Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden Spokesman Shoots Down ‘Baseless’ Axios Story On Dropping Out

Biden Spokesman Shoots Down ‘Baseless’ Axios Story On Dropping Out
A spokesman for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign shot down a report suggesting that his team believes that “it’s now when, not if” the president announces he’s dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

Well, there are multiple articles claiming Pelosi and Obama asked Biden to step down. Now is the time for Pelosi and Obama to speak up, loud and clear. Time's a wasting.

We want to promote the types of virtues that exist in Kyle Rittenhouse. - JD Vance

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

I am old enough to be having terrible flashbacks to 1968. I was a naive teenager among those who marched against Lyndon Johnson over Vietnam. Johnson had given us civil rights law but was hounded from the ticket, a tragic character. The result: the Chicago convention disaster, Richard Nixon, his Southern strategy, leading to civil war today. The short-sighted rush to push Joe Biden out is filled with such peril. And if Kamala Harris and Black voters are in turn bypassed, we lose the election and everything for generations. We lose democracy. Stop. Think. - Jeff Jarvis

Weird how the "liberal" media never ran a propaganda campaign to replace demented convicted felon, rapist, and insurrectionist Donald Trump. - Alex Cole

Republicans Are Proud Of Their Racism And Offer Tips, Too.

"citing multiple people briefed on Obama's thinking."

How the f--- does that pass for a reliable source for a reputable news organization? - Eric Gracia

Republican Shenanigans

JD Vance is about as Appalachian as Olive Garden is Italian

Grifters Gonna Grift.

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy on CNN on Matt Gaetz: "He looks very unhinged. A lot of people have concerns about him, and I'm not sure if he was on something. But I do hope that he gets the help that he needs. More importantly, I hope the young women get the justice they deserve when it comes to him."

It’s like we’re living in an Alfred Hitchcock movie where everything has gone batshit crazy but no one notices. - Rachel Bitecofer

I can’t wait ‘til Trump takes off the bandage to reveal an entire ear. “When you’re a star, they just grow back. You can do anything.” - JoGo


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Make no mistake: If elected, J.D. Vance will help implement the extreme Project 2025 plan for a second Trump term, which outlines a plan to restrict access to contraception and ban abortion nationwide.

We will stop them. - Kamala Harris

One Thing This Poll Confirms Is That Democrats Love Kamala Harris. I Sure Do.

I'm watching Kristen Welker and Lester Holt drone on and on about how great Republicans are doing on "toning it down" here in Milwaukee

This as delegates are waving placards, "Mass deportation now!" - Will Bunch

A mass deportation policy would rip apart American families and devastate our economy. 

It's also such a centerpiece of the Republican Party agenda that they had literal signs made. - Hillary Clinton

NOAA Predicts Hot Summer and Steamy Fall

My soul is soothed when beautiful music unexpectedly 
brings people together.

Biden gets COVID, he shows us his medical info. 
Trump gets "SHOT" and shows us a maxi pad. 



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A unknown artist did this lovely painting. Lots of charming detail and mysterious shadows in the floor sunlight.



  1. You symphonic flash mob made me cry. I said, "You'll never see something like that in Alabama." Then wife reminded me that Alabama has played a central role in the development of both blues and country music. Appalachian folk music, fiddle music, gospel, spirituals, and polka have had local scenes in Alabama and the Tuskegee Institute's School of Music, especially the Tuskegee Choir, is an internationally renowned institution. So I stand corrected.

  2. Trump's bloody ear, for his still not seen injury or actual medical report, had as much blood as a few of my shaving cuts. I use a bit of toilet paper on them.
    Also, if there are no more weather reports then climate change can't be real. Problem solved.

  3. I agree with Anonymous! There's no climate change if there's no climate reporting!! During the pandemic, Trump really did say that the reason the number of Covid cases is so high is because of all the testing, so stop testing and the pandemic will be over. Next up, if news sources are prevented, by law, from reporting on shootings, there will be no gun deaths!! It's so simple!! It's genius AF!! 🤩
