Monday, January 8, 2024

Trump tells Iowans to ‘get over’ recent school shooting: ‘We have to move forward’

...His somewhat harsh rhetoric comes after a gunman entered Perry High School on Thursday morning, the first day back from winter break, with a pump action shotgun and handgun. He shot and killed one student, and left several others injured — including the school principal, authorities confirmed.

The 2024 election is a choice between democracy and someone who can't spell democracy. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If you’re watching us from outside the United States, it’s not as bad as it looks.

It’s way worse. - John Collins

I'm Not Holding My Breath....
Congressional leaders managed to reach a topline federal spending deal for 2024, which represents a considerable step to avoid a possible government shutdown in the near future.

Trump Calls Biden a Threat to Insurrections. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Lauren Boebert is part of an elaborate plot to make Sarah Palin look classy. - Andy Borowitz

When Ann Coulter & Chris Christie are the most reasonable people in your party, your party is a raging dumpster fire. - TheUSASingers

From my 2017 archives

Judges Sure Don't Like Trump

Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled late Saturday night that legal representation for former President Donald Trump cannot argue that he did NOT rape E Jean Carroll...Judge Kaplan wrote: “Defendant and his counsel shall not offer any evidence, conduct examination, or make any argument relating to Carroll II jury’s determination that plaintiff had failed to prove that defendant ‘raped’ her within the meaning of the New York Penal Law.”

Meghan McCain: "Trump is a piece of sh-t, election denying, huckster whose own wife won't campaign with him."


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Rock The Voter News

Clarence Thomas Refuses To Leave Super Yacht to Rule on Trump Case. - Andy Borowitz

Why Isn't Roger Stone In Jail?

Infamous political operative Roger Stone was recorded on tape telling an associate to “abduct” and “punish” a prosecutor who led the case against him as part of the Mueller probe.

Donald Trump is 77 years old and morbidly obese. We have no idea what his health problems are because he won’t tell us. But thanks to the MSM the only thing that ever gets talked about is Biden being too old. Trump is old and fat. Someone should point that out. - Gary Andover


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Business/Tech News

One of the great myths of our time is that Republican presidents are better at managing the economy:

Bush: +2.6M jobs
Clinton: +22.9M 
Bush: +1.4M 
Obama: +11.6M 
Trump: -2.7M 
Biden: +14.9M
Republican Presidents (16 years): +1.3M Democratic Presidents (19 years): +49.4M - Mark Elliot

Well, Drug Use Sure Would Explain His Erratic Behavior
Elon Musk’s reported drug use has Tesla Inc. board members facing a familiar quandary: having to decide what, if anything, to do about the chief executive subjecting directors and shareholders alike to great financial and legal risk.

How did Jesus find guys named Peter, John, James, Matthew, Andrew, Phillip, Thomas & Simon in the Middle East?! - Brad


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