Friday, February 9, 2024

Putin walks away with propaganda victory after Tucker Carlson’s softball interview

It's evident now why Vladimir Putin granted an interview to Tucker Carlson.

Trump Seething With Jealousy After Learning Putin is Seeing Other Traitor. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Donald Trump woke up this morning liable of sexual abuse, defamation & business fraud, owing more than a hundred million dollars in legal judgements while still facing hundreds of millions more as well as 4 criminal indictments and 91 charges.

Joe Biden woke up exonerated. - JoJoFromJerz

Ted Turner's CNN Used To Be About News, Now It's About Ratings. 

Merrick Garland needs to demand that Robert Hur issue a statement, making very clear, that he had neither the expertise required, or the authority to include comments in his report about anything other than whether the President should be charged. - Jack Hopkins

Thank Goodness Jack Smith Is Hard At Work. Wish I Could Say The Same About Merrick Garland.

Why are the same Republicans who attempted to overthrow the Government on January 6th, 2021, now running the House of Representatives?

Where are Merrick Garland and the DOJ? - Brandon Unger


Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Why does the Supreme Court say Texas can decide that the whole country can’t get Mifepristone, but Colorado can’t test the constitutionality of Trump being on ballots? -  Jill Wine-Banks

This CNN Commentator Commented That Joe Biden Was A Douchebag A Few Months Ago. Classy, CNN.
Republican strategist and CNN commentator Scott Jennings said that as next in line to the presidency, Vice President Kamala Harris is now “squarely” a campaign issue after a Department of Justice report cast doubt on President Joe Biden’s mental fitness.

The memory issues that concern me the most are that millions of Americans seem to have forgotten what a disaster the years 2017-2021 were. - Andy Borowitz

Oo, Look, CNN Brought In Jeffrey Toobin, You Know, The Guy Caught Masturbating In A Zoom Meeting. Classy, Again, CNN.
Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin made a rare prediction that former President Donald Trump’s ballot ban would be overturned by the Supreme Court in a “slam-dunk victory!”

Maybe the only good thing about Elon Musk allowing all these antisemites and racists back on to Twitter is now they feel free to openly express their genocidal rage, and that makes it a LOT easier for the FBI to identify them. - Liam Nissan



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
In case you ever wondered how big an eagle’s talons are.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Well, thanks, Marlin Perkins, for those trips to the Wild Kingdom!! I never worried about the size of eagle talons and now I gotta watch the skies!! 🙄🥵 And, those night cats...that's why I never have more than 2 at a time! I can't serve more masters than that!! 😘😻

  2. That's has to be a Harpy Eagle to have talons that big.
