Monday, December 18, 2023

White House pushes back against ‘extreme Congressional Republicans’ in year-end memo

The White House in a year-end memo Monday pushed back against congressional Republicans, calling them “extreme” and saying they don't have a strong economic...

Publisher of Mein Kampf Sues Trump for Plagiarism. - Andy Borowitz


The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

It’s so weird that the guy who loves to shout “Russia, Russia, Russia!” and “Russian Hoax!” had a top secret file go missing…on Russia. - adgirlMM

The Netanyahu Effect
The US is to announce the launch of an expanded maritime protection force involving Arab states to combat the increasingly frequent Houthi attacks being mounted from Yemen’s ports on commercial shipping in the Red Sea

Republican Shenanigans

Recent top conservatives charged or sued for sexual assault. 

Matt Schlapp 3x
Christian Ziegler 
Rudy Giuliani 
Donald Trump already liable for sexual assault. 

Is it a coincidence the same party that wants to control women’s bodies also sexually assaults them? I think not! - Jay

Speculation that Donald Trump buried stolen documents in Ivana's grave is petty and morbid and almost certainly true. - Middle Age Riot

Paranoid Me: I Pray This Wasn't A Test Run.

Mob bosses convicted by Rudy are volunteering to serve as free collection agents for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. - SundaeDivine


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Rock The Voter News

I love days where Pope Francis enrages the fake Christians by acting like Jesus. - John Fugelsang

I'm Glad Someone Cornered This "Aw Shucks" Conservative Christian
MSNBC host Symone Sanders grilled Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett this weekend over the GOP’s lack of evidence to impeach President Joe Biden over his family’s foreign business dealings.

Republican women get abortions too. 
They’re not fooling anyone. - Lisa_liberal


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Business/Tech News

The world’s richest man has taken possession of a global social media platform used by the world’s journalists, scientists, governments, private citizens, businesses, religions, militaries and health/emergency services to share all vital information—It’s going as you might expect - Luke Zaleski

DOT Fines Southwest Airlines A Record $140 Million

I once had a nice '73 Chevy Suburban that you started with a key. Never had to replace batteries in the fob. No TV monitor on the dash, no chips, no computer. SatNav?  Instead of that, I had this thing called a "map." Some of you older folks may remember those. - Stephen King



I am taking a Christmas vacation and will return next Tuesday, December 26.


Merry Christmas from Costa Rica!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Merry Christmas from Uranus. This image of Uranus from NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) on the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope shows the planet and its rings in new clarity.


1 comment:

  1. it has taken until today to realize how much I will miss you over Christmas. I do hope you enjoy the break and get to spend time doing the things that make this time of year most special to you.
