The federal judge overseeing the Paul Manafort trial conceded Thursday morning that he made a mistake in chastising special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors a day earlier in front of the jury.
Poll: Nation Favors Using Border Camps to Detain Indicted Republicans - Andy Borowitz
The World Is A Safer Place Without
- ‘Fox & Friends’ praises Kim Jong Un: ‘He’s quite the romantic’
- Saudi-led strike kills dozens of children on school field trip in Yemen
- Assange considers offer to appear before U.S. Senate committee
- Puerto Rico admits hurricane death toll 20 times higher than it first reported
- Pence touts groundwork for future 'Space Force'
George W Bush spent all of August 2001 ignoring a brief entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike In the US" and dollars to donuts you can bet that Trump is ignoring whatever coloring-book-slash-intelligence-briefing that his handlers have been trying to read to him all this month. - Jeff Tiedrich
Now Trump Is Sanctioning Russia?
The Russian embassy in Washington, D.C. is pushing back against newly implemented sanctions against Moscow, calling them "draconian" and deflecting blame for the poisoning of an ex-spy that prompted the new penalties.
Woodward and Bernstein watching Nixon’s resignation announcement, 44 years ago this evening.
Hate to be redundant, but I will. Stop comparing Nixon to this scumbag. Nixon ultimately believed in America and the rule of law. This lowlife would take down the whole fvckin world to save himself. He HAS no country. - Ron Perlman
Republican Shenanigans
- Omarosa Secretly Recorded Trump—And Played the Audio for People, Sources Say
- Kasich on Close Ohio Race: Voters 'Sent a Message to the Republicans to Knock It Off'
- Giuliani predicts Mueller case is ‘going to blow up on them’
- Secret recording shows GOP's Nunes saying Rosenstein impeachment would delay Supreme Court pick
- Trump connects with Rand ‘at gut level’
- Jared Kushner demanded these stories be deleted from the New York Observer’s website
- Trump, Daniels lawyers agree to move libel suit to L.A.
- Infowars' Alex Jones wants Sandy Hook parents' addresses to be made public—after they sue him for defamation
- Bill Shine Settles Lawsuit Alleging Fox News Smeared Man Via Media "Sock Puppets"
- Prosecutor who sabotaged Ferguson investigation sent home by voters
- Melania Trump’s parents become U.S. citizens as president proposes further crackdown on legal immigration
- Laura Ingraham's Latest Racist Rant Is Monstrous Even for Her
Laura Ingraham is a crisis actor. - Jeff Tiedrich
Wow. Trickle Down Economics Didn't Work In 1981, 2001 & 2018. Imagine That.
The federal deficit jumped 20 percent in the first 10 months of the 2018 fiscal year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported Wednesday....The rising deficit is largely the result of the tax cuts President Trump signed into law at the end of last year, as well as a bipartisan agreement to boost spending, according to CBO.
T.E.A. P.A.R.T.Y. = Total Economic Amnesia Permits Additional Republican Trickle-down, Y'all. - John Fugelsang
“Prisons need to get ready,” one expert said. “A red wave is coming.” - Andy Borowitz
Rock The Voter News
- Ohio county finds hundreds of uncounted votes in already too-close-to-call special election
- The rate of women addicted to opioids during pregnancy in the US quadrupled in 15 years, according to the CDC
Here Comes The Ladies
A record number of women have won major party nominations for governorships and seats in the House of Representatives this year — a full month before primary season is officially over.
Mueller Offers Trump Chance to Talk About Himself for Hours - Andy Borowitz
Business/Tech News
- Oil prices plunge to nearly 7-week low amid US-China trade tension
- ICE raids a dozen businesses in Nebraska, Minnesota in vast tax fraud investigation
- Tribune backs out of Sinclair merger
- Startling jump in NFL player claims for Parkinson's and ALS pushes payout projections past 65-year total in 18 months
Report: Most Americans Have Enough Saved For Retirement To Live Comfortably On Streets - The Onion
Don Jr. Using His Cocky Locky Ego As Deflection Shield
If Donald Trump Jr. is worried, he sure doesn't show it.
His father, the president, is reported to be fretting about his eldest son's entanglement in the Russia investigation. And Don Jr.'s role in the special counsel's probe continues to throw off headlines. But the 40-year-old son is hardly ducking his head.
A G.O.P. spokesman credited the Republican congressional-campaign committee for what he called a “highly successful ruble-raising effort.” - Andy Borowitz
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