Friday, January 12, 2024

Raskin demands Trump return $7.8M foreign governments paid his companies during presidency

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) went after former President Trump on Friday, demanding in a letter that he return about $7.8 million Trump’s companies received from foreign governments while he was in office.
House Oversight and Accountability Committee Democrats first made the allegation in a report last week, claiming Trump’s companies accepted money from foreign entities in 20 countries and alleging the payments violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

Just to be clear, I don’t want to see him die in prison.

I want to see him live in prison. - John Collins

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

If the U.S. Navy is shot at by pirate ships, the U.S. Navy does not need congressional approval to shoot back at the pirate ships.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. - Matthew Chapman

Why are they so worried about terrorists crossing the border when MAGA is already here? - John Collins

Lordy, There's Tapes!

So there's an audio tape of Roger Stone plotting to kill Rep Eric Swalwell and Rep Jerry Nadler in 2020 and now all of his right wing militia buddies are in prison for storming the Capitol on January 6th and trying to murder congress.

Seems related. - BlackKnight10K

Republican Shenanigans

Rand Paul doesn't belong in the Senate. He belongs in a Montana cabin writing manifestos on the insides of ripped open Slim Jim boxes. - Middle Age Riot


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Rock The Voter News

My predecessor tried to strip millions of people of their health care coverage, end Medicaid coverage for millions more, and return to the days when insurance companies had free reign to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions and charge women more than men. 

I won’t let it happen on my watch. - President Biden

Speaker Johnson May Become The Next Kevin McCarthy -- Out Of A Job.
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said he is sticking by a top-line spending deal that he struck with congressional Democrats and the White House this month amid calls from hard-line conservatives to scrap the plan and come up with an alternative.

Perhaps someone—a judge would be my pick—should tell Trump, “Stop being an asshole.” - Stephen King


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Someday USA will wake up & realize how bad we got screwed, not just by Trump but by the entire billionaire class that paid to rot our system from within so they could avoid oversight & fair taxation. We have an obscene relationship w/wealth, giving it a value that was unearned. - Noel Casler

Business/Tech News

Just a couple of guys who turned down Alabama to stick with FSU

Alabama Democrats  Want Recently Retired Alabama Coach Saban To Run Against Retired Auburn Coach, Sen. Tuberville

When Donald Trump is eventually gone, all the federal government would have to do is to charge $1-per-person for Americans to visit the Capitol rotunda and spit on his casket.

We could wipe out the national debt within days. - Morgan J. Freeman

We’re unique in the world in that we’re a people not bound by blood, but ideas.

That’s a precious thing & I can only believe that the people who are so determined to decide who is and who isn’t American based on blood are doing so because they don’t have any ideas at all. - Jay Black



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Ted Spence, engineer of the Los Angeles Brush Manufacturing Corp., demonstrates the “Hairline Brush” in Los Angeles on this date January 12 in 1950. The brush is constructed to fit a bald head contour with a felt pad to massage the scalp. Apparently, it never gained traction.
Photo by Don Brinn.



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