Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Speaker Johnson amid criticism: ‘Mess’ in House not ‘a reflection on the leader’

Speaker Johnson amid criticism: ‘Mess’ in House not ‘a reflection on the leader’
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday downplayed problems in the House GOP conference a day after his leadership team lost two votes in a row on the House floor.


Panicked House Republicans Ask Jesus What to Do Now. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

mike johnson just got railroaded so hard his son’s phone got a notification. - DanD

Musk Continues To Spray His Odor
A media outlet run by the Russian government delighted in billionaire Elon Musk’s vulgar defense of Tucker Carlson’s upcoming interview with Vladimir Putin on Wednesday after Musk criticized American journalists for “giving a blowjob” to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Make no mistake about it, Russia and Putin are enemies of America and if we do not stop them by proxy with Ukraine, it will be our young men and women who will be on the front lines against Russia, next. That is what Republicans actions are going to result in. - Eugene

I think it's a good time to remind everyone that Marjorie Taylor Greene asked for a pardon just 3 days after being in Congress. - MayoIsSpicyy

Republican Shenanigans

"I'm tired of people calling me an insurrectionist!" - Marjorie Taylor Greene, insurrectionist

Mike Johnson Begs Jesus To Please Rapture Him Up Right This Second. - Andy Borowitz

I Think Trump Enjoys Kicking People To The Curb

Having a functioning government is on my bucket list. - Andy Borowitz

It doesn’t get talked about much but one reason Biden will win by a greater margin than in 2020 is way more Trump voters died of Covid than Biden voters. - Claude Taylor

Biden to Republicans: “Show some spine. Show the American people you work for them, not for Donald Trump.”


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Business/Tech News

You know who has never asked for or needed immunity. 

Any other President — ever. - Eric Rosen

Snapchat Snaps



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
The Narrows, Zion National Park, Utah. I would be so tempted to take one of those blue stones -- but I wouldn't.



  1. The dog on the bench blew my mind!

  2. I agree with Careycal64...blew my mind! My family decided to call it Pegleg Corgi, the wooden-legged pirate dog! "Aarrr, matey, who be the scurvy knave what took all your legs? Are you glad you be taller now?" 🤣

  3. Gotta admit, don't get the '45 bags of spinach' one.

