Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Iowa Caucus replay: The biggest moments, the drama of the early race call and scenes around Iowa

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has snatched second place in Iowa's caucuses, edging former UN ambassador Nikki Haley into third in a Republican contest dominated by Donald Trump.

A friend tells me that at her caucus location last night, the spokesperson for Trump told caucus goers that Trump won three Nobel Peace Prizes while president.

That’s what we’re dealing with, folks. - Heath Mayo

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

On day one I'll deport all immigrants 

Iowa Farmers:
Hell yes, take our cheap labor away from us. - BillysThought

I Bet The CIA Feels Exactly The Same
The former head of MI6, British military intelligence, Sir Richard Dearlove spoke to Sky News’s Trevor Philips about the major security challenges facing the United Kingdom and listed Donald Trump’s possible reelection as a “national security” risk.

Republican Shenanigans

Approximately 110,000 Republicans caucused in Iowa last night. That is fewer than 15% of the total number of registered Republicans in that state.

In other words, the GOP campaigns spent $1,124/vote. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Apparently, Sex Trafficking Requires A Lot Of Passports
In June 2011, the U.S. Department of State received an urgent request from an American businessman who sought a second U.S passport for impending trips to Europe and multiple African nations...The businessman's name: Jeffrey Edward Epstein.

Republican voters need to be defeated. 

They've lost their collective humanity. - John Pavlovitz


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Rock The Voter News

It’s crazy how all of a sudden elections are not stolen, huh? - RealhousewifeMI

Oh, Nikki Haley Is Sure In Denial About Racism. A Typical Republican!
Presidential candidate and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) appeared on Fox & Friends on Tuesday following her third-place finish in the Iowa caucuses, telling Fox News host Brian Kilmeade that America has “never been a racist country.”

Reminder for New Hampshire voters:

A vote for Nikki Haley is a vote to force everyone to work into their 70s. - Richard Angwin


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Business/Tech News

For those of you who believe it when oil billionaires say that climate scientists are ‘grifting’ when they try to warn us about global warming, I beg you to try to remember the last time you saw a climate scientist court-side at the Lakers decked out in Gucci. - Jay Black

I Hope They Tell Him: GFY

Poll: Majority of Iowa Republicans Willing to Go to Prison in Trump’s Place. - Andy Borowitz

1 comment:

  1. One of my good friends refuses to talk to me due to his Maga extremism.
    Your Taylor Swift meme should put a nail in it. Grazie!
