment
The federal judge overseeing the Paul Manafort trial conceded Thursday morning that he made a mistake in chastising special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors a day earlier in front of the jury.

Poll: Nation Favors Using Border Camps to Detain Indicted Republicans - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

George W Bush spent all of August 2001 ignoring a brief entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike In the US" and dollars to donuts you can bet that Trump is ignoring whatever coloring-book-slash-intelligence-briefing that his handlers have been trying to read to him all this month. - Jeff Tiedrich

Now Trump Is Sanctioning Russia?
The Russian embassy in Washington, D.C. is pushing back against newly implemented sanctions against Moscow, calling them "draconian" and deflecting blame for the poisoning of an ex-spy that prompted the new penalties.

Woodward and Bernstein watching Nixon’s resignation announcement, 44 years ago this evening.

Hate to be redundant, but I will. Stop comparing Nixon to this scumbag. Nixon ultimately believed in America and the rule of law. This lowlife would take down the whole fvckin world to save himself. He HAS no country. - Ron Perlman

Republican Shenanigans

Laura Ingraham is a crisis actor. - Jeff Tiedrich

Wow. Trickle Down Economics Didn't Work In 1981, 2001 & 2018. Imagine That.
The federal deficit jumped 20 percent in the first 10 months of the 2018 fiscal year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported Wednesday....The rising deficit is largely the result of the tax cuts President Trump signed into law at the end of last year, as well as a bipartisan agreement to boost spending, according to CBO.

T.E.A. P.A.R.T.Y. = Total Economic Amnesia Permits Additional Republican Trickle-down, Y'all. - John Fugelsang


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“Prisons need to get ready,” one expert said. “A red wave is coming.” - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Here Comes The Ladies
A record number of women have won major party nominations for governorships and seats in the House of Representatives this year — a full month before primary season is officially over.

Mueller Offers Trump Chance to Talk About Himself for Hours - Andy Borowitz


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Business/Tech News

Report: Most Americans Have Enough Saved For Retirement To Live Comfortably On Streets - The Onion

Don Jr. Using His Cocky Locky Ego As Deflection Shield
If Donald Trump Jr. is worried, he sure doesn't show it.
His father, the president, is reported to be fretting about his eldest son's entanglement in the Russia investigation. And Don Jr.'s role in the special counsel's probe continues to throw off headlines. But the 40-year-old son is hardly ducking his head.

A G.O.P. spokesman credited the Republican congressional-campaign committee for what he called a “highly successful ruble-raising effort.” - Andy Borowitz



I think I'll have the Minggan

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Butterfly Nebula is three light years across. Three light years.
