Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Trump Doubles Down on Digital Trading Cards as Fraud Trial Threatens Business, Generously Offers a Physical Card to Those Who Spend Over $4,600

Trump Doubles Down on Digital Trading Cards as Fraud Trial Threatens Business, Generously Offers a Physical Card to Those Who Spend Over $4,600
Former President Donald Trump is doubling down on his investment in digital trading cards, this time offering a “Mugshot Edition” and the opportunity to receive an actual physical card to collectors who spend over $4,600 on digital ones.

The only gifts alpha males want for Christmas are George Santos cameos and President Trump digital trading cards. - ElectionLegal

The World Is A Safer Place Without Republicans

Remember that with a mere 5% of the US defense budget, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have eliminated half of Russia's conventional military. This is the most efficient Pentagon expenditure ever.
To oppose US aid to Ukraine is to work for Putin & his victory in Ukraine. - Anders Aslund

Will Hamas Listen To Putin?

Biden Warns Netanyahu. Good.

We are getting to a tipping point. Rudy is nuts. Marge is crazy. Mike Johnson thinks he’s Moses. Trump is stuck in a maniac’s fear and hate loop. The rest of the GOP and MAGA are zombies of the cult.  I think the real fireworks start soon.  I hope we’re prepared. - Bill Johnson

Republican Shenanigans

If Donald Trump wins the election next year, does MAGA still believe that Kamala Harris has the constitutional authority to throw out his electoral votes to make Joe Biden president again?

Yeah, I didn't think so . . . - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Giuliani's Last Hurrah?

White MAGA Christians — why do you act like God personally left you in charge of this country? - Kenny Akers

How about we let physicians and their patients decide what’s best for patients not rogue politicians and judges. - Kevin Washington

Ron DeSantis' boots remind me of the Salamanca twins boots

Effort to Regulate Uteri Led By Men With Small Peni. - Andy Borowitz

If Kate Cox Returns To Texas, Will She Be Arrested?

Wherever Kate Cox is now, she should apply for asylum. - Tristan Snell

If men could be punished for the abortions they caused, Roe v. Wade would be reinstated overnight. - Middle Age Riot

Elmo yesterday endorsed the torture of bereaved parents in Sandy Hook. Truly demented. - Joe Conason

1 comment:

  1. Was astounded by astronomer's astute recommendation that we dress warmly and go outside to enjoy the Geminid meteor shower. Now I finally understand why we've never been able to see them, sitting on the couch in our pajamas. Some people are just smarter than the rest of us.
