Monday, January 27, 2025

Trump Deportation Forces Told To 'Dress For The Cameras' — Wear 'Raid Jackets' To 'Generate Media Attention' Say CNN Sources

Trump Deportation Forces Told To 'Dress For The Cameras' — Wear 'Raid Jackets' To 'Generate Media Attention' Say CNN Sources
President Donald Trump’s immigration officials have been instructed to “dress for the cameras” according to sources who told CNN that every participant must wear “raid jackets” to maximize media attention on the mass deportation effort.

Colombia accepted 475 deportation flights from the United States from 2020 to 2024, fifth behind Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and El Salvador. It accepted 124 deportation flights in 2024. They did it b/c they were asked by Joe Biden & it worked. Creating fake crises is Trump's MO. - Henry M. Rosenberg

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Firing Inspector Generals is like spray painting security cameras before the big heist. - Sean Gartner

Rep. Jason Crow: "I don't want to hear Donald Trump or JD Vance or anyone else in this administration talk about backing the blue, talk about supporting law enforcement, when they just released over 1,000 cop beaters."

Trump Inserts Knife, Then Twists It

Trumpers switching to Italian Roast coffee to punish Colombia is a perfect example of why you should pay attention in school.

Honduran President Xiomara Castro:  "In the case of unnecessary reprisals against our migrants, we would have to reconsider a change in our military cooperation policies with the USA — for decades they've maintained military bases on our soil without paying a cent."

I'll be out buying four years worth of coffee today if anyone needs me. - Randi Mayem Singer

Republican Shenanigans

A woman who executed her own dog is now in charge of keeping our homeland safe. - JoJoFromJerz

Woman Who Posted Her Nazi Salute Forced To Resign. Gun Meet Foot. 

Gov. Pritzker (D-IL): "President Trump ought to be calling that out. If he doesn't agree with Elon Musk, if he doesn't agree with two Sieg Heils at his own rally and backing a party that backs Nazis, then he ought to say so. Why isn't Donald Trump speaking out?

Trump Asks Kristi Noem to Shoot Government Watchdogs. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

It's been a week. The shock part is over; the awe part never happened. Time to be throwing sand into the fascist gears, y'all. - John Scalzi

Apparently, Trump Wants To Control California's Water Supply

We’re gonna need either a real press corps or a real opposition party and we’re gonna need it fast. - Adam Parkhomenko


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Business/Tech News

Trump Threatens to Deport Chickens Unless They Lower Price of Eggs. - Andy Borowitz

Wildfires Followed By Rain 

No infrastructure.
No public education.
No environmental protections.
No workplace safety.
No veterans affairs.
No co-equal branches.
No transparency.
No oversight.

They’re not planning on actually governing. They never were.

The plan is to rule. - JoJoFromJerz

Hi, I’m God.

You all died in 2016. 

And yes, this is Hell. - godpod


I concur.


  1. WOW! That deAdder cartoon based on "Planet of the Apes" was spot on! I'm still waiting for someone to blame Biden for the AI wars hurting techbro stocks today!
    Thank you, Lisa, for the guffaws of the dog needing to pee and injuries from a toaster! 🤣🤣 I sure needed those!! 🤗

  2. Re those Danish pastries ;
    Moron is Welsh for Carrot. So maybe they are referencing tRumps fave colour?
